Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 318: The Conclusion

Chapter 318: The Conclusion

1Heterochromia eyes clashed with light red eyes.     

''Shall we begin?''      

The big man nodded his head before introducing himself.      

''I'm Byron. Remember, this is the name of the man that is going to crush your head.''      

After his introduction, Byron dashed toward Alex at astonishing speed; he threw a punch straight toward Alex's face.      

Alex sidestepped to the right to avoid Byron's punch; he counterattacked with a leg kick.      

Byron was forced to retreat; Alex attacked him by shooting normal bullets at him; however, Byron was able to deflect the bullets using the blunt surface of his red gauntlets.      

[Flaming God's Fist!]      

At the same time that Byron shouted the name of his skill, a gigantic fist made of fire was shoot toward Alex; the speed of this flaming fist wasn't less than that of his normal bullet.      

Alex didn't panic; he aimed Silveria at the incoming fist and fired a Dispel bullet at the flaming fist to reduce its attack power before finishing it with a Water bullet. [A/N: He acquired these bullets when exploring dungeons after killing some rare species of Water monkey.]     

Alex knew that Byron's Flaming God's Fist was just an illusion to keep him occupied. As expected, when Alex was dealing with the flaming God's fist, Byron disappeared to reappear, twelve meters away from Alex's back; his eyes were vicious; in this attack, if Alex did not die, at least, he would be half dead. It was what Byron believes.      

[God's Fury!]      

More than fifty flames red punches were sent toward Alex. As if he was waiting for this, Alex spun around and faced the incoming fists; Byron was surprised by this sudden action; his surprise didn't end there because suddenly, Alex's right eye glowed, this sent chill running down Byron's spine, he momentarily paused. By the time he comes back to himself, Alex was shouting.     



Byron got the scare of his life; under his astonished eyes, his God's Fury disappeared after Alex's bullet struck the core zone of God's Fury skill, the small red fist mixed among the other fists. Alex had used his right eye to locate where the God's Fury was more vulnerable, to put the skill weakness.     


It was the only word that came out from Byron's mouth after seeing that Alex could erase skill.      

''Thank you."      

Alex had flashed next to Byron and said before clenching his fists together.      

''Deluge of Normal punches!"      

It was Alex's turn to send more than twenty punches.      

Even though he was surprised by what Alex could do, Byron was still a Rank 10; he reacted faster to Alex's punches, he crossed his arms to protect his head.      

Bang! Bang!!!      

Byron was pushed back, Alex's punches, although not powerful as his punch when he wore his Gift, Byron was still hurt.      

Feeling an extreme danger, Byron punched the air in front of him; flaming red shield was created. The reason why Byron did this was because he thought maybe Alex was using his strange Gift on him.     

[Shadow Shift]      

Alex used Shadow shift on Byron, and at the same time, he aimed Silveria toward his previous location.      

[Phantom Bullet]      

Byron couldn't defend in time; his right leg was blown away.      


Byron hadn't finished crying of pain before the next attack was already upon him. He could not see the incoming bullet; he just relied on his instinct to avoid a fatal strike; even so, a hole of the size of an adult thumb appeared on Byron's right shoulder.      

Possessing only one leg, Byron couldn't keep standing any longer, so he fell to the ground.      

Alex appeared above Byron with his leg raised high; if this kick were to connect, Byron couldn't say for sure if he wouldn't be knocked out, so even while fighting against the intense pain, he rolled to the opposite side to dodge Alex's kick.     

Alex was surprised that the half-crippled man could still move at this stage.      

At the same time, Byron recalled the last conversation with their mysterious backer; the latter had suggested that he must take their god's blessing (a black silkworm). Byron knows what would happen if he takes that thing; it was the same thing they used to experiment on the boys; it was a failure. Truth be told, he didn't wish to take this black silkworm; however, he didn't really have the choice; if he doesn't, he will die, so, Byron took a gamble, he brought the black silkworm from his storage ring and swallowed it, everything happened in an instant, Alex didn't even notice anything.      

