Take My Breath Away

Wesley's Mission

Wesley's Mission

2Wesley put the Chinese chestnuts in his hand away, washed his hands and got ready to help Blair with the cooking.     

Blair, however, shooed him out of the kitchen. "Just go watch TV and relax. I'll tell you when it's ready."     

Wesley didn't argue, but instead of watching TV, he went to the balcony to have a cigarette.     

Standing on the balcony, he took a drag on his cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke. He leaned against the railing, watching her hard at work making dinner. A smile formed on his lips.     

Afraid that she hadn't made enough food for Wesley, Blair made some dessert. But in the end, she ate most of the dessert. He kept on feeding it to her.     

This kind of life was simple, but after everything she'd been through, she felt really happy with what she had now. At least there was no one trying to hurt her.     

This was their home.     

If only she could have Wesley's baby. Then her life would be complete.     

It was around 11 p.m. when Wesley got a message from Blair on WeChat. "I'm so sleepy," it read.     

He sent a question mark in reply.     

"Turn off the light for me?"     

Before long, Wesley opened the door to Blair's bedroom. She gave him a sweet smile.     

'He is so good to me, ' she thought.     

He came over, lowered his head and planted a kiss on her cheek. "That's my reward," he explained.     

Blair reached out her arms, cradled his neck and kissed him on the lips. "Want more? Then stay here."     

His eyes were filled with desire for her as he tightened his hands around her waist. After a while, he simply said, "Two years."     

"What?" She was confused.     

He didn't explain further, but just kissed her on the lips passionately.     

'Blair, if you haven't found someone else by the time I get back, then I'll marry you, ' he swore to himself.     

After the passionate kiss, Wesley turned off the light, left her bedroom and closed the door behind him.     

Back in his own bedroom, he lit another cigarette while going over his orders for a new mission. It was his choice; he didn't have to go. But he'd get hazard pay on top of his regular salary, not to mention it was a chance to serve his country.     

If he accepted the mission, he would be sent to D City soon. It was a multi-national mission.     

This was a messy business, and involved tens of thousands of people.     

He not only was in command, but would personally work undercover.     

He couldn't take Blair along—if he did, she'd be in danger. This deployment was likely to last at least two years.     

If he signed his name on the dotted line now, he could leave as soon as tomorrow.     

This was an important mission, and the supreme commander had given him plenty of time to think about it.     

At 5:30 a.m. the next morning, Wesley woke up and within three minutes, got a message from Blair. "I'm still sleepy. I don't want to make breakfast."     

Wesley didn't reply to that. He knew she must have sent that message in a sleepy and hazy state. She might have dozed off again. He got out of bed and left the apartment for a run. After that, he bought some breakfast and went back home.     

By the time Blair got up for breakfast, she saw Wesley playing on his phone at the dinner table.     

When he saw her, he put his phone away, went to the kitchen and came back with her breakfast. It was still warm.     

"Morning, Wesley. I thought you were at work. You off today?" she asked.     

"Yes. Eat your breakfast and I'll drive you to work."     

"Okay." Blair paused to take a drink of milk, and then went back to eating.     

After the breakfast, Blair went to her bedroom to pack what she needed for work. After a while, she stuck her head out of the room and asked, "Hey, I got a question..."     

"Hmm?" Wesley had just finished cleaning the plates.     

"Do I look good with make-up or without?" she asked.     

'Is this a trap? I better answer carefully.' Wesley thought hard about how to answer the question.     

Blair wasn't made up right now. When Wesley didn't respond, she pouted, "How hard is it to just answer me? Make-up or no make-up? Or do I just look bad no matter what?"     

Wesley shivered and looked her in the eye. "Don't be like that. You look amazing—no matter what," he said in a serious tone.     


"You know me. I never lie."     

Blair thought the world was bright and beautiful again. She made a "Humph" sound to hide her shyness and went back to her bedroom to continue packing.     

Soon, Wesley's black Hummer left the parking lot. When they stopped at a red light, Blair happened to see a woman standing at an intersection. She got really excited and grabbed Wesley's arm yelling, "Check it out!"     

Now on the alert, Wesley straightened up and asked, "What?"     

"That chick over there! Wow, she is so hot. Perfect body, skin glowing. It should be a crime to be that hot. Totally jelly!" Blair was obsessed by the woman waiting at the red light.     

"Okay." Wesley couldn't care less about that and looked away.     

"Probably a model. You should get her number."     

"Nope." He wouldn't fall for her trap.     

Blair lowered her head to look at her chest, feeling frustrated. "I have so many problem areas. Every guy wants a girl like her, huh? And you won't sleep with me because I'm not sexy like her?" she pried.     

Wesley was stunned for a while. He decided to look carefully at the girl she was talking about. Maybe he could find something, anything wrong with her, and tell Blair about it.     

"You're talking about the woman with long hair over there, right? The one in the tight pink sweater?"     

Blair nodded. "Yeah. Perfect boobs, a nice tight butt. Wow!" Then she sighed heavily; she always thought that she was too thin and had no curves at all.     

Wesley looked away and started the engine. "I think you need a pair of glasses. That's a dude!"     

"No way!" Blair yelled. She looked out the car window to take a closer look.     

Wesley sneered. "Does a girl have an Adam's apple?"     

"Huh? No..." Blair took a closer look and was stunned. 'You know, I think he's right...' But after the light changed, they zoomed past the person so fast, she wasn't sure what she saw.     

"You only paid attention to his boobs and butt. Did you see his shoulders, hips and feet? He's pretty tall. And his biceps were kinda big for a woman. Your taste in girls is really... weird."     

Blair nodded at his words, but then, she shook her head vigorously. "Then why were you looking at him like that? You even noticed his shoulders, hips and feet. Why?"     

Wesley answered indifferently, "I only took two glances at him. You know I'm a soldier. I'm trained to read people. He even had some plastic surgery. His double eyelids are fake."     

Blair didn't know how to respond. But she had to admit that she was no longer jealous.     

"If I said you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?" he joked. 'Well, if she put on some weight, then she'll be more cuddly. That'll piss her off if I tell her.'     

"Because you do have a nice body," he continued. Blair screamed out of shyness and awkwardness, and pinched Wesley's arm. 'What the hell? I thought she wanted to hear that. I guess I don't understand women, ' he thought to himself.     

Then he recalled what Damon told him before. "Dude, if you don't want to get dumped, then don't use logic with your woman." Wesley thought it made sense and let Blair pinch him as she wanted.     

Time went by, and Wesley hadn't decided whether he would accept the mission or not.     

One day, when Wesley got home from work, Blair pulled him into her room hurriedly.     

His heart raced wildly in his chest. 'What's going on? Does she want to sleep with me?'     

Blair, however, stood on a weighing scale and complained, "I've put on 2.5 kilograms."     

"And?" He didn't get it.     

"It's all your fault!" Wesley was not as busy he had been before. He always went to the store, bought her delicious food and didn't allow her to do housework. That was why she had gained weight.     

"Okay." He wouldn't admit he did it on purpose.     

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