Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 329: Hell's Flame

Chapter 329: Hell's Flame

4Before Maddog could move, the black fog covering her body disappeared, and what appeared shocked him to the core.      1

Beautiful jet black hair left dark eye and right golden eye, black flame imprint on her forehead, flaming dark robe covering her body. The new Gracier appeared more mature, around seventeen years old.     

The temperature inside the destroyed lowest floor plummeted, the boiling lava instantly quieted down like an obedient like that was scared of her mother scolding her.      

''What the hell are you?" Maddog shouted at Gracier, strangely floating in the air; there were no wings at her back, no flame under her feet; she was just floating.      

''I'm your nightmare.'' the mature Gracier said before vanishing and when she reappeared.      


She was back where she stood as if she had never left; however, Maddog could be seen embedded in the depth of the boiling lava. (A/N: It began boiling after Gracier threw Maddog inside it)      

Maddog puked black blood before shooting out the lava, he put a great distance between him and the floating Gracier, he couldn't understand what just happened, one moment he was standing perfectly fine, but in the next second he found himself lying in the middle of lava, the strangest thing was that it didn't have any awareness of how he ended up there, this would mean that the monster in front of him speed transcended his imagination for him to be unable to sense the slightest change when he got caught and thrown inside the lava.     

Even Ignia was surprised by Gracier's strength; at the same time, she was scared, scared because the latter heart was turning dark at fast speed, it gets corrupted, this strength was powerful but at an exact time double edged.      

[Child, stop. At this rate, you won't be able to come back after getting wholly corrupted. You won't be you anymore. Stop, your brother should have arrived by now.]     

Once again, Ignia tried to dissuade Gracier about using this power; however, Gracier's response was still negative.      

'It's not everything I will let my brother take care of. I would not be worthy of him if I were to do. At least I should try helping the much I can. This bug I can take care of him.' Gracier said as she watched Maddog's eyes turned dark.      

She launched a crimson snake at Maddog.     

''Don't look down on me, you Half-breed!" He bellowed.      


Maddog mana surged outward like a fierce storm and smashed on the crimson snake.     


An explosion occurred that further destroyed the already wrecked floor.      

The shockwave pushed Maddog a couple of steps back while Gracier remained floating; her black hair was dancing in the air. By now, half of her heart had turned black; even so, she showed no sign of panic.      

''Previously, you talked about absolute strength; lets me show you what absolute despair is.'' She announced.      

''How dare you, half-breed, to talk to me like that.''     

Maddog knew that he must let this monster complete what she was doing; he had the feeling that he would not come out unscathed from it; therefore, he took action.     

He launched twenty skin constructs in the form of spears to punish distract Gracier. He used wind magic.      

At the same time, every skin cell on his body melded into the wind he had just summoned. From a materialistic body, he turned into a fading specter that completely vanished!     

Gracier narrowed his eyes.     

She quickly crushed the skin constructs while looking around. There was no sign of Maddog.      


Suddenly, Gracier felt her body turning numb as some invisible substance wrapped around it.     

Maddog has compressed his presence to skin cells and then blend them with the wind. Now, he coiled those blended particles on Gracier to take control of the latter's body.     

After all, as long as he could assimilate the skin with her particles, he would be the master of the girl's body.      

This method was one of his trump cards! Something he rarely used! Not even the young man with golden eyes knew about this.      

Gracier took a deep breath before saying.      

''I heard they exist some people who seek death, I would never have thought you are one of them.''      

Immediately, a black flame burst out from Gracier's body.      


Maddog cried of pain before immediately detached himself from Gracier's body. When it materialized again, his body was severely burnt.      

Like a ghost, Gracier appeared behind Maddog and slapped him flying; she reappeared above him and kicked him toward the melted floor.     


From the sky, Gracier held her hands out; black lightning flame appeared before striking mzddog repeatedly.      



Maddog, even though feeling the immense pain, tried to construct a skin shield to block the incoming black lightning flame. The black flame could easily burn his body while at the same time freezing it.      

Gracier lifted Maddog by the neck; black flame covered her hand as she used to rip off Maddog's hand, the one he used the most to slice her open.      


''Why are you wailing like a girl? It's just the start.'' Gracier said before sending a black flame inside the wound to torture the man further.      


Maddog couldn't do anything.     


Maddog coughed up a mouthful of blood. His chest and his hand were ripped off, and hot blood splashed out.      

Suddenly, Gracier frowned because more than half of her heart had darkened; she knew she must hurry up; therefore, she grinned.      

She pointed her finger at Maddog's chest, and a small black lightning flame appeared before entering Maddog's body through his chest.      

Maddog's eyes turned bloodshot; he clamped his mouth tight and tried to ignore the lightning flowing into him. He did his best not to think of how his skin was charred and his flesh cut.     

Sadly, his attempts failed. The lightning discharging from the girl's fingers didn't stop, and in a matter of minutes, he started screaming.     


''AHHHHH! P- Please stop, please.''      

More and more black lightning flame went inside Maddog's body, destroying everything and at the same time regenerating, then destroyed, then regenerated; it was a vicious circle; Maddog's cries had stopped a long time ago, even his mother would have a hard time recognizing him.      

[Gracier, it is about time.] Once more, Ignia warned; however, this time, her tone was more severe.      

'Yes, I know.' Gracier responded before launching Maddog into the sky, and a black flame appeared and got wrapped around the falling Maddog.      

''Devour Hell's Flame,'' Gracier ordered.      


Maddog emitted a sharp screech, the pain was too much; even his soul was burning; before long, Maddog, the mad scientist, had disappeared from this world. Not even ash was left behind.      

At the same time, Gracier's puked blood and fall from the sky; she clutched her chest.      

''Seals.'' She shouted. Her hair turned crimson; she coughed another mouthful of blood before slowly closing his eyes.      

''Big brother, I leave the rest to you.''      

She then lost consciousness; at the same time, Alex, Luna, Silveria, and Sera arrived.     

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