Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 335: Do not touch the Touch for now

Chapter 335: Do not touch the Touch for now

4When Nyx came back, Silveria questioned about where she went.      3

''Big sis, where did you go?"      

Nyx ignored her sister; after checking the siblings, she vanished, leaving Silveria with the siblings.     


Silveria could only sigh, soon Sera, Pandora (Meera), and Alice joined Silveria, the five left for Avalon.      

''So, you are saying your sister helped me make a contract with Alice?"      

Alex inquired; he woke up one hour ago; as for Gracier, she was still sleeping. Alex gently caressed his sister's hair while waiting for Silveria, who sat across from him to answer his question.      

''Yeah, it's basically what happened.''      

It was unknown how many Ice creams this girl has inside her space, but it seems infinite.      

''Also, do not try checking your status right now because you have not completely recovered from using her. I know you wish for some answers, but please wait until we go back.'' Silveria added before closing her eyes, enjoying her Ice cream.      

Alex chooses to do the same, but unlike Silveria, he decided to take a short rest until they reach Avalon. Sera was driving a beautiful magic carriage, Alice and Pandora (Meera) were acting as guards.      

This Magic carriage was among the loots Alex got after killing the young man with golden eyes; his space ring did not get destroyed during his death; it fell on the ground, it was Alice who found it and gave it to Alex who checked the contain. Except for the magic carriage, there were only a few weapons, ten rainbows coins, and many miscellaneous items.     

Alex planned to use this money to fund his private force. Unexpectedly, on this trip, not only he rescued his sister, he managed to save his friend and even gained one subordinate, no, two because Pandora (Meera) has the status of friend and subordinate at the same time.      

While thinking about what he should do, Alex fell asleep while the carriage continued speeding through the paved road under Sera's guidance.     

At the same time, in an unknown location, a meeting was taking place.      

If Alex or the girls were here, they would have identified the man at the end of the long black table as the same man who acted as Golden spoon manager until recently before he got removed on Maria's order.      

''Vice guild master, sorry for your loss. Your son was a-"      

A muscular man with a shirtless upper body said, from his voice, it could be inferred that he was feeling happy about what happened to the vice guild master son.     

''No need to feel sorry, he was a thrash, his death was well deserved.'' the vice guild master said in a light tone; from his tone, you could find no griefs, there was no joy either, almost as if he never considered his son to be worthy of his emotions.     

''Sigh! Such heartless man. Your son just died, but you are unfazed. I know you never expected anything from him but at least show some emotions.'' A woman with red hair and snake-like pupils said as she sat across the vice guild master.     

''Let's not waste time here.''      

The leader said, unlike others whose features were visible, this person's appearance remained a mystery.      

The other three turned their heads in the mysterious person's direction.     

''Your excellence, one of our base got reduced to dust, all our progress loss. There was the word T carved there. Does anyone of you know what this means? Maybe it is those bastards from the Holy Crux empire making a move?" The red-haired woman inquired.      

''I don't think what happened has anything to do with the Holy Crux empire.''      

It was the vice guild master who denied this possibility, the possibility of the Holy Crux empire being involved in what happened.      

''Oh? Care to elaborate?" The muscular man asked, curious.     

''I think that T referred to Touch.''      

''What? You mean, the eighth did this?" The muscular man asked, flustered.     


''Why are you chucking? You damn lizard."      

The muscular man loses his cool after the red-haired woman chuckled.      

Being called lizard enraged the woman, and she stood up; from behind her, a tail could be seen; it looks like a lizard tail, it was red in color.      

''Do you wish to die, you muscle brain?"      


Dark red lightning crackled in the air, the muscular man stood up and stretched his right hand, immediately black tattoos appeared on it, the long black table got instantly crushed as if gravity had struck it.      


It was all it took for the two who were about to jump at each other throat to stop right away.      

The vice guild leader closed his golden eyes before flicking his fingers, immediately another long black table appeared.      

Since the start, after saying few words, the one referred to as Your Excellency did not say anything; this person was like a spectator; only the vice guild leader know how terrific this person is. When he remembered how he got subdued, the man couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine.      

Clearing his throat, he continued, he didn't want for these assholes to begin again.      

''My reasoning for saying this is pretty simple. The destruction of my son's hidden laboratory followed by the destruction of one of our bases shortly after could not be a mere coincidence. I believe that someone related to Alexander did that; it was a warning, a warning to us, to the world.''      

''Who is so powerful to assist Alex to kill your sons and our envoy, and at the same time go back to erase one of our bases? Even for your vice guild leader, do you think it's possible?" The red-haired woman asked she did not believe that someone was so powerful enough to do that, Elseria, neither Freya moved so that can be ruled out, only one person left, Alex's master, however, it's impossible for her to kill two Saint Realm expert and go back to Avalon destroy their base.      

''Well, this is mysterious, better left unsolved for now. What we need to do is not act against those siblings; for now, do not touch them. You know that Alex is vital for our plan; we must get him. Let's wait for a while; I believe that soon we will get the opportunity. You should continue with the experiment; we will need them soon.''      

Finally, the mysterious person talked, the other three nodded their heads before the meeting ended.     


In another location, a throne hall where there is only darkness. After leaving the others, the mysterious person appeared and immediately kneeled.      

''Your majesty, what shall we do?"      

There was a silence before the dark throne hall became illuminated by ghostly purple flames floating in the air; a gigantic throne appeared. A man could be seen sitting atop of this throne, this man wore all black, and because his face was lowered, it was impossible to see his face. However, two sinister black horns could be seen protruding from the man's head.     

''We have let one of them get back her power; we mustn't let the other succeed. Calzon, go assist those fools to take that thing. Now that he has rescued his sister, his next destination would be the demon's continent. Do not disappoint me.''      

''Understood, your majesty,'' Calzon said and disappeared.      

The man on the gigantic throne chuckled and whispered.      

''Things have become too peaceful; let's stir things a little. Chaos shall rule.''      

The world trembled when the one said this as if to fight back; however, it calms down when the man harrumphed.     

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