Take My Breath Away

Blair Has Left

Blair Has Left

3A bitter smile appeared on Curtis' face as he said from the other end of the line, "Wesley, I'm telling the truth."     1

Wesley didn't know how to respond.     

He hung up the call and rushed towards Carlos' manor with a dozen soldiers in tow. On the way, he prayed that Curtis was just making fun of him and that Carlos was safe and sound.     

"Wesley, you must help Debbie!" Wesley remembered what Blair had asked him.     

And he had promised her that he would do everything in his power. He would do whatever Blair asked of him.     

When he reached the gate of the manor, Curtis and Debbie were already there, but the guards had stopped them from going in.     

After a quick assessment of the situation, Wesley and his men barged into the manor.     

The decoration inside made Wesley's heart skip a beat—the traditional black and white funerary couplet, the mourning hall, Carlos' black and white portrait... Carlos was...dead.     

Before Wesley could learn anything more about the accident, Debbie received a phone call and left the manor in a hurry. Although he wanted to help her, he had no chance to offer her his assistance.     

Wesley had to ask James.     

It took him some time to accept the fact that Carlos was really gone. He swore to himself that he was going to find out the truth. At that moment, Curtis' phone rang. It was from Debbie.     

Over the phone, she told Curtis that she had lied to everyone. She said she had divorced Carlos after knowing his death and was leaving Y City with her new boyfriend. Wesley, who was standing beside Curtis, heard every word.     

He was so pissed off that he broke into curses near Curtis' phone so that Debbie could hear him. He felt bad for his best friend who had been so nice to this ungrateful woman. He also pitied Blair who had asked him to help Debbie.     

What made him angrier was that Debbie shamelessly blamed him for stopping her from seeking her own happiness. Wesley was shocked by her heartless words.     

Later, when Wesley and Curtis stepped into the living room of the villa, they saw James comforting Tabitha, who was crying bitterly over her son. Wesley went over to them and said, "Uncle James, I will look into the accident and find out—"     

James interrupted him and stated in a sad voice, "Wesley, Curtis. Carlos was fortunate to have friends like you. But please, let me handle this. Carlos was my son, and as his father, let me avenge his death. I will kill that son of a bitch."     

Wesley was hesitant. He still didn't want to give up on the matter. "I think it will be easier and faster if I investigate it. Uncle James, Aunt Tabitha, you need to take good care of yourselves right now. I will look into everything and I swear that no one will get away with it."     

James shook his head. "Wesley, I know that you are desperate to find the hit-and-run driver too. But, I'm Carlos' father. I must find out the truth myself. You understand my position, don't you?"     

Since James insisted, Wesley and Curtis had to give up.     

When Wesley arrived at his apartment that evening, Blair was still waiting for him. When she saw him enter, she went over and asked in an anxious voice, "How did it go? How's Debbie?"     

Wesley was still in a horrible mood because of his friend's death. Besides, Debbie was now the most hateful woman in his mind. He spat angrily, "Debbie Nian? Carlos was always so nice to her, yet she ended up being an ungrateful bitch."     

Blair was startled. "What did she do? Wesley, there must be some misunderstanding!"     

Leaning back on the sofa, Wesley closed his eyes wearily. "There is no misunderstanding. You were fooled by her innocent appearance. We all were. Carlos died protecting her. But a minute after his death, she demanded a divorce. They haven't even buried him yet, but she already has a new boyfriend." He paused for a moment and then added through gritted teeth, "She better run and hide. If I ever find her, she won't leave unharmed."     

Wesley knew how much Carlos had loved and doted on Debbie.     

But now that he was gone, Debbie finally revealed her true colors. How Wesley wished he could strangle her to death!     

"But that doesn't make any sense," Blair said in confusion. "Mr. Huo is gone. Debbie doesn't need a divorce. She is single now. Why would she insist on divorcing him after his death?"     

Wesley snorted. He had asked James the same question earlier. "Her new boyfriend had asked her to. Since Carlos' death was too sudden, he didn't leave a will. She was worried that Uncle James wouldn't give her any of Carlos' money, so she hired a lawyer to file for divorce and get a large sum of money as alimony."     

'Cold-blooded bitch! Her husband is gone, but all she cares about is his money!' he thought angrily.     

Blair still felt that there was something off about that whole story. "I don't think Debbie is that kind of person. There must be some misunderstanding," she repeated.     

She continued to support Debbie, which made Wesley furious. "The truth is that Carlos is gone and she already signed the divorce papers. She aborted the bastard in her belly and even told Curtis that she had a new boyfriend. Why do you refuse to believe it? Blair Jing, could you please sharpen your senses a bit more? Debbie Nian doesn't deserve your sympathy." He was worried that Blair's naivety would put her in danger while he wasn't by her side.     

But Blair was startled by his sudden outburst.     

She felt that Wesley had recently been lashing out at her all the time for no reason. That evening, he had called her a shameless woman. And now, he had lost his control again.     

When he saw her gloomy face, Wesley realized that he had said something wrong. He stood up and held her hands. "Sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you. It's just that I still can't accept that Carlos is dead. And yet Debbie... I'm really sorry, Blair."     

She shook his hands away and walked into her bedroom without a word. Bang! She shut the door.     

Wesley followed after her, to coax her, but the door was locked and he couldn't get in.     

Sighing with profound resignation, Wesley went back to his room to take a shower.     

He had planned to go to D City that day, but his schedule had been disrupted by Carlos' accident. He had to postpone his trip and began to investigate the car accident.     

One night, when he came back home, Blair wasn't anywhere to be seen.     

It was already past midnight. He found a note on the table in the living room which said, "I won't bug you anymore." He called her, but his number had been blocked.     

Wesley didn't know what was going on.     

Carlos was gone. And now, even Blair had left him. Wesley felt like he was being abandoned by the whole world.     

He sat on the couch and lit a cigarette. After a while, he fished out his phone and sent a message to someone. "Get me Blair's location."     

Before long, he got a message. "She is staying at her company dorm on Dagmar Road. Her roommate is a woman. She is 29, and is from H Country..."     

Wesley heaved a sigh of relief.     

Blair knew that Wesley would still find her even though she had blocked his phone number and WeChat account. But she had to show him that she was not a pushover.     

And she was right. When she came back to the dorm one night, Wesley was waiting for her outside the building.     

She saw the man in his usual black T-shirt, black pants and matching black military boots, but quickly turned around and left without bothering to talk to him.     

Upon seeing that, Wesley dropped the cigarette butt, stepped on it to put it out and walked towards her.     

Hearing the heavy footsteps coming from behind her, Blair picked up her pace and started to run.     

Wesley ran after her.     

Within a few seconds, he caught up to her and pulled her into his arms. "Don't struggle! Or I'll throw you over my shoulder!"     

"Let me go!" she yelled.     

"No!" Wesley was leaving for D City soon, and he really wanted to hug her as long as he could.     

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