Take My Breath Away

A Night In The Reed Field

A Night In The Reed Field

4The narrow village path was shrouded in darkness. After walking for a long time without a single street lamp in sight, Blair felt that something was wrong. "Wait, which direction are we walking in?" It was too dark and she couldn't tell the direction.      2

Wesley said honestly, "West."     

"What? But Grandpa told us not to go west!" Frightened, Blair stopped in her tracks at once.     

Wesley smiled, "It'll be an adventure."     

"No way! Even the elders of the village don't go exploring into the deep western mountains. I'm not going any further than this!" Blair gripped his hand tightly in fear.     

"I'm with you. Don't be afraid. Even ghosts won't get close to you while I am here. You won't see anything you don't want to."     

The very mention of ghosts made her jump in fright. She was more scared now than before.     

"Noooo, I'm not going that way. I want to go home now!" She shook her head, turning around to go back.     

Wesley locked her in his arms. "Don't run away."     

"It's pitch-dark here, and we're not familiar with the village. We'll get lost," she pleaded anxiously.     

They had seen a few houses scattered along the path a couple of minutes ago, but now, there were no signs of any inhabitants. They had reached a reed field now.     

A gush of wind blew over the reeds. The rustling of leaves sounded ominous in the dark, silent night.     

Wesley held her tight and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry. I won't go any further ahead."     

"Then, let's go back to the house." She closed her eyes, not daring to look around the empty field.     

He pecked a kiss on her lips and said seductively, "Honey..."     

His voice sounded hoarse, full of lust. Blair had a bad feeling about where this was going. "W-what... What do you want now?"     

"We have never done it on a field..." During a mission, he had once hidden himself in a field of reeds like this and had thought of Blair. The idea of having sex with her in a reed field had crossed his mind at the time. But he had shaken off the pretty picture at once since it wasn't possible then. Now that he was here, in a field of reeds, with the woman he had missed so much, how could he miss such a rare opportunity?     

Blair was taken aback by his words. "Wesley, I'm warning you. You— Mmph!"     

Her voice trailed off; his lips were on hers. Breaking the passionate kiss, he swiftly carried her to the patch of green land beside the reeds.     

The leaves rustled violently, mingled with their moans of pleasure. Blair didn't think that Wesley had such a wild fantasy.     

"Honey, I quit smoking again." His hot breath fell on her neck.     

"That… has nothing to do with me..." she panted.     

"Let's make a baby."     

Blair was speechless once again. Could she say no to that? Did she want to say no?     

But the man never gave her the chance to reply.     

"Honey, do you like this place? It's beautiful, isn't it? Open your eyes. The sky looks pretty."     

Biting her lower lip to control her moans, she slowly opened her eyes. A sea of stars were twinkling in the night sky, like diamonds. The stars—the sky itself was different in the countryside. It was breathtaking.     

Fortunately for Blair, Wesley could only have one round with her in the field. They had to go back to the house since her grandparents would worry about them and call her.     

Holding the panting woman in his arms, Wesley asked, "Is your room soundproof?"     

"Of course not!" She shook her head vigorously. 'You horny asshole! You still want more?' she cursed in her mind.     

"But we haven't slept together in such a long time. This is nowhere enough. What should I do?" he complained, eyes still thick with lust.     

Blair got goose bumps just looking at his dark eyes. "Please, no. Somebody might pass by and see us..." she begged.     

"But this is such a nice place. We won't get another chance once we're back home," he said, sounding serious.     

"No... Mr. Li, please. I want to go back to my grandparents'!" She clutched at the corner of his clothes, trying to sound sweet.     

He grinned broadly. "Will you come back to our home with me?"     

"No way! I'm not going back!" she refused in an instant.     

"Okay, good."     

"What?" Blair asked, confused.     

He explained, "Well, I don't want to go back home either."     

'What?' Blair stared at him, clueless.     

The next morning, the sun was already high up in the sky and Blair was still sleeping soundly in her bed. She began to wake up, feeling short of air. As soon as she opened her eyes, a handsome face came into sight. His lips were tightly pressed on hers.     

He raised his head and stared at her, a tender look in his eyes. "Honey, we should go help with the harvesting of the vegetables in the plot. You want to sleep more or are you coming with me?"     

'Harvest?' She was still half asleep. 'Oh, right! It's time to harvest the crops that Grandpa has planted.' Wide awake now, she asked, "What time is it?"     

"Almost ten."     

She sat up in bed abruptly. The quilt slipped off her shoulders, exposing her naked body. She felt cold and lowered her head to look. There were marks all over her body…     

She glared at the culprit beside her. Instead of feeling sorry, he grinned and reached out to touch her.     

Blair hastily gathered the quilt to cover herself. She stretched out one of her feet to kick him. "Get out. I'm going to get dressed."     

Wesley caught her creamy-white foot and fondled it gently. "So soft...This feels really good." His only regret was that her feet were wounded last time because of him.     

Thinking of her bleeding feet, Wesley felt a pang of guilt. She wouldn't have suffered so much pain if it weren't for him.     

Blair blushed. She drew back her foot and urged again, "Get out!"     

He didn't budge. "I'll help you get dressed."     

"No, thank you. I'm not a kid. I can get dressed by myself." She lay down in the bed again, waiting for him to leave.     

He walked to her suitcase and opened it. "Which one?"     

"The yellow coat, and the white— No, no! Leave! I'll do it." She had wanted to wear a white sweater. But since she had to do farm work that day, it wasn't a good idea to wear white.     

Wesley leaned over the bed and planted a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room.     

When Blair came out of the room, she saw her grandparents feeding the chickens. Wesley was squeezing some paste onto her toothbrush. Seeing her, he handed a cup of water to her. "Rinse your mouth first."     

She took the cup of water and toothbrush from his hands and began to brush her teeth.     

Blair noticed that the faucet was brand new. "Did you change the faucet?"     

Wesley turned the faucet to the left side and warm water flowed out instantly. "I installed a water heater. It's going to get colder soon. It will be more convenient for your grandparents if they have a heater."     

"Oh. When did you even have the time to buy and install the heater?" Blair was surprised by his efficiency. She had no idea when he did all this. He was with her most of the time.     

"When you were busy calling out my name in your dreams," he teased.     

Blair turned red, but she retorted relentlessly as she washed her face with the warm water, "How could that be possible? I was dreaming about Kinsley Feng last night."     

'Kinsley?' Wesley frowned. "How do you know him?"     

She paused and looked at him. "Sounds like you know him too."     

"Just an acquaintance." He got to meet Kinsley because of Yates, but they didn't have much interaction.     

Blair turned off the faucet. "Have you met him?"     

"Yes." Far more than that, he had shared a tent with him at the foot of a mountain, for a whole week.     

"Is he handsome in person?" she asked excitedly. In her excitement, she completely forgot to use her facial cleanser and quickly wiped her face with a towel. She then trotted closer to Wesley, eager to know more about the big star.     

Wesley's face darkened. "No," he replied bluntly.     

"Really? How come? He looks dashing on screen." Blair was a bit disappointed. She admired Kinsley. But if he wasn't really handsome, she might not be his fan anymore.     

Poor Kinsley. He lost one of his fans at that moment.     

"It's just make-up," Wesley said succinctly.     

"Oh, I see." She finally remembered that she hadn't washed her face with the facial cleanser, so she turned on the faucet and washed her face one more time.     

When she was finally done with her morning routine, Wesley had already chopped the firewood and also watered the vegetables.     

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