Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 315: Assault on the Mine 1

Chapter 315: Assault on the Mine 1

3During this time, Alex's group could be seen walking around the village.     

As Charles had said, the village seemed empty, not many people were out, and most shops were closed.     

''Have you noticed anything amiss?"      

Alex asked this question was directed at Sera.     

''Yeah! That man his hiding something.'' Sera answered; Luna and Sakuya were puzzled.      

''Why do you think that?" Luna asked.      

''I sensed something sinister from the men hiding. They thought they hide their killing intentions, but I was able to detect it. Better be careful. That bartender had talked about a traitor.'' Sera responded.     

''You believe Charles may be that traitor? Or one of them if there are lots of traitors."      

To Alex's question, Sera nodded.      

''If what you said is the truth, we better carefully watch our back. And we must strike first, quickly as possible in the case the other party informed his comrades of our arrival; we even told him when we are going to attack.''      

Facing Sakuya's suggestion, Alex and Sera exchanged looks before Alex decided.      

''I see, what you said is not wrong. Let's attack in two hours.''      

The others nodded at Alex's decision. They rented rooms; they refused Charles's offer to stay at his house.     

Two hours passed in a flash. Alex, Luna, Sera, and Sakuya secretly left their Inn to go inside the forest located on the north side of Lorr.      

Following the maps, Alex, in the lead, dashed through the forest like a ninja, following closely behind was Sera, and behind Sera was Luna; Sakuya was not present with them.     

Just after Alex's group left, the person responsible for their monitoring noticing that something was amiss; therefore, he disguised himself as one of the Inn employees and went to knock on Alex's room.      

Knock! Knock!      

''Mr. Alexander, I'm Goal; Ms. Mira sends me to call you over. She said tonight's specialty is ready; she would like to come down eat.''      

Nobody answered even though the man waited for a while. Because the man was afraid of alerting Alex, more importantly, Sera, he didn't dare to probe with his senses at first; however, seeing nobody answered even though he kept knocking and repeating the same words over and over again, the disguised assassin finally loses his patience and used his senses to check Alex's room, to his surprise they had already left.     

''We got played. Better hurry up and inform the others that they are on their way.''      

The man disguised as Inn employee muttered and tried to leave; however, his instinct warned him of extreme danger, it happened just like that.      

Swoosh! Clang!      

The man shifted his head a little bit to the right and at the same time blocked the katana coming for his left; he then afterward jumped back and stared with surprise at the figure in front of him.      

''As expected, you came. Now that you have appeared, don't think about going back alive. I will take good care of you.'' Sakuya declared with a sadistic smile; this smile sends a shiver down the assassin's spine; he felt like he would be toyed with, and he couldn't do anything about it.     

The moment Sakuya appeared, she sealed all the man's escape routes; she controlled the wind in the air to create numerous wind blades directed at the man. Being wind user himself, the man could feel it; therefore, he knew he must not act rashly, fleeing to go back to inform the others was something he must accomplish.      

''Let's begin, shall we?" Sakuya said with the same smile sadistic smile.     

While Sakuya was keeping the man occupied at the Inn, Alex, Sera, and Luna had arrived at the location where the fog started.     

Looking at the black fog in front of him, Alex sighed before holding Luna with one arm; he then started to fly higher and higher.      

Sera also followed him; from the sky, the group could see through the black fog; they saw the entrance to the cave, probably the mine. Three sentries were guarding the entrance.      

''Sera.'' Alex looked at Sera; the latter immediately understood what he wanted to convey, like the Wind Sera vanished from the sky. When she reappeared again, she was already behind one of the sentries; she moved, slicing the man's throat.      

Before the man could drop to the ground, Sera had disappeared; she passed between the other two, at the same time slicing their throats, flicking her fingers, illusionary black hands appeared to cushion the three fall, no sounds were made, and everything happened in less than two minutes.      

From the sky, Luna couldn't help but be in awe; Sera was deadly; she killed Rank 6 as if they are pigs.      

