Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 325: Never Anger a Touch 1

Chapter 325: Never Anger a Touch 1

2When all of this was happening, Ignia was trapped inside a black cocoon. No matter how many times she tried destroying this cocoon, this cocoon would instantly regenerate.     0

''Damn it, if not because I'm extremely weakened, I would have destroyed this annoying this a long time ago. Although I have sensed a weak chaos beast in this world, I would have never thought that the latter blood would be used to create a bracelet that could seal us Spiritual weapons.'' Ignia lamented; she never stopped attacking the black cocoon; she could feel her host's pain.      

This damned cocoon not only blocks her ability but also made it impossible for her to communicate with the outside; if not, she would have told Silveria where their location was. Ignia never doubted Alex's love toward his sister; she knew he must be searching everywhere for her, it just that the men they were going after were too cunning.      

Bang! Bang!!!!!      

Ignia kept attacking the black cocoon again and again. However, the result was still the same; she was unable to break free from this cocoon; for the first time since eon, Ignia was displeased with how weaker she has become; the ones of God governing fire were unable to break a little cocoon.      

Suddenly, Ignia vomited blood and kneeled.      

Outside, Gracier's hair had turned completely dark; she lay motionless on the operation table. Gracier's right eye was closed because there was no tool restraining it.     

Maddog approached her; it was now the time to remove that golden eye.     

It happened at that moment,     


Somewhere in the underground base, an enormous explosion occurred that shook the whole base.      

The man with golden eyes exchanged glances with Maddog before he disappeared; he was furious because of this unexpected situation. He hoped it was nothing serious.      

The moment that the man with golden eyes disappeared between the moment Maddog used to turn back in Gracier's position, only five seconds passed, and it was between these five seconds, Gracier, who should be unconscious, moved.      

She pushed the black blood toward her right arm; it was possible because the thing Pandora put inside her arm, a green dew, a wood essence, it was this wood essence that sprout vines to lock the black blood Gracier managed to momentarily push out of her heart to gather inside her right arm before exploding.      



Maddog was shocked by the sudden explosion; a mix of green and black blood exploded on his face sending him flying. Maddog may be a scientist, but he was still a strong Ranker nonetheless, someone at the Grandmaster Realm.      

So, he quickly controlled his body to safely land on the ground; looking in front of him, Maddog was horrified to see Gracier standing; her right arm was gone entirely, there was nothing under her right shoulder.      

''Shit.'' Maddog cursed; he knew trouble had come knocking at their doors; with the cursed bracelet gone, nothing is stopping Alex from locating his sister; this wasn't part of the plan. It was too soon for Alex to make an entrance; the stage was not ready yet.     

''Shit.'' For the second time, Maddog cursed before disappearing; he must catch Gracier and remove her eye and blood before the cavalry arrive.      

Although he wished more than nothing to know what just happened, Maddog knows that now wasn't the time; he must hurry.     

At the same time, in Alex's location, Alex, who had fainted after going through inhuman pain, abruptly stood up; he didn't bother wiping away the blood on his mouth.      

''I know where she is.''      

It's all he said before Silveria touched his shoulder; her remaining arm could only catch Sera before she Accel-ed.      


Luna was the only one left behind; she could not help but sigh.      

''I need to hurry back and ask for more assistance. They may need it.''      

After deciding on what to do, Luna didn't waste time; she sprinted toward the exit at a frightening speed.     

~ Back to Gracier's location.     

Maddog, who disappeared, reappeared behind Gracier with a hard chop; he intended to knock out the girl, to him what happened what just due to a last rush of adrenaline, like when one is about to die, a rush of adrenaline will make you turn into a superman for a short period. So, Maddog was not worried; however, he soon found out that his assumption was wrong.     

Gracier quickly caught Maddog's hand; the latter became momentarily dazed, then something astonishing happened; Gracier lifted Maddog as if he didn't weigh anything and slammed him against the ground.      


Even though Maddog was surprised, at the last moment before touching the ground, he erected a shield around his body to lessen the impact of being slammed against the ground; he immediately took his distance from Gracier and warily looked at her.     

''Who are you?"      

Maddog could not help but raise this question as he believes that the person before him was no way that girl they captured.      

'Do not tell me it was her.' Maddog thought of a certain possibility.     

''Fufufu! It's exactly what you are thinking. I see that you have taken good care of my host.''      

Ignia, who momentarily took control of Gracier's body, responded, as for Gracier, she was amidst an awakening, her body was in the middle of a volcano, the same area Ignia used to bath, numerous black filths were being cleansed from Gracier's spiritual body through the baptism of fire, her black hair was returning to their previous beautiful crimson color.      

A gigantic western red dragon coiled around Gracier's body; this dragon seemed to be merging with her body.      

Outside, Maddog becomes more vigilant when he heard that Ignia was possessing Gracier; the latter was emitting pressure that doesn't lose in the slightest to his own; no, it was above his. There was a certain majesty of an apex predator mixed with this pressure that he could never hope to attain no matter how many experiences he had.     

''What do you want?" Maddog asked while thinking of a way to get out of this situation.      

Gracier (Ignia) grinned, and illusionary dragon horns appeared above her head before disappearing.     

''Relax, I would have liked nothing but to thrash you, but I believe she should handle her problem; after all, I have given her to mean to,'' she said.      

''What?" Maddog exclaimed.      

''It's time.''      


Suddenly, a golden flame appeared around Gracier's right shoulder before disappearing, then a brand new hand appeared.      

Maddog's eyes bulged out of their sockets.      

''No way.'' He said with a shaking voice.      

[Remember, this is a temporary boost of strength. Hold on until your brother comes.]      

Ignia told Gracier, who had regained control of her body.     


Two pairs of golden eyes glared at him; he instantly took a step back.      

''I will show the world never to anger a Touch, never mess up with us.''     

Gracier declared before disappearing in a golden flame.     

The Touch's name was about to shake the whole world.     

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