Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 320: Taking care of Charles

Chapter 320: Taking care of Charles

1After taking a short rest, Alex and Sera moved toward Luna's location. Luna was waiting for their arrival, and when she saw them, she heaved a sigh of relief.     2

''Welcome back; I have taken care of the girls. They are sleeping. I have used the communication stone to ask for assistance. Shortly some people will come to help us.''     

Just as she was finishing her explanation, a group of five people appeared. It was two men and three women; they are the ones Luna was talking about.      

''Greetings! We come to help.''      

The leader of the five men said. She was in middle twenty, with light purple hair and brown eyes. Alex nodded his head and indicated that they should proceed.     

After watching the group put the girls inside a carriage they have brought, Alex, Luna, and Sera departed toward Lorr.     

Five hours later, the group arrived at Lorr. They were welcomed by the villagers, eager to see if their children were among the rescued. Soon, it became chaotic; some were laughing as they finally reunited with their missing child after few days; at the same time, some were crying because their children did not make it.      

What was strange was that Charles was nowhere to be seen; only his daughter was present.     

After asking around, Alex found out that Charles used the excuse of taking care of the runaways bandits to leave town. Nobody found this odd; however, Alex's hypothesis comes true, Charles was the traitor.      

''I will let you take care of troubles here. As for me, I will go after Charles.''      

Alex instructed before disappearing. After calming down the crowd, Luna, with Sera's help, drove the carriage toward the villager's chief house.      

Sakuya had left for the capital, it seemed that Leonardo went missing.     


At the same time, five kilometers from Lorr, a carriage could be seen running on the paved road at a fast speed.      

''Move at fast speed. We must leave the region of Lorr before dawn.''      

Charles sitting comfortably inside the carriage was shouting at the coachman; the latter kept striking the horses to move faster.      

Surrounding Charles were three guards and his wife, his new wife. Cecyl lost her mother at birth.      

''Honey, why the hurry. We should have waited and enjoyed our lives.'' the woman with heavy makeup said.     

''Shut up, Britney. We must leave asap. Trouble is coming. I should have left before they showed up. I never expected them to be that strong. I would be asking for my death if I were to stay.'' Charles bellowed.      

Britney was forced to close her mouth because rarely Charles behaved like this. So, this means there must be some urgency for him to talk like this.      

As the group continued moving forward at fast speed, there was a big explosion; Charles knew trouble had come.      

''I'm pretty disappointed, Villager chief Charles. Where are you going so late?"      

Alex, who stopped the advancing carriage, asked, instead of responding to Alex, Charles send two of his guards. Those guards were Rank 8; the remaining guard was the strongest, a Rank 9. Charles had hoped that his two guards could delay Alex enough for him to escape; unfortunately, the two guards were instantly killed as they tried to take Alex's life with destructive strikes.      

After taking care of the two guards and knocking out the coachman, Alex walked toward the carriage slowly.     


The carriage's door exploded, and a big man came from inside it; this man held a spear, the man jumped out of the carriage and thrust his spear forward; it was a magic spear.      

In a single thrust, five fire arrows were shot at Alex.      

Alex did not use Silveria; using Sleipnir's unique ability on the white Bettie's, he threw them toward the incoming fire arrows, five white Bettie's covered in green light cut into two the five flame arrows.     


The big man was shocked, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, and it was already too late when he noticed Alex, he couldn't react as Alex's punch landed on his nose, it was broken, and the man was sent flying.      

Alex accel-ed to reappear above the man and kicked the man towards the ground; Sleipnir's special ability strengthened Alex's leg.     


An enormous crater appeared on the ground not too far from the paved road; the big man could be seen embedded inside this crater; he was foaming, his arms were bent in odd angles, one of his legs was broken. His heart was crushed; he was dead.     

Charles, who was watching from behind his carriage, couldn't believe what was happening, even Rank 9 couldn't last two breaths against Alex, he knew he was finished, he is not strong, only Rank 6, even if he were to try to run, there was no way he could outrun Alex who was probably a Rank 10.      

'I must escape at all cost.'      

Charles shouted inside his mind before glancing at the unconscious Britney; then, an idea came to him. Charles remembered the grief on Alex's face when they were walking around in the village; he must be compassionate; he couldn't let him harm an innocent; if Charles uses Britney, he might be able to escape. So, Charles held Britney by the neck, he put a little bit of pressure on her windpipe, a little bit of pressure, and he would be crushing it.     

''Do not come any closer; lets me go. I know nothing, I want to live a happy life, and I need money. Let's me go; if not, I will kill her, and I know you won't want this.''     

Alex, who was walking toward Charles stopped, Charles thought that he won. However, Alex's following words crushed all his hopes.      

[Shadow Shift]      

Surprisingly, Charles found himself standing where Alex was; as for Alex, he reappeared in his place; he was holding Britney.      

Charles froze; his body started to tremble under that heterochromia eyes; he even peed himself.      



Alex cut off the hand Charles used to try to crush Britney's throat.     

''My hand, Ahhhh~ my hand. Fuck y-"     


Alex slapped Charles flying; he reappeared behind him and held him up by the neck.      

''Cough! Cough! P, please stop. It hurts; I don't know anything, I swear, I don't know where your sister is. I never saw them. We communicate through communication stone. Ah! Ah! Please spare me.''      

Alex didn't believe him; it was a time like this. He regrets that his right eye couldn't be used to read memories; if he could, he wouldn't waste his time doing this. Just as Alex was getting angry, he heard Silveria's voice.      

〖Master, he is telling the truth; he didn't know anything, just a worthless pawn.〗     

''Pl please sp-"      


Alex broke Charles's neck without hesitation; he, heed his body aside.      

Alex left after waking up the coachman and told him to take care of Britney.     

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