The moment Byron swallowed that black silkworm, his heart stopped momentarily beating before it started beating again, this time much louder, louder enough for Alex, who was preparing to deal with Byron heard it.     

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!!      

Silveria was the first to notice the abnormally; therefore, she shouted to warn her Master.     

〖No good master, kill him before he can transform.〗     

Byron had started to transform; his skin started turning dark, numerous blood vessels appeared all over his body; they were wiggling like worms.     

Alex didn't hesitate for a second; he aimed Silveria toward the man's head and fired a Phantom bullet; however, something astonishing happened; the transforming Byron caught the invisible bullet within his fingers for a moment before tossing it aside.     

''No way!" Alex exclaimed aloud; if his jaws could hit the ground, Alex was sure it would have happened because never in his wildest dreams would he have thought that they exist someone capable of catching an invisible bullet with two fingers.     

''Guga, gugiah!"      

By now, Byron doesn't look like a human anymore; his weight had increased, he became three meters tall, his missing leg reappeared, his beautiful light red eyes were gone, replaced with dark eyes, there was a horn protruding from his forehead. Byron's Gift seemed to have mixed with his black skin; instead of gauntlets, Byron possessed a deadly sharp claw.      

The next moment after his transformation was done, the black Byron disappeared to reappear before Alex. Alex was attacked before he could properly defend himself.     



Alex found himself embedded on the other side of the core room; his arm was bent at an odd angle.     

Bang! Crack!      

Alex dodged the black Byron claw that was coming toward his head; at the same time, using his undamaged hand, he shoots an Ice bullet at the black Byron.      

The latter got pushed back; he didn't continue to attack Alex; he spun around to defend against an attack; it was Sera who came at Alex's rescue.      

While the black Byron and Sera were fighting, Alex used this opportunity to take care of his broken arm; thanks to his High Regeneration skill, his arm got rapidly healed.     

Alex was furious because with Byron turning into this, he couldn't collect any information about where his sister could be detained.      

''No good"      

Alex shouted; Sera had been cornered, she was about to get injured, it wouldn't be a light injury.      

Knowing that he must do something, Alex ordered his right eye to move; he hoped to use his time ability to delay the black Byron sharp claw; however, he failed miserably; the claw was almost touching Sera, who was doing her best to twist her body; however, she couldn't do to the limited space and the black Byron snake-like tail.     

Alex roared inside his mind; he then poured MP into his right eye; this time, it worked, its right eye shined blue, and the black Byron's claw stopped a centimeter away from Sera's chest; the latter used this chance to slip away.      

Sera looked at Alex after successfully avoiding that deadly strike; she was him with a pale face; however, he was smiling.      

Without wasting time, Alex took out a Mana recovery potion and drunk it.     


Alex shooted three types of special bullets toward the black Byron, Water, Fire, and Ice.      

A blue bullet was created after the three bullets merged.      

Alex and Sera were sure that this bullet would have done some damage to the monster's body; however, before the bullet could get close to the black Byron, the latter opened his mouth to emit a sharp screech.      


Alex and Sera were forced to close their ears; they were surprised to see the special blue bullet stopping and getting erasing by the vibrations produced by the black Byron screech.      

Gritting her teeth, Sera used her special ability.     

[Dimensional Slash]      

Sera's black sword disappeared, she aimed the sword at the black Byron's heart; unexpectedly, he was the dodge the blow at the last minute; he only got a small injury, his heart was intact.      

Sera was surprised by this; however, she was more surprised when she saw Alex ready to execute his next attack as if he knew she would fail.     

[Crimson Bullet]      

From the silver gun, a Crimson Bullet burst out and tore through the air; the black Byron couldn't move as the crimson bullet devoured half of his body before creating a large hole in the mine until the other side of the mountain became visible.      

In his last moment, the black Byron regained consciousness and mumbled.      


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