Take My Breath Away

You're Bringing Shame On The Li Family

You're Bringing Shame On The Li Family

1After a long while, her face burning red, Blair put on her slippers and dashed out of Wesley's bedroom. She ran back to her room and buried herself under the quilt. She didn't even bother to close the door.      2

Her hands were still shaking from the excitement; her heart was racing rapidly. Biting her lower lip, she tried to compose herself. She had ended up giving him a hand job again.     

This was the second time he had made her do it for him. Do it once, and there would always be a second time. His heavy breathing and sensual groans echoed in her head the whole night.     

Wesley walked out of the bathroom after a second shower. She wasn't in his room anymore. He looked at the messy bed and grinned broadly as he recalled what had happened only moments ago.     

He was lost in the memory when his phone started to buzz on the desk. It was an unwelcome distraction as it interrupted his reverie of the beautiful moment he had with Blair. He walked to the desk and picked up the phone.     

Niles. A dash of displeasure flashed across Wesley's eyes. His stupid brother always called him at odd times.     

"Wesley, did I wake you?" Niles asked when the call connected. Without waiting for an answer, he continued, "Could you lend me some money? I have fallen in love with a female star. But my salary is not anywhere enough to pursue her. Just give me fifty thousand dollars. Okay?"     

"No. I don't have any money to give you." Wesley refused without the slightest hesitation.     

"What? Why not? Are you saving up for something?" Niles asked, disappointed. He knew that fifty thousand dollars was not a big deal for his brother.     

"Yes, I'm saving," he admitted bluntly.     

An evil smile appeared on Niles' face. "I have heard that a man crazily saving up his money is a man in love. Brother, you're being mean to me for a woman? Who's the lucky girl?" he asked, though he already knew the answer.     

"Zip it!"     

"Bro, come on. It's just fifty thousand. It's a piece of cake for you. Don't be so stingy. You're bringing shame on the Li family."     

Wesley wiped his hair with a towel. He sighed and agreed reluctantly, "Fine, I'll see what I can do."     

"Great! Now, that's how a man of the Li family should be like." Niles was excited, a happy smile crept up his face.     

"When will you return the money?" Wesley asked in a strict tone.     

Niles' face fell. "You have never asked me to return the money you have given me before…" he said glumly. "Fine. Maybe next month."     

"You'll have to repay the double amount."     

Niles went silent for a moment; then he hung up.     

'Is he kidding me? Ugh! Forget it. I'd rather give up on pursuing the girl!' he thought angrily.     

The next day, when Blair unpacked her luggage and was hanging her clothes in the closet, she found quite a few brand-new bags inside.     

There were two white and two black ones and a bunch of others in different shades of green.     

Although they weren't of different colors, they were of varied styles—a backpack, a handbag, a cross body bag, a purse...     

She wanted to ask Wesley about it, but he had already left the apartment, leaving a portion of the breakfast on the dining table.     

As she ate the breakfast, she texted him. "I found a couple of bags in my closet."     

It wasn't until she was at work that he replied to her message. "They are for you. Use them as you please."     

"Who bought them?"     

"I did."     

"Oh? But, why did you buy so many?" Blair smiled sweetly as she patiently waited for his reply. She was glad that he had bought her the bags, though she was confused as to why he had bought so many of them, and the color selection was questionable too.     

"Just keep them. You can use a different bag every day."     

"Why are they all in green, white and black?" she probed further.     

But Wesley didn't answer to that question. Instead, he wrote, "When will you get off work?"     

"Why? Are you coming to pick me up?" she asked expectantly. If he was coming, she would leave on time. If not, she was planning to work overtime.     


The simple "yes" put Blair into an ecstatic state. She felt like she was in a honeymoon phase. With a sweet smile, she replied, "5:30."     

"All right."     

With his promise to pick her up, Blair remained in high spirits for the rest of the day. Her light mood helped her performance at work. She finished everything on time, effectively. She even showed the business associates from Italy around Y City. They were so satisfied with Blair and even told Orion that they were willing to sign the contract because of her. They remarked that she was such a lovely girl.     

Orion noticed the sweet smile on Blair's face the whole day. He remembered how melancholy the girl looked the past few days. And of course, he was aware of the reason as well.     

With a bitter smile, he signed the contract with the partner without saying much.     

Around 5:30, Blair anxiously tidied up her desk and stood from her seat, ready to clock out.     

As she was about to leave, Orion stopped her. "Blair, are you free tonight?"     

Blair paused and then asked, "What's up?"     

"I was hoping we could have dinner together."     

Embarrassed, she rejected his offer politely. "Maybe next time. He… He's waiting for me."     

Disappointment filled Orion's eyes. He knew it. "Okay. Bye then."     

"Sorry, Orion. See you later!"     

She jogged to the gate of the building and looked around. She easily spotted Wesley's black Hummer.     

Wesley was in a black T-shirt and black pants with matching black boots. He stood there, leaning against the car door, smoking.     

When he saw Blair coming towards him, he walked to the bin and put out the cigarette. Then he walked towards her. He reached out his hand to take the bag from her, but Blair threw herself into his arms without warning. "Wesley," she called.     

"Yes?" He wrapped one of his arms around her slim waist.     

"You really came. I'm so happy!" She had no intentions of hiding her true feelings in front of him.     

He smiled and smoothed her hair tenderly. "Get in the car." He hung her bag over his shoulder and took her hand in his, leading her to his car.     

"Mmm hmm," she nodded with a wide grin.     

He then drove the car into the traffic. Orion's company was a little farther away from their apartment than the Jin Group. But it was still only a few minutes' ride by car. So, it didn't make a big difference. On their way back home, Blair asked, "Can we take a detour?"     

"Why? Where do you want to go?"     

"I want to…Um… I want to eat some Chinese chestnuts." There was a shop nearby that sold sugar-fried chestnuts. She wouldn't be able to eat the delicious chestnuts again this year if they missed this season.     

Following her directions, Wesley drove to the shop. There weren't many people at the shop. If it were late winter, there would have been a long queue.     

Since they didn't need to wait in a queue, Wesley let Blair stay in the car and went to the shop himself. In no time, he came back with a paper bag full of hot sugar-fried chestnuts.     

Blair couldn't wait. She opened the bag and to her surprise, besides the hot chestnuts, there were also some sugar-fried haw apple, fried chips and some other snacks as well.     

The delicious smell made Blair's mouth water. She couldn't help but take a bite of the haw apple. "It's sweet! Oh, but it's a little sour too."     

Wesley looked at her. "You don't like it?"     

Blair shook her head. "It's fine. Just a little sour. I like it."     


After returning to the apartment, Blair went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She wanted to see what ingredients they had because she wanted to cook something for Wesley.     

Wesley came into the kitchen and put a peeled chestnut into her mouth. "Eat."     

As she chewed, she reminded him, "Don't peel anymore now. They are still hot." The chestnuts were freshly fried and were indeed pretty hot. She had wanted to eat them in the car, but had given up since they were piping hot.     

"They wouldn't be as sweet and delicious if they got cold," he said casually and turned around to peel the second one.     

She stopped checking the fridge as she repeated his words in her mind.     

She stared at Wesley's tall figure; a warm feeling coursed through her heart. This man could be so heartless sometimes, and other times, he was incredibly considerate. It was sort of a love-hate feeling.     

Blair busied herself with cooking, while Wesley continued to feed her the chestnuts. After eating more than ten of them, Blair shook her head and said, "No more. If I eat all the chestnuts, I wouldn't be able to have dinner."     

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