Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 314: Arrived in Lorr

Chapter 314: Arrived in Lorr

4Outside, Alex, sitting beside the coachman to act as a guard, was lost in thoughts; he couldn't help but think about his sister; he prayed the Gods to look after her until he finds her. Suddenly, he got interrupted by Silveria, the latter chuckled.     4

〖Fufufu! Those girls are sure interesting. What an exciting fight; your Luna is sure crafty; she started it first, then withdraw afterward to watch the two fight. Fufufu! What a crafty little angel.〗     

Alex didn't say anything; he didn't try probing, better-left women's problem to woman; nothing good would come out if he were to but his head in.     

''Young master. We have arrived; Lorr is ahead.''      

The coachman announced.      

''Ah! Already?"      

Alex exclaimed before looking in front of him; he saw a tall wall of 3 meters surrounding the village; there was a massive gate at the front, it was opened.      

Alex's group quickly passed the check-up and entered the village as they weren't many carriages.      

''Okay, young master and misses, see you soon.''      

The coachman said before leaving for the stable.      

This village was significant; in the middle of the village was the statue of a woman extending one of her arms to the sky.      

As the four were admiring the statue, and middle-aged approached them and said.      

''That's the statue of our Founder, Lorr, the great healer.''      

Indeed, as the man said, when one looks closely, the statue wore what Healer usually wears.      

Alex spun around and stared at the man who just explained the statue's identity to them, and as if he could understand what Alex wanted to say, the middle-aged introduced himself.     

''I'm Charles, the village chief. Welcome to Lorr, Mr. Alexander, and misses.''      

''It seems that you have been informed of how arrival?"      

To Alex's question, Charles nodded, and Alex said.     

''That's good. Would you please give me a summary? Since when the disappearance started?"      

Charles didn't immediately answer Alex's question; he asked them to follow him to his house, the most prominent building in the village. While directing them toward his house, Charles, who was ahead, his expression changed for a split second before it reverted to his usual one.     

After they entered, Charles invited to the meeting room was a girl that looked to be in her early twenty was waiting.      

''Welcome village chief, welcome adventurers, I'm Cecyl.'' the brunette said; even though Charles was obviously her father, she acted professionally.      

Alex nodded his head and sat, Luna at his left, Sakuya at his right, strangely instead of sitting; Sera stood behind him, she released a bit of pressure to warn those hiding to not mess with their group, Charles and Cecyl gulped, they finally understood why the guild accorded so much importance to Alex, the way they looked at Alex changed. Charles became momentarily lost in thoughts.     

Alex seemed to not care about this, he asked.      


''Yeah! Yeah! The disappearance started three weeks ago. Twelve children went missing. We dare not to approach the mine as all men we previously sent never came back, and there is black fog surrounding the cave where we discovered the mine. We beg you; please assist us. As you have seen, the village becomes too silent because of all these disappearances, people started fearing to go out, and if this keeps up, the authorities will notice, and we will lose everything, the village must go back to normal soon. We kept the news suppressed for too long; we can't buy all merchants. Please-"      

Before Charles could finish his words, he was stopped by Alex, the latter said.      

''I understand. I thought you might know how many enemies will be facing, but I guess it is dead. You have no information.''      

''Sorry, we are too incompetent,'' Charles said, feeling ashamed. Cecyl did not say anything at first before speculating.     

''I think that the enemy will not be more than fifty as the mine could not contain too many people. I have checked the surrounding, but I found nothing else except the black fog surrounding the cave; what I'm trying to say is that there was no house built around the cave; they may exist inside the black fog. Still, I believe it is not the case, even for them, it will be hard to keep watch in that fog so that they won't build any house there.''     

Alex took some moment to analyze what Cecyl said; he couldn't help but think what she said held some truth.     

'Well, we will have to figure out the rest ourselves; I just hope I can find some leads in this mine or the force behind these kidnapping.' Alex thought.     

''I see; thank you, Ms. Cecyl. Village chief, we will leave; we will strike tonight.''      

Alex said before he and his group excused themselves; however, just as they were about to leave the door, Cecyl stopped them.     

''Mr. Alexander, can I please come with you?"      


Alex's answer was instantaneous; after rejecting Cecyl's request, Alex left with his group.     

Cecyl pouted after Alex left; Charles chuckled.     

''You will end up becoming their burden when you go. In that group, everyone is stronger than you. They won't bother looking after you as they have something more important to do. Taking care of you will slow them; your presence might cause someone to get injured because they protect you. So, don't do anything foolish. Have I made myself clear?"      

Charles's face became stern; Cecyl knew better than anybody what would happen if she were to disobey like she did last time. She could only reluctantly nod her head.      

''I understand, father, I will do as you say,'' Cecyl promised.      

''Good, help your mother calm down the villagers, tell them that everything will be fine soon. The Gods haven't forsaken us.''      

''Alright, father. I shall take my leave. See you soon.''      

 Cecyl says before disappearing, leaving her father alone.      

Just after Cecyl was gone, someone appeared, this person was dressed in all black, this person bowed after appearing.      

''Head, your orders. Should we secretly monitor them?"      

Charles, with his hands crossed behind his back, glared at the man in front of him and said.      

''If you wish to die, that is. Inform others about their arrival. They would know what to do.''      

''Understood, head.'' the man bowed and left. Charles was left alone.     

''Sigh! How troublesome. Just only a little bit more. Sigh!" Charles sighed before his eyes turned resolute, and he seemed to have taken some decision. Because it comes to this, it's a do or die.     

During this time, Alex's group could be seen walking around inside the village.     

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