Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 340: Gracier's Awakening

Chapter 340: Gracier's Awakening

1''Lex, Gracier has woke up.''      

Luna's voice brought unexpected joy to Alex; he forgot about what he was doing; he dashed toward his sister's room, leaving Luna and Silveria being; the two looked at each other before bursting into laughter. Shortly, they followed after him.     


Let's rewind to a slightly earlier time, Gracier's room.      

She was still sleeping; inside the room, sitting on chairs around her, were three beautiful girls, Maria, Luna, and Sakuya.      

''So, you were saying last night you talked with the second princess?" Luna inquired as she glanced at Gracier, who was sleeping; for a moment, Luna thought maybe Gracier breathing became irregular.      

'It must be my imagination.' Luna thought as she waits for her sisters to recount last night's discussion with Artemia.      

''Well, we talked with her, she told us what happened. We can blame her, nor we can blame Alex because he had not done what he did; maybe there won't be any Artemia nor Alex today. Here's what happened.''      

Sakuya recounts what happened, how Alex was forced to use such a special method to save Artemia.      

''I see. So that's what happened. Alexia, what is your thought. I'm not against her joining us as she got the potential, and I'm not afraid of her taking my position; I just have to make her know her place.'' Luna turned to face Maria.      

Maria touched her chin for a moment before sighing.      

''In the past, I wanted to have her as our ally; however, now that the rice has been cocked and she has become one of us. There is nothing I can't do about it; you understand Alex more than we do. Will he let go of her if I said I don't want in the harem?'      

Luna and Sakuya stared at each other before Luna responded,      

''Probably not. He will try to convince you.''     

''See, I know, and it's not like I'm against Artemia joining the harem. As you said, she got the talent, and my intuition tells me that she is hiding something big. Maybe Alex knows about it, maybe not. However, the fact that she became one of us is a good thing for us, for our man. We need powerful companions, trustable allies; who can be more trustable than a woman tied up with our man? I believe we will gain enormously with her by our side. However, I don't want another princess to be added so soon, especially-"      

''Kuina.'' Sakuya completed what Maria wished to say.      

It is not a secret to anyone that Kuina and Maria are fire and Ice; unexpectedly, Maria's answer shocked Sakuya and Luna.      

''What I meant to say is not Katherina; I don't like her. We have already secured a princess her; it's more than enough.'' Maria said.      

''You, even here, your mentality never change. You wish to have control. If I'm not wrong, it will be good if Alex could get princesses from other empires; like this, you will have a foothold in every empire, it will be easy to control them from inside.'' Sakuya hypothesized, and Maria smiled.      

Seeing her smile, Luna couldn't help but think her sister was insane; however, Maria's following words confirmed that she was a bit crazy.     

''It will be good if the guild master Elseria becomes one of our sisters.''      

''You are crazy. Why not add master while you are it.'' Luna rubbed her forehead, feeling a headache coming.      

''Fufufu! World domination is not a bad plan. Obviously, we will leave this world while not make it our?" Like Maria, Sakuya becomes crazy; her sadistic side has been awakened.      

''Well said.'' Maria agreed with Sakuya's statement.      

''You girls are crazy,'' Luna commented. It happened at that moment.      

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!      

Suddenly, out of the blue, Gracier's heartbeat accelerated.      

''What happening?"      

The girls approached Gracier; the temperature around her became hot.      

After a quick check-up, Luna reassured them.      

''Don't worry, she is about to wake up; she must be fighting against something in her dream. Don't worry; it's nothing serious; we can't help anyway. Let's just wait.''      

Maria and Sakuya nodded and stood up around Gracier; using her Ice element; Maria reduced the temperature around Gracier.      

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!      

Gracier's heartbeat accelerated once more.      

At the same time, in Gracier's inner realm, it could also be called a dream she was fighting against a dark Gracier. This Gracier had the same features as Gracier, expected that this Gracier had long dark hair and eyes.      

''Fufufu! Look how pathetic you are, Gracier. It's because you're like this that you kept causing trouble for everyone around you. How long do you think you can keep this up? Maybe, when another one of your loved ones dies? For example, your precious big brother?" The dark Gracier asked as she levitates about the magma.      

''Shut up!"      


Gracier bellowed; the hot lava around the two rumbled as if to respond to her anger.      

''Fufufu! Let's me take over; II will protect everyone. I shall kill everything that stands in our way. I would slaughter gods if they displease me, my family, slaughter Buddhas if they did the same thing. I shall stand supreme; it's only this way I can protect those I love; like this, I can't be bullied, never lose someone. So, little Gracier, let me take over from now on; you have already done what you could; time to get some rest.''      

Like a devil, the black Gracier tried to make Gracier leave her the control of her body.      

''Shut up!''      

''Fire lotus!"      


At Gracier, a gigantic Fire lotus appeared around the black Gracier and exploded; however, with the swipe of the latter hand, the Fire lotus got instantly extinguished.      

''Weak, weak! Too weak. You are-"      

Before the black Gracier could finish what she was saying, she furrowed her eyebrows because there was a change in the air.     

Gracier, who was previously kneeling on the hot lava with bruises and torn off clothes started to float in the air; the flame inside the volcano started floating around her for a moment before they enveloped her body. Her hair turned into a flame.      

''No good!"      

Knowing that she must not Gracier complete her awakening, the black Gracier launched a black flame spear toward Gracier, intending to stop Gracier's awakening; however, just as the black spear was about to reach Gracier, the latter stretched her hand and caught it, unexpectedly, the black flame became docile.      

[Lord of Hundred Flames Awakening]      

[Black Judgement!]      


That black flame spear was sent back to the sender at incredible speed; the black Gracier couldn't even move as she was swallowed and disappeared in the black flame.     

''Fufufu, remember little Gracier I'm always there, at the slightest chance I will take over your body, be-"      


As if she had no strength left, Gracier fell into the hot lava with a ragged breath; simultaneously, she woke in real life.      

After Gracier disappeared, Ignia appeared and mumbled.      

''Not bad, Lord of Hundred Flames; however, you still have a long way to go.''     

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