Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 334: A Small Lesson

Chapter 334: A Small Lesson

2At the same time that Alex unleashed his second gun ability somewhere far away, where only darkness was ever-present, one could hear a burst of evil laughter.      4

''Kekeke! Finally, you have appeared. Let's see if this time you will escape my grasp. Even sealed, I have infiltrated numerous worlds, soon I will be free, and the universe shall remember us. Kekeke! Nyx soon we will see each other.''      

In another location, outside the universe in an entirely different space, from this space, all the worlds were visible.      

Two individuals could be seen playing chess; their features couldn't be seen as a rainbow light obstructed it, one wore a white robe while the other wore a black robe, suddenly they stopped, the one in white looked in the direction of a particular minuscule world, it was Mysthia.      

''Hoh?! Finally, they will be some action.''      

''Well, let's wait, and those girls' host seemed to have a special ability unlike the previous one. Don't interfere, do you hear me?" The one in the white robe threatened.      

''Hohoho! Don't worry; the others will not accept either way. I will only watch.'' the one in black robe promised before they resumed playing.      


Back to Mysthia's world, Andoras principality, in the depth of the abandoned village.     

After Alex used the black gun he, immediately fainted; the imps that was holding Gracier got incinerated by the pressure from the bullet, Gracier started falling towards the ground simultaneously Alex also started falling, Silveria manifested and caught Gracier while an ill illusionary young girl slightly smaller than Silveria appeared and caught Alex.      

''Big sister, you are finally out!" Silveria was overjoyed; if not because she was currently taking care of Gracier, she would have jumped toward the girl.      

Finally, the young girl put Alex on the ground and turned to face Silveria. Her features became visible, dressed in a simple black robe, lustrous black hair, her was even more beautiful than Silveria's face because it was cold, even though it was not her real body present at the moment, the air inside the room was cold, if it weren't because Silveria was using her power to protect Alex and Gracier, they would be freezing.      

It wasn't because Nyx wished for it to happen; it was because of how strong, how dangerous she is.      

Her beautiful icy blue eyes, her right eye was a little dim, in an emotionless tone she said.      

''I'm temporarily out. Take care of them. I have something to do.''      

Nyx didn't wait for Silveria's reply before disappearing. Silveria could only sigh. Her sister's habits never change; Nyx does as she please.      

''Seriously, dealing with you gives me more headache than dealing with those crazy lunatics,'' Silveria said as she sat in the middle of the siblings caressing their heads.      

Using her Divine Sense, she observed the floor above; she stopped on the first floor where the battle between Sera, Pandora (Meera), and Alice reached its climax.     

Alice had lost one hand; she was seriously injured, Sera and Pandora weren't also faring better, just as the two were about to lunch an attack on Alice to finish her, they froze as if time had stopped, a black shadow passed through the three before time resumed, Alice was lying unconscious on the ground, Sera and Pandora stared at each not understanding what just occurred, even so, their goal hasn't changed, Sera blinked and arrived above Alice, her black sword ready to pierce through the latter head, she heard a voice.      

''Stop, don't kill her; she has become one of us. We will be taking her with us.''      

Sera froze; she might have dismissed this as a joke if another person told her this; however, she didn't dare to take Silveria's words as a joke, so she stopped and sheathed her sword.     

Seeing Sera stop like that, not killing Alice as they had decided upon, Pandora (Meera) was perplexed; she questioned Sera.      

''Why do you stop? Don't you know how dangerous she is? What if she woke up and attacked us after recovering her strength?"      

Because Silveria's voice only reached Sera, not Pandora, she didn't know that Alice had become one of them.      

''Stop, I don't know what happened. Maybe something happened in that short period when we couldn't move, but somehow Alice has become one of us. Please do not question me how did I know this. Someone told me, and this person would never lie about such important stuff.'' Sera explained to Pandora.      

