Take My Breath Away

Whom Will You Side With

Whom Will You Side With

3'899?' After thinking about it for a moment, Wesley asked, "899 dollars?" He knew next to nothing about cosmetics. In his mind, since Blair was so angry that Megan had destroyed her Perfecting Cushion, he imagined that it must have been pretty expensive.     

"Ugh!" Blair closed her eyes to calm herself down, but she was still furious. "RMB!" she yelled. "It cost 899 yuan!"     

'Only 899 RMB? That's cheap. Why is she so angry about this?' Wesley wondered, confused about her reaction. "It's just a cosmetic, Blair. Don't be mad. Megan is only a student. She doesn't have any money to replace it. I'll get you a new one."     

Blair flared up. "She doesn't have money? Is that why she's going around breaking my stuff? Then why is she wearing designer clothes? Don't think that I'm not aware it's you who has been supporting her since Mr. Huo had the car accident."     

She had long known this, but had never mentioned it before. Since she was not Wesley's wife, she thought that she had no right to ask him not to support Megan.     

"Yes. It was Carlos who had been supporting her. I should be responsible for her in his absence," Wesley answered in a matter-of-fact tone. Poor Wesley. He still didn't know why she was mad.     

When Blair saw Megan's smug face, her heart sank. She asked, "Wesley Li, do I wear a deadpan face every day? Am I like a dead fish in bed? Am I not as attractive as Patty Chang?" Megan had just told her that Wesley had told her all these things.     

Megan didn't think that Blair would confront him. Her heart was in her mouth. If Blair told him that it was she who had said all those things, they would realize that she was trying to drive a wedge between them. She had to do something to stop her from saying any further. "Aunt Blair, please don't be mad at Uncle Wesley because of me. He loves you a lot. Don't overreact, okay? I'll get you a new Perfecting Cushion, alright?" she said loudly so that Wesley could hear from the other end.     

Blair wished that she could slap the bitch in the face right then. "Shut the fuck up! No one is talking to you here."     

Megan blinked her innocent eyes and answered in a pitiful tone, "Okay."     

Wesley tried to coax Blair, "This is just a trivial matter, Blair. Don't make it a big deal. Since you don't want me or her to buy a new one for you, you can buy it yourself. Just let me know if you need any money. I'll wire it to you."     

Blair's mouth hung open as she listened to his casual reply, and her face turned ashen. 'The issue here is not the Perfecting Cushion, you idiot! It's your attitude!' "She did it on purpose! Why do you refuse to reprimand her?" she spat.     

"Blair, I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm really, really sorry. Please don't be mad at me or Uncle Wesley," Megan chipped in.     

"Blair—" Before Wesley could say anything, Blair hung up on him.     

He was driving her crazy. She decided to teach the bitch a lesson by herself.     

She put her phone away, fished her lipstick out of her purse and unscrewed the lid.     

Her phone rang. She knew it was Wesley calling, so she turned a deaf ear to it. She swiftly turned to Megan and pressed her against the counter. "What are you doing?" Megan yelled.     

"Teaching you a lesson!" Unlike Debbie, Blair didn't know kung fu. In order to deal with the struggling Megan, she had to use all her strength.     

Her phone stopped ringing.     

A few moments later, as she was trying to overpower Megan, Niles' voice came from outside the ladies' room. "Blair, are you in there?" he asked.     

"Yes, I am!"     

"Wesley asked me to look for you. You need any help?"     

Of course Blair needed help. "Yes, I do. Come on in!"     

"Huh? Blair, this is the ladies' room. I don't think that's appropriate." Wesley was still on the phone. Niles lowered his voice and said to him, "Blair wants me to go into the ladies' room and help her. What should I do?"     

'So, Blair and Megan are having a row in the ladies' room, ' Wesley thought, shaking his head. He considered her request and instructed Niles, "Do as she says."     

"Are you sure?" Niles was shocked, not to mention, embarrassed.     

"I'm sure."     

Covering his eyes with one hand, Niles entered the ladies' room and called out, "Blair, where are you?"     

Blair saw him walk in with his eyes closed. She had covered Megan's mouth so that she wouldn't be able to catch Wesley's attention. She kicked the yellow sign which said "Under Repair" towards Niles and told him, "Put this outside the door."     

"What?" Niles asked in confusion and then dropped his hand.     

He then saw Megan struggling against Blair's tight grip.     

Blair raised her chin to attract his attention to the sign. "Put the sign outside the door so that nobody comes in."     

"All right." Niles did as he was told.     

Just as he came out of the bathroom with the sign, two women walked towards the door. They saw him. Their eyes widened in shock. It looked like they were about to yell.     

Niles put the sign down at the door and tried to explain quickly. "My friend…uh...girlfriend is busy in there. Could you please use the ladies' room on the second floor?" he stammered.     

The two women looked at each other strangely before leaving.     

Niles heaved a sigh of relief. He entered the ladies' room once again and locked the door behind him. "Blair, what are you doing?"     

Megan tried her best to push Blair's hand off her mouth. "Niles...help me— Mmmph..." Blair shut her up again.     

She stared at the young man and asked, "Niles, your brother is taking her side. What about you?"     

Niles blushed, embarrassed about Wesley's behavior. "My brother is an idiot. I'm not like him. Blair, I'm with you."     

She nodded in satisfaction. "Good. Then, come here and hold her down."     


With Niles' help, Blair began to apply her Perfecting Cushion onto Megan's face. The product was already ruined, so she applied as much as she could. Megan's face was as white as a sheet of paper.     

Then, she used her lipstick and painted her face red. She tried to draw a cat, but it didn't look like it at all.     

Niles tried to suppress his laughter while saying, "That doesn't look like a cat at all! She looks like the Red Skull."     

"Oops! Looks like I suck at drawing. But who cares? I like my artwork here."     

Niles' phone began to ring in his pocket. "It must be Wesley. You pick it?" he asked. He was holding down Megan with one hand and was covering her mouth with the other.     

Blair nodded and fished out his phone. He was right, it was Wesley. "Hello, Wesley. Don't bother us. Niles and I are painting. Bye!" Then, she hung up without waiting for a reply.     

Wesley was speechless.     

Blair put his phone on the countertop and scolded Megan, "Don't you dare cry! My lipstick is not waterproof. If you destroy the make-up, I'll have to paint your face all over again."     

When she was finally done, Blair took a photo of Megan's face and sent it to Wesley. "I did Megan's new make-up. How does she look?"     

After sending that message, she added, "You better think about your reply very carefully."     

"All right. We're done here. Let's go, Niles." Blair threw her Perfecting Cushion and lipstick into the bin, grabbed her stuff and started to leave.     

Niles released Megan and washed his hands. He grabbed his phone and left with Blair.     

Wesley still didn't reply to Blair's message, so she sent him another one. "I've thought well about your previous suggestion, and I think it makes sense. Niles is a good man and is a respectable doctor. His job is less dangerous than yours and he is highly paid. What's more, he would be able to keep me company every day. I have decided to take your suggestion and date Niles."     

This time, her phone started ringing and she answered it. "Megan looks great with that make-up," he said.     

Blair sneered. "Too late. I've made up my mind. I'm staying at Niles' place tonight."     

Niles' eyes went wide in fear and he started to panic. "Blair! I just helped you! Don't get me into trouble!"     

After hanging up on Wesley, she turned to Niles with a smile. "Just kidding. I'm not interested in a kid like you. I like real men, like your brother."     

"Hey, hey! I'm not a kid. I'm a doctor, and many people speak very highly of me."     

Blair giggled. "Alright, Doctor Li. Let's go."     

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