Take My Breath Away

I Will Support You

I Will Support You

1Sandra was restless even though she had a clear conscience. She was worried about her husband who might have done something dubious or questionable.     2

As expected, Sheffield gave her a wicked grin before saying, "Sandra, you should pay more attention in taking care of your skin and weight. Also, you should really buy more alluring clothes. Or else you won't keep your husband's attention from Kaylee whose idea of a dress is to always show at least half of her skin."     

Upon hearing that statement, Sandra's husband, who had been sitting in a corner, immediately rushed over to Sheffield. "What nonsense are you talking about? Are you insane?"     

"In case you're wondering, I'm talking about you. But you're not going to admit it, are you? Luckily for Sandra, we don't need your words. Do you know how easy it is for me to know about every single thing you do? If you want evidence, I can give it to you. You better believe it when I tell you that I have solid proofs." Sheffield was not exaggerating. He had every single bit of evidence with everything that the Tang family members had been doing.     

With that, Sandra and her husband began to argue with each other.     

In the middle of that chaos, Wanda Tang, Peterson's fourth child, was walking up the stairs peacefully. In order to call her attention, Sheffield raised his voice a bit. "Wanda, I heard that none of your paramours could satisfy you. I happen to know a lot of young and handsome guys, some fresh meat if you will. How about I introduce them to you?"     

With great effort, Wanda Tang tried to keep her composure. She raised her chin at him and retorted, "You should go to a therapist. Don't cause trouble to my marriage."     

"Why don't we show your husband the receipts of your spending in those nightclubs? Let's see who he will believe."     

Wanda Tang's husband wasn't home at that moment, but one of the family's servants was a relative of his. If the said servant was anywhere near them, it wouldn't be long before her husband found out about her paramours.     

"But why should you be guilty about anything, right? I heard that your husband has developed affections for a particularly beautiful woman who happens to be one of your dearest friends. I actually saw them in a hotel last week. But I don't know, maybe they were just talking or playing cards in there. You can just ask him about this later," Sheffield candidly stated as if he was afraid that there wasn't enough chaos in the Tang family.     

Since Wanda Tang and her husband were wealthy and powerful, they had a lot of men and women vying for their attention. But, was this not always the case with their kind of people? Since the beginning of time, way back to the era of queens and kings, men and women of power always had lovers aside from their legal partners. The only difference was the legality of the situation or if their legal partners knew about it.     

As a member of the upper class, Sheffield could easily find out about all of these romantic affairs as long as he wanted to know. Besides, their kind was only composed of the society's 1% of the 1%. There wasn't really a lot of them, to begin with. Everyone wanted to be them or at least be part of their crowd. But because of this, a lot of eyes were always on them.     

When Sheffield noticed how upset Wanda Tang was becoming, he couldn't hold back his laughter anymore. But still, he wasn't done. He continued to add fuel to the fire. "Oh, and how could I forget about Felton? Please don't be mad at me. After all, if we're talking about numbers, you're in the leads. How many women do you have by the sides? If I'm not mistaken, more than ten? Do you remember that girl who had an abortion for you last month? She actually asked me for your phone number. I hope you don't mind that I give it to her. It sounded like she wanted to talk to you about something important. I just couldn't remember what it was about. Call her back when you have the time, will you?"     

If the Tang family members had been keeping their skeletons in their closets really well, Sheffield had managed to throw those bones in the open one by one.     

From the moment Sheffield opened his mouth, he was consciously aware of what he was doing. So when he realized that he was taking effect on all of them, the rage that had been inside of him for a long time finally subsided a little. He whistled with contentment while he left the Tang family's house.     

As soon as he was out of the door, Felton and his wife began to fight against each other.     

When Sheffield returned to his apartment, he noticed that the light in the living room was on. Evelyn was sitting on the sofa. She was the only one in the apartment, but she still maintained her graceful and dignified composure.     

Their eyes met. While he walked towards her, he called out softly, "Evelyn..." 'My own family disowned me again, ' he wanted to tell her.     

"Sheffield..." Evelyn murmured. The words that were left unsaid were, 'My own father disowned me.'     

They had known each other for a long time so Sheffield could feel that they both had something to get off their chest. After he sat next to her, he pulled her into his arms and said, "You first." Evelyn sighed. "Well, you tell me first."     

He kissed her on the forehead and smiled before saying softly,     

"Lady first, please."     

"Fine. You know what? My father kicked me out of the house," Evelyn stated softly. Sheffield was stunned. For the first few seconds, he couldn't believe what she just told him. He couldn't believe that Carlos, a father who treasured and protected his daughters, was willing to kick Evelyn out. 'How could he do such a thing? This is unbelievable!' he silently thought.     