''I see.'' Unexpectedly Pandora (Meera) didn't raise a fuse, she understood; now that Sera said this, she could now understand why she was feeling a subtle connection for a while, it must be because Alice had become Alex's subordinate, a connection was formed between the three, she could sense Alex's other subordinates close by surely because they shared Alex's blood.     

Her guess wasn't false. When Nyx stopped time, her right hand pierced through Alice's chest, directly reaching her heart, that black stone; she wiped the signature blood inside the stone and let one drop of Alex's blood on the stone [A/N: She took a bit of Alex's blood when she was putting him on the ground.]; Thanks to this, Alice became Alex's subordinate even though she didn't know yet.      

Back to Silveria's location.      

She heaved another sigh; she could not help but complain.      

''Seriously, do not leave things half accomplished. You must finish properly. You let me take care of it even when you could have easily done it. If I asked for a reason, you would say it's too bothersome.''      

''Ah! What a troublesome sister you are.''      

Even though Silveria was complaining, there was a smile on her face; now that her sister appeared, she feels more at ease; she doesn't feel lonely as it was in the past, although Nyx was not free, for her to come out can be considered a good thing. This means Alex has gotten a little bit stronger, unleashing Nyx's ability at his current; even if it was temporary was an enormous feat, it was because of this ability that Nyx was most dreaded.     

''I wonder what sister is up to? Hehehe! Either way, I won't end well for whoever she set her eyes on.'' Silveria muttered as Nyx was not still back.     


Holy Crux empire, the capital, Damien's room.      

He was lying on his bed with a sour face; he just got rebuked by the Pope, even the goddess said she was disappointed in his performance. Fortunately, things are still salvageable; however, he must not go back to the academy; for the time being, things are still heated; who knows what Alex might do. Damien heard that Alex was still searching for his sister while Leonardo escaped.      

''Tch! Just wait, Alex. I will pay you back a hundredfold that humiliation. You will never be able to see your sister ever again, only her corpse after they are done with her.''      

Damien's voice was full of hatred, he hated Alex's to bones, because of him everything went awry, he lost in terms of strength, he lost the woman he loves, even his status as the Holy son was jeopardized, one should know that while they exist Holy son, they also exist Holy daughter, just that Holy daughter get less limelight, however, now that he has fallen miserably, his position was shaken, and the Holy daughter who was vying for his position would stop at nothing but to trample him.      

Damien heard that sounds she would be sent on a mission, something that never happened before; it was as if they wished to tell him that he was not so special anymore.      

''Shit, that slut must be overjoyed. Just wait, I will show you, nobody can take my place, what is mine will be mine. I'm the chosen one; I'm the goddess favorite.'' Damien started rambling before suddenly stopping as he remembered the black lightning that struck Mysthia's world and the phenomenon preceding the lightning arrival.     

''I wonder what that thing was.''      

''Well, it has nothing to do with me. I have to relax before moving to deal with Alex and get Luna. In this life, she can only be mine; I will stop-"      

Abruptly, Damien stopped talking and clutched his heart before his hands became motionless; life had left his body before dying; Damien had experienced hell; he suffered so much that his soul scattered, never to be reincarnated again.      

While Holy Crux empire, only one Holy son lost his life, not the most powerful entities noticed this.     

Floating above the continents was Nyx; she was the one that just killed Damien. It would take Alex some time before he could deal with Damien; with this, he had one less worry, it not because of Damien's death, the Holy Crux would stop their attempt to get Luna, they will never stop, inevitably Holy Crux empire will clash against Alex sooner or later. Damien was just a pawn.      

Nyx shifted her gaze from the Holy Crux empire and looked into another location inside the outer of Avalon; deep underground was a small laboratory filled with bizarre monsters. This was one of the organization responsible for Gracier's kidnapping hideout. Nyx disappeared, and when she reappeared again, that base was no more; it was utterly erased, only one letter was caved on the ground where the base used to be a big T.      

On this day, the mysterious organization learned that they should never take Alex lightly, carefully plans before making a move as the consequences would be devastating.     

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