Take My Breath Away

Calling It A Night

Calling It A Night

1Wesley cast a sidelong glance at Blair, took his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. "Hey. I'm at the hospital. Get some food here pronto. And make sure it helps you heal. We're talking beets, kelp, ginger, mushrooms, what-have-you."      1

There were only the two of them left in the ward. He opened the window to air out the room. The smell of barbecued food lingered in the air. Then, he took the bubble milk tea from Blair and put it on the table beside her.     

He scooped her up in his arms and put her on the bed. Rage could be seen in his dark eyes when he looked at her. "You're in the hospital, but you're eating junk food. Is this how you take care of yourself?"     

Blair locked her hands around his neck and looked him in the eye.     

In her eyes, he was usually calm and composed, and almost never lost control. But now he wasn't calm anymore, all because she got hurt and he was worried. She felt so happy. Blair blinked her innocent eyes and kissed him on the lips. "I missed you so much," she said in a soft voice.     

History heart immediately softened. She always knew how to manipulate him.     

Time to show her who was the boss. He lowered his head and kissed her on the lips. The next moment, she was pressed against the bed.     

After a long while, he whispered hoarsely in her ear, "Since you had barbecue and drank milk tea, your health must not be too bad. How about some sugar, baby?"     

Blair's heart skipped a beat when she heard his request. "No, no. Not now. You asked someone to bring food here, right?"     

Wesley declined to answer and kissed her lips again. The kiss lingered for what seemed like forever.     

"I thought you were stationed at the border," she said, nestling in his arms and feeling his strong heartbeat.     

"I was."     

"Then how did you get back so fast?" she asked.     

"By helicopter." At his rank, it was a piece of cake to commandeer a helicopter. The moment Niles called him and told him about Blair's car accident, he requisitioned one and took off. It took him more than two hours to arrive.     

'Wow! By helicopter. No wonder he got here so fast, ' Blair thought.     

"What about work?"     

Wesley was quite calm right now. He let her go, stood up and examined her injured leg. "I need to leave tonight."     

'Huh? Tonight? He must be really tired.' "Wesley, I'm really okay. I don't even need to stay here. Yet you insisted they give me a thorough exam. I heard people laughing at me..." Blair saw a nurse snickering at her, trying to hide it behind a clipboard.     

Wesley looked at her and asked, "Who laughed at you? Tell me. I'll talk to them."     

"No! Now that you're here, you know I'm good. Get back to work. I'm fine." 'What if they need him?' Blair felt really bad. She had to try and convince him to leave.     

Wesley turned a deaf ear to what she said and sat beside the bed. He picked up the medical report on the table to check on her leg.     

Just then, Blair's phone rang. She picked it up and saw an unfamiliar number. "Hello?"     

"Is this Blair Jing?"     


"Hi Miss Jing. I was the guy involved in that accident."     

"Oh hi. Anything wrong?" Blair asked.     

"Well, yes and no. I got an estimate. The body shop says it will cost around $250, 000 for repairs. You only gave me 200 grand."     

"All right. I'll wire you the money now. The same bank account, right?"     

"Yeah. By the way, are you doing okay? My wife and I can drop by the hospital." Blair's attitude was so nice that the man felt a little guilty for having hit her.     

"Thank you, but I'm good. I ran a red light. I should be the one to apologize," Blair said.     

"All right. Get some rest. Bye."     

After hanging up, Blair opened her bank app. Wesley watched quietly as she did all this.     

He saw there was only about 30k left in her account.     

He waited, hoping that she would ask for his help. After all, he was her husband.     

But she didn't.     

This was what she had left of her paycheck. Back then, she sold the ring and bracelet that Wesley had given her, and that money was in another bank account.     

She decided to use the money in that account first.     

Thinking of this, she cast a glance at Wesley. She felt a little guilty as she was basically spending his money.     

"What's wrong?" Wesley asked, hoping she would be straight with him.     

Blair shook her head immediately. "Nothing." She opened another bank app and checked her balance. She had more than 800k in this one.     

She then looked at Wesley again. 'That's his money. Should I tell him first before using the money?' she wondered.     

Wesley sighed helplessly and took her phone. "What's his account number?" he asked.     

Blair was taken aback for a second. "You can find it in the transfer records of the ZL Bank app."     

Wesley copied the bank info, sent it to his phone and wired the money to the guy using his own phone. Then he did something on her phone before giving it back.     

Blair didn't see what he did, so she didn't realize he used his own phone to wire the money. "What were you doing?" she asked curiously.     

"I already wired him the money. If that's still not enough, you can wire him some more. He was driving a Mercedes-Benz; it's worth more than a mil. And the cost of repairs should be around 250k. He didn't lie."     

'It looks like he knows everything, ' Blair thought. "How did you wire him the money?" she asked. 'He'd need my PIN to do that. But he didn't ask me for it.'     

Wesley held her hand and said, "No need to worry about that. Remember to call me first if it happens again."     


Soon, someone came with the food. It was delicious, even tastier than her creations. She guessed that it must have been cooked by some professional chef.     

Like always, Blair couldn't finish it. It was Wesley who ate the rest of the food.     

After that, it was almost ten in the evening.     

Seeing that she was not seriously injured, he offered, "How about I drive you home?"     

"Sure!" She really wanted to go home. She didn't like staying in the hospital. No one did.     

Wesley hopped in Niles' car and they drove back to the Eastern Coastal Apartments.     

In the bedroom, Blair plopped onto the bed after taking a shower. "I'm bushed," she said.     

Wesley stood up from the couch, took off his coat and threw it away casually. "Are you calling it a night?"     

"Yeah. What's wrong?" She was confused.     

While unbuttoning his shirt, Wesley looked at her and said, "I'm back, and I've wanted to do this for so long."     

'What's he talking about? Oh my God! He's such a sexaholic!'     

Wesley leaned over her, but she put her hands on his firm chest. "No, no! My leg's hurt! Did you forget that?"     

"There is nothing wrong with your leg," he simply said. 'Otherwise, I wouldn't have driven you home.'     

He kissed her deeply, and she responded to his eager caresses. Their moans filled the apartment, and love was in the air.     

All was quiet in the dead of night. Wesley left the apartment, a satisfied smile on his face.     

He drove to the hospital and went to Niles' office. His brother was sound asleep.     

Wesley threw back his covers and dragged him up. "Hey, I need to tell you something. Listen."     

Niles yawned. He couldn't open his eyes—he was too sleepy. "What?" he grumbled.     

"Open your eyes!" Wesley ordered in a cold voice.     

Niles had to do as his brother said. "Bro, it's 3 in the morning. Why aren't you asleep?"     

Ignoring him, Wesley demanded, "I need you to drive her to work and pick her up every day until her leg is better..."     

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