Evelyn could sense what he was thinking so she said with the utmost sincerity, "It's true. My dad is actually disowning me. I'm not lying to you." She knew that it would be hard for him to believe her. She couldn't blame him. After all, Evelyn herself didn't expect that Carlos would hate Sheffield to such an extent.     

Sheffield nodded and put on a calm expression on his face. "Don't worry. I'll support you!" For everyone's sake, that was the best solution. From then on, he wouldn't have to please Carlos anymore for Evelyn's sake.     

Moved and overwhelmed by his words, Evelyn could only manage to say, "Thank you, Sheffield."     

"What did you just call me?" He didn't like the way she called him. They were going to get married soon, so it was only appropriate if she called him "honey" outside of their bedroom as well.     

"Ahem!" Evelyn was a little shy. After a few minutes of gathering her confidence, she called out softly, "Honey."     

"Eve, I love you!" He was so happy that he wasn't able to control himself and kissed her on the lips.     

After the kiss, they looked into each other's eyes for a short moment. Evelyn then remembered that he had something to tell her when he entered the apartment. "Well, it's your turn now. What did you want to tell me earlier?"     

"Why didn't you bring Gwyn with you?" Sheffield asked in reply, deciding not to tell her about what happened between him and his father, in case she got worried.     

"Is that really what you wanted to say?"     

"Yes. What else would I tell you?" Originally, he wanted to tell her that he was kicked out of his own family as well. But now that he knew what happened to her, he decided that it would be better if she didn't know that. He didn't want her to worry about him.     

"My dad said that I can leave, but his granddaughter must stay. I couldn't take her away, I'm sorry." Because of Carlos' stern and firm decision, Evelyn had no choice but to leave the Huo family's manor by herself.     

"Everything will be fine. We're going to take prenuptial photos and hold a ceremony. After everything is settled, we will take Gwyn back and change her family name to Tang. The three of us will spend our days together." Sheffield tried to comfort her with assurance.     

"Prenuptial photos? Don't you think it's too soon?" Evelyn was suddenly overwhelmed. After all, he had just proposed to her so she wasn't mentally prepared for all this.     

"I really want to marry you. I just can't wait," Sheffield stated while he looked at her with adoration. It was Evelyn's face that he wanted to see when he woke up in the morning and the last thing to see when he fell asleep. He wanted to spend every waking hour with her. There was nothing more that he wanted. He wanted to spend the rest of his days with her.     

After a short time of considering the situation, Evelyn said, "How about I take care of these matters? My dad has disowned me. I don't have to work in the ZL Group anyway, so I have nothing else to do." One of the good things to come out of this situation was that Evelyn finally had time to make preparations for their wedding, such as organizing their prenuptial shoot and the ceremony itself. After they got married and everything had been settled, she could find another job.     

Suddenly, she was full of expectation and excitement for the future.     

"That's not a good idea. Both of us must take part in the preparations. And I might not be too busy these days. So, let's do this together!" In fact, Peterson hadn't said anything about the matters of the Theo Group. However, even if Sheffield didn't want to deal with the issues of the company anymore, he couldn't be so callous as to disregard all of the work at once.     

"Okay. Have you decided when to take prenuptial photos?" Evelyn asked. She could actually take the prenuptial photos at any time, so the schedule would be up to him.     

"I have made an appointment with the head of the wedding planning company under the Theo Group. Currently, he is already making a wedding plan for us. All matters about the wedding including the prenuptial shoot should be included in there. So you don't have to worry about anything. You just need to sit back, relax, and wait to take pictures with me."     

"Okay." Evelyn gave him a wide smile.     

"I'll take you to the wedding planners tomorrow. If you have any specifications that you want, you can just tell them. I want our wedding to be exactly how you want it to be."     

Evelyn cuddled right below his neck and leaned her head against his chest. "Actually, I'm not going to ask for anything. As long as I can be with you, I won't even mind if we don't have a ceremony."     

"Well, then you don't have to worry about the wedding. Just leave it to me!"     

"Okay." Tears welled up in Evelyn's eyes. She just found it hard to believe how nice Sheffield was to her. He would always give priority to her preferences and consider her feelings. She never thought that she could be loved and cared this way.     

"By the way!" She suddenly remembered one thing and looked up at him. "They said that the kind of woman that you like is cute and sweet, like a little princess. Is this true?"     

"What? That's absurd. I don't like that kind of woman at all. The kind of woman that I like is someone who is dependent and strong. Someone just like you, a woman who can take care of herself. A woman who can protect me because I actually like to be protected," Sheffield said as he buried his head in Evelyn's chest instead.     

'What on earth did he just say? Who would protect whom? I remember that in every circumstance that we had faced, it was he who protected me every single time, ' Evelyn thought, completely confused at Sheffield's statement.     

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