Take My Breath Away

Worry About Yourself

Worry About Yourself

1Baldwin had nothing to say to that. He had to go and knock on the housemaid's door.     

After getting the recipe from him, Wesley began to make the soup.     

Blair was sound asleep when she heard someone calling her name. It sounded like Wesley.     

She opened her eyes and saw him pulling away her covers.     

She was feeling sticky all over. She touched her forehead and found that it was sweating.     

When Wesley came back after putting away the covers, he saw that she was awake. "The covers were too thick. You are sweating profusely," he explained.     

"Oh," she responded lightly.     

Wesley sat on her bedside and said, "Have some soup before going back to sleep." She nodded slowly, and he took the bowl of soup in his hand, ready to feed her.     

Blair sat up meekly. She took a sip of it as Wesley placed the spoon to her lips after blowing on it gently.     

Too much ginger gave it a funny taste. Blair winced, but finished the bowl without any complaint.     

After he put down the bowl, she gazed at him for a moment. Then, she said, "I'm feeling hot. I want to take a bath."     

Her sleepy expression, the beads of sweat on her forehead, and her sheer pajamas made her so attractive at that moment. Wesley gulped. "All right."     

He carried her into the bathroom, ran the water for her and then left immediately.     

Meanwhile, he went to her bedroom and took a shower. When he walked back into his room, Blair was still in the bathroom.     

Wesley knew her pace, so he didn't rush her. He adjusted the temperature in the room and waited as he reclined on the headboard, doing something on his phone.     

It was too late into the night, so Blair didn't wash her hair. After a while, she walked out of the bathroom in a bath towel.     

Standing by the bathroom door, she blushed and said, "I... I don't have any clothes here." Her pajamas smelled of sweat. She didn't want to wear them again.     

Wesley wanted to say, "Then, be naked." But he couldn't. She wasn't in the right mood.     

He got off the bed, walked to the closet and grabbed a white shirt. "Wear this. I'll buy you some clothes tomorrow."     


Blair put the shirt on, lay down beside him and shut her eyes.     

She had been too docile all night. It felt strange. Wesley had to say what he had been wanting to explain the whole night. "Patty and I—"     

However, Blair rolled over towards him and held him before he could finish his sentence. "I don't want to talk about it. I'm sleepy."     

The touch of her soft body made him swallow the rest of his words. "All right."     

Wesley turned off the lights. The room was engulfed in darkness. He wanted to hold her, but Blair quickly turned away from him, with her back to him.     

He closed his eyes for a second and turned her around to face him. "Honey, I can't take it anymore," he whispered in a hoarse voice.     

Blair flushed liked a boiled lobster. He held her hands in his tightly.     

Without her consent, he didn't dare make the next move.     

He waited. Both of them were silent for a moment.     

"Once a day is enough for you. We'll do it tomorrow," she finally said.     

Wesley felt helpless. What could he do to make her believe that nothing had happened between him and Patty.     

He embraced her tightly, immersed in her scent. "Fine, let's sleep," he said gently.     

Blair chewed her lip.     

'He didn't insist or correct me. Did he have sex with Patty more than once today then? He has never obliged so readily to my refusal before. Maybe he really is exhausted.'     

The thought kept her awake. Her mind wandered.     

Just when she was still thinking about this and that, Wesley put his hand on her waist and pulled her closer. "Can't sleep?"     

"I'm trying."     

"Good, I can't sleep either." With her by his side, he couldn't sleep at all.     

"No, no, I'm good. I'll probably doze off right away."     

Wesley figured out a way to prove his innocence. Since she was awake anyway, he threw himself on top of her and pressed his lips on hers. "Don't bother."     

After some consideration, he decided to take control. If he left the decision to Blair, he might never get a child.     

As soon as she got the chance to speak, Blair gasped and said, "You'll get exhausted."     

Wesley's eyes darkened. "Worry about yourself."     

Blair didn't struggle, nor did she make a single noise. Afterwards, Wesley found out why.     

She bit her lip until it bled so that no sound would come out of her lips.     

Every time she felt like moaning, Patty's voice rang in her head. So, she gnawed at her lip the whole time.     

Wesley was frustrated by her silence.     

The first light lit up the sky outside. When Wesley finally saw her broken lip, he was pissed. He held her chin up and warned, "Blair, if you bite your lip again, I'll kill you!"     

Blair didn't speak. With her eyes closed, she turned and buried her face in the pillow.     

She didn't want to say anything; she didn't have the energy to argue with him.     

Wesley forced her to face him, but she refused to open her eyes.     

Furious, he kissed her hard. She tried to push his face away, but he grabbed her hands and pushed himself onto her harder.     

He didn't let her go until it was bright outside and her voice was raucous.     

His thumb caressed the smooth skin of her cheek as he said tenderly, "Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me for the rest of your life. I will never let you go again."     

A lone tear flowed out of her eye. Wesley lowered his head and kissed it away. "Don't cry, babe. It will make me hard again."     

Hearing this, she wiped her eyes and went to sleep quickly.     

In two years, he had gotten even fiercer in bed than before. It was just too much for her to handle.     

Wesley left the bed and walked into the bathroom with a satisfied smile.     

After freshening up, he got dressed and went to the police station.     

On the way, he had someone get Blair's manager's phone number. "Is this Blair's manager?" he asked when the phone was connected.     

"Yes. Who is this?"     

"Her husband. She won't be coming in for work today. I'm calling to ask for the day off on her behalf."     

The manager huffed and said impatiently, "Your wife has been absent from work too often. And she always waits to ask for leave till the next day. We require a prior written application for leave, at least a day in advance. I had once deducted her pay for three days because of this behavior. And she continues to do the same thing. Does she still want this job or not?"     

Wesley frowned and gritted his teeth. He did not like the tone of her voice. "Is this how a manager of a company talks to people?     

Do YOU still want your job or not?" Wesley wondered what was with Blair and her managers. Her previous supervisor was a home wrecker and this one sounded as if she were the ruler of the world. It was a mystery how or why Blair put up with this hostility and arrogance and stayed so long in Orion's company.     

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