'She is swift, huh?!'       

Alex mumbled before he started to descend toward the ground.      

Sera waited for Alex and Luna to come down, and once they came, she said.     


Sera's voice was cold, her eyes devoid of emotions as if she turned into a robot.      

''Let's head in.''      

Alex, followed by Luna and Sera at the back, entered the cave.      

The group soon came to an intersection; there were two roads.      

〖The captured children are on the left. Let the girls go over there while you will go on right.〗Silveria suggested.      

Although Alex did not know the exact reason for Silveria to suggest this, he believes that there must be something awful happening on the right to suggest that the girls went on the left.      

'Okay.' Alex responded positively to Silveria's suggestion before turning to face the girls.      

''Sera, Luna, you should go to the left. I will take care of the right. The captured children are there.''     

''I understand. Please take care.''      

Luna said before leaving; Sera followed after her after giving Alex one last glance.     

''Sigh! Let's go; I hope I will be able to find some leads here.''      

Alex muttered before he strolled to the right.      

The moment Alex took the right path, his expression changed; it's turned cold.     

''Bastard.'' He couldn't help but curse.     

He sprinted forward at fast speed, and soon he saw what makes his face turn cold.      

A group of men pinned a young girl down and was ravaging this girl, the girl's face was stained and lifeless, yet the men kept pushing their hips forward without a care in the world.     

Alex's arrival surprised the five men who had their pants down; they let the girl down, the girl's head hit the hard ground and started bleeding.      

Previously, Alex was not able to see the girl's face; however, now he was able to see, he couldn't control his killing intent anymore because the girl the men have been ravaging looks no more than 14 years old, which is to say the same age as his sister, Gracier.      

''Yer punk, wh-"      

One of the men who wanted to speak stopped, not he was forced to stop, his eyes turned white, not only him, the other four as well.      

Like a ghost, Alex appeared amidst the five and kicked them in the balls; it got instantly crushed; the pain was so intense that the men did not have the time to cry before fainting.      

After killing the five men, Alex approached the young girl lying on the ground; he put a cover on top of the girl's body, he crouched down and closed the girl's eyes, she died; her eyes were full of resentment.     

''Don't I'll seek justice for you.''      

Alex mumbled before storing away the girl's body. He restarted to walk forward; the path Alex choose was like a punctured cheese; here and there, one could see holes with a lot of shining black ore protruding out.     

Alex had eliminated few men hiding in the holes.     

Using his Divine Sense Alex was able to detect the area where they existed some traps, the hidden men. One by one, he took care of them.      

At the same time, somewhere deep inside the mine was a spacious room, and inside this room was a man sitting on a big chair; this man was extremely tall, over two meters tall.      

This man was currently talking to a black shadow,     

''The children are ready; I have used the thing you gave me on one of them; however, it was a failure. The boys could not bear it, so they ended up dying; only the girls are better at handling it. Should I-"      

The man stopped talking when he noticed the shadow's red eyes glare at him.      

''You have some uninvited guests; one of them is heading over here while the other two are heading to the location where girls are locked.''      


The big man stood up; his eyes turned cold, he couldn't believe that there is someone brave enough to come here.      

''Don't worry, Black owl, I will take care of the intruder; you just have to wait; we are almost done with that stone; I believe we will extract that black stone soon.''     

The big man tried to reassure the shadow; he didn't seem concerned that there were some intruders; he had faith in himself and his men to take care of any intruders.      

''I shall return tomorrow; by then, you better finish what we asked you, or else you know the consequences.''      

The shadow spoke before vanishing.      

The big man nodded before suddenly shouting.      


More than fifteen men appeared at once; they all had sinister auras around their bodies. There were black tattoos all over their bodies.     

''Let's welcome our guests.'' The big man declared before cracking his knuckles; dark red gauntlets appeared around the man's hands.     

''Yes, leader.'' Shouted the men; simultaneously, another group was en route to welcome Luna and Sera.     

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