Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 317: Assault on the Mine 3

Chapter 317: Assault on the Mine 3

3While Sera was rushing toward Alex, the latter had just stepped inside the core zone of the mine; he saw a big man sitting on his chair.      1

This man glared at Alex before asking.     

''How are you able to come here?"      

Alex's face remained cold, ''I just walked in. My turn to ask a question?"      

''Have you seen a red-haired girl? She is 14 years old. I know she is not here. However, I want to know if you have seen her.''      

While questioning the man, Alex kept looking at the man's face.      

The man's face changed for a split second; he thought he had concealed it. However, Alex could detect it, and he concluded that the man must know something; he has to make him spill everything he knows.      

''Never heard of her. Kiddo, you have some guts to dare to question me. I will have you pay the price for your insolence. Men, destroy him.''      

At the man's command, five tattooed men surrounded Alex. The five men were around Level 64.     

Before the man could make a move, they froze on the spot. Alex's aura was too strong for them; their bodies refused to listen to their command due to the extreme fear.      

Alex moved; the five were unable to see the movement of his hand; they were unable to follow because it was too fast.      


That was the five men's last thought before they left this world. Five White Betties pierced through their head, previously when Alex moved his hands, he had launched these five knives.      

Only the big man, the leader, could follow Alex's hand's movement; he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, thinking that Alex would not be easy to handle because the latter possessed more speed than him.     

While the man was thinking this, Alex, who just eliminated five men, didn't wait for a second before vanishing; the next moment, he was already before the big man.      

Alex threw a punch straight at the man's jaw; however, the man reacted faster. He also sent a punch toward Alex's jaw, aiming for mutual destruction.      

Seeing this, Alex was forced to shift his hand; he blocked the man punch with his own.      


Both Alex and the man were pushed back; the latter destroyed the chair he was using.      

For a second, nobody said anything; the two stared at each other before grinning simultaneously, then they're disappeared at the same time, and when they had reappeared, they were two meters above the ground.      

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!      

As if they both got possessed, they went mad and started to punch each other, not caring for anything else.      

After venting enough, the two separated from each other and looked at the destruction they created, the area where they fought became broader.      

Looking at his reddened fists, the big man praised Alex.     

''Not bad.''      

''I can say the same thing to you,'' Alex replied while secretly rubbing his hands.      

Suddenly, his expression changed, ten men appeared and at the same time, the big man finally showed his Gift, it was red gauntlets.      

The ten men that appeared were strong, powerful; the weakest was Rank 8 while the strongest Rank 10, close to Rank 10.      

Alex's expression did not change even when surrounded by such strong people, he had faith in himself, and more importantly, he detected a blue dot was coming in their direction. Alex could speculate the other party's identity; without a doubt, it was Sera; with someone strong as Sera, Alex had nothing to fear.      

Swoosh! Swoosh!      

Alex dodged two chakrams thrown at him; at the same time, he did a backflip to dodge the second attacker's sword. Before landing, Alex threw five knives at the incoming men on his right; the three men were forced to stop to defend against Alex's knives momentarily; using this opportunity, Alex landed before slashing at his right.      


The previous swordsman who attacked Alex switched to a defensive stance; Alex's knife clashed against the man's sword, the force behind the strike pushed the man couple of steps back.      

Razor still inside Alex's hand, he summoned Silveria and aimed at his back and shoot.      


Only one sound was heard; however, three came out of the silver gun; the man, the Rank 8 (the weakest among the Rank 8), who was planning to sneak attack on Alex, tried defending against Alex's attack, unfortunately for him. At the same time, he managed to stop the first bullet; the second bullet struck his thigh, while the last bullet pierced through his brain because he was kneeling after the second bullet injured his right thigh.      

The big man stood aside and watched Alex fight; he didn't show emotion when one of his subordinates died; to him, they are disposable, he was using them to wear Alex done as he knew if the two were to fight, Alex will dominate him, it was to the conclusion he came after exchanging few moves with Alex, he was Rank 10, yet he couldn't win in the contest of brute strength against Alex.      

Two swordsmen launched themselves at Alex from different angles; to them, it was almost impossible for Alex to defend against their joints attack.      

Alex grinned and let the men come closer before unleashing Xerox; the apparition of a second gun surprised the men, which made them momentarily pause; it was all he took for Alex to seal the men's fate.      

[Flame Bullet!!]     

Somehow, Alex was able to shoot two flame bullets with the two guns, normally, something that should have been impossible with the second gun created using Xerox; that was not the only strange thing; the flame bullets were covered in golden lightning, making them faster and unavailable at close range.     

Two holes the size of a baby fist appeared where the men's heart was, one could see the scene behind them, the two didn't even know that they were dead yet, they advanced a couple of steps forward before their bodies fall into the ground.     

The remaining men, their leader, and even Sera, who just arrived, gaped at the sight; they couldn't believe what they saw, especially Sera; she knew Alex had mean to use magic through his special bullets. However, it was her first time seeing him combine two magic.     

It was two elements that combined to form Alex's bullet.     

Alex ignored everyone's reaction and silently looked at the guns inside his hands; even he was surprised when he was ordering Silveria to fire two flame bullets, it never comes to him that lighting would get mixed in, making the destructive bullet more deadly.     

'Let's slowly find out what is happening later.' Alex decided before secretly winking at Sera; the latter understood what he was saying, so she moved.      

Before Alex could use Shadow shift, he was surprised to find Sera behind him; no, she appeared from Alex's shadow. Alex had never heard of such skill; if Leon were present, he would have remembered this skill; it was the same skill [Shadow Leap], Sera used to let him leave for the next floor.     

''I will let you take care of the remaining men. I will take care of their leader.'' Alex said he didn't want Sera's answer before vanishing.      

Sera nodded her head before unsheathing her two daggers before vanishing from the seven men's sight; only the three Rank 9 could fight her; the remaining four quickly lost their lives.     

''Darkness Rise.''      

Sera unleashed her domain; unfortunately, one among the three Rank 9 happen to possess the counter against Sera's domain.      

The man unleashed his fire domain, black and red clashed; at first, the black almost swallowed the red; however, soon, it got pushed back.     

It was at that moment, the other two tried to join the fight, but to their utter dismay, their comrade, who was perfectly fine a moment ago, was now puking litter of blood, black blood.      

Like a phantom, Sera could be seen behind the man; she retrieved the dagger she used to pierce through the man's heart from behind.      

The Sera, who was standing not too far from the remaining two Rank 9, suddenly faded; it was then the men understood that they got played; Sera had left a shadow clone there to appear behind the man with the fire domain sneakily, this man represented a great threat. Therefore, he needs to be removed, and as a top assassin, Sera had numerous ways to take care of him.     

''She is an assassin, a top-level assassin. Never let her leave your sight.''     

The leader of the men occupying the mine shouted at his remaining men as he was the first to identify Sera's class after seeing what happened.     

At their leader's warning, the two Rank 9 became vigilant; they didn't immediately engage Sera; they make sure always to have her within their sights.     

Alex smiled after seeing Sera still composed after the leader's warning; he could focus on his fight; he must make this man spill was he knows, and the best way to do this was to defeat the man, to trample him, to make him afraid of him.     

Heterochromia eyes clashed with light red eyes.      

''Shall we begin?''      

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