Take My Breath Away

Rich Ladies And Scholars

Rich Ladies And Scholars

1Evelyn laughed. She was amused by Sheffield's strange logic about love.     

Just as she opened her mouth to counter him, the doorbell rang.     

She looked at Sheffield in confusion. "Are you expecting someone?" She was still in her pajamas since she hadn't left the apartment all day.     

"No. It's probably just Joshua or Gifford." Sheffield shrugged. Besides Evelyn, only those two would come to his apartment unannounced.     

But when he opened the door, Sheffield was surprised to see two people he was least expecting to come knocking at his door.     

Matthew stood outside the door with his usual frown, accompanied by a teenage girl. She looked like a quick-witted, mischievous girl. Sheffield had never seen her before. He asked Matthew, "Your girlfriend?" 'She looks underage. Matthew, you little...' Sheffield thought in disbelief, staring at the pair.     

Before Matthew could reply, the girl shook her head back and forth in a hurry. "Hello, handsome! No, I'm not his girlfriend. We are barely acquainted." She side-glanced at Matthew. The most contact she had had with him was a year ago when she had gone to America and had to stay at his place for a few days. But even then, they seldom talked to each other.     

She looked away from Matthew, more interested in the handsome man who had opened the door for them.     

"Erica?" Evelyn called. She was about to go to the bedroom to change when she heard the girl's voice from the corridor. Confused, she walked towards the door.     

Sheffield moved aside to make way for the guests.     

As soon as they entered the living room, Erica ran into Evelyn's arms. "Evelyn! I missed you so much!" It had been half a year since they had last met.     

Evelyn was still surprised, but also put her arms around the girl. "It's really you! When did you arrive in Y City?" she beamed. Being around Erica had always been blissful for her.     

"I met Matthew at the airport. He said he was coming to see you. So, I tagged along," Erica said in a chirpy voice. When Matthew's flight touched down at the airport, he was informed that Wesley and Blair were coming to Y City with Erica as well. So, he had waited for them at the airport.     

"Wow, this is such a pleasant surprise! Well, have a seat. I have to change my clothes. I will be right back," Evelyn said.     

Erica nodded, "Okay." Just as Evelyn was about to enter the bedroom, Erica grabbed her arm. Pointing to Sheffield, who was talking to Matthew, she asked, "Evelyn, is he...your boyfriend?"     

Evelyn smiled, "Yes."     

"Wow! He's so handsome!"     

"Thanks. He's not half bad," Evelyn replied modestly with a chuckle.     

Erica looked admiringly at Sheffield, who was still wearing the white traditional wear and sighed, "No wonder rich ladies during the old times liked those gentle and handsome scholars. If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate to sever ties with my family and elope with such a handsome boyfriend either!"     

She had already heard from her parents that Carlos was about to sever his ties with Evelyn. That was the reason why Wesley and Blair were back in Y City. As for Erica, she came with her parents because she was curious about what was really going on.     

Evelyn was amused by her confession. Matthew had a poker face, as always, while Sheffield cupped his hands and said, "Thank you so much for your praise, young lady."     

Erica promptly replied in a traditional manner, "You're welcome, sir!"     

Evelyn shook her head with a smile and walked towards the bedroom.     

"Honey, wait for me. I should get changed too," Sheffield said. He had planned on performing a traditional dance for Evelyn in his costume. But with the arrival of their two unexpected guests, he had to postpone the dance to another date.     

They went into the bedroom together, and closed the door.     

Erica looked around the apartment like a curious child, while Matthew sat on the sofa and browsed on his phone. Neither of them spoke to each other, just like they had stayed silent on their car ride to the apartment.     

They had only taken the same ride because they both were headed to the same place.     

Sheffield came out of the bedroom first. He went into the kitchen and poured some tea for the guests. He waved to Erica. "Erica, right? Come and have some tea."     

She took the cup from him with a sweet smile. "Thank you, handsome. My name is Erica Li. You may call me Rika."     

"Cute name. Don't you have classes to attend, Rika?"     

Since Matthew was a reserved man, Sheffield had to make conversation with the girl by himself.     

"I applied for leave from school. I had to persuade my father for a long time before he finally agreed to bring me along." Erica pursed her lips. Wesley was a strict father, so it was difficult for her to go out and play anywhere.     

"What grade are you in now?" Sheffield asked, showing interest in her.     

"I'm about to graduate junior high."     

He had guessed it right. She was only in junior high school. "Oh! So, you must have a lot to study. I hope you do well."     

"Thank you, handsome! It's fine though. It's not that difficult for me." Because she was smart and quick to learn anything.     

Sheffield turned to Matthew. "When will you finish your studies in the US?"     

Casting a glance at Sheffield to make sure that he was talking to him, Matthew answered succinctly, "Next year."     

"Will you be taking over the company then?"     

"Not yet. My father is still very young." He meant that he was in no hurry to take over ZL Group.     

Erica cut in, "Uncle Carlos does look young! He doesn't look like a man in his late fifties. People may actually think that he's in his late forties, at most."     

"He's sixty-one," Matthew corrected her.     

Erica scowled. 'Why did he have to point it out so precisely?'     

Sheffield nodded, "I agree with Erica. Uncle Carlos does look like he is still in his forties. Someone should find out the secret of his eternal youth."     

Although Carlos was already in his sixties, there were still many women who would love to chase after him.     

Matthew shifted his gaze from the phone to Sheffield. After a short pause, he asked, "How sloppy are you? Why can't you handle an old man like him?"     

'Did he just call Carlos Huo an old man?' Sheffield shook his head with a smirk. "Your father is no ordinary old man. You know that."     

"You are not an ordinary man, either. I won't just sit idly and watch my sister get cut off from our family. You are coming to the Huo family manor with me later to try every means necessary to get Dad's approval."     

"Sounds like a plan, but I have an appointment to keep with Joshua and Gifford this afternoon. Shall we go there tonight?"     

"Gifford? You know my brother?" Erica looked at Sheffield in astonishment.     

Only then did Sheffield realize that they had the same surname—Li. "Oh! So, you are Mi—I mean, the sister Gifford always talks about?" Sheffield said.     

"You were going to say 'Miss Troublemaker, ' weren't you?" Erica scoffed. She knew her brother well enough to know that much, but she didn't care. "My brother wouldn't say anything good about me. I know that."     

"I'm sure that Gifford was just exaggerating. You're a cute girl," Sheffield said sincerely. After all, she was only fifteen. It was normal for a girl of her age to be energetic and cause a little trouble here and there.     

"Yes, he is definitely exaggerating. In fact, I'm a really nice girl," Erica declared proudly.     

If either Wesley or Gifford were present there at the time, they would have thrown Erica out of the room. She was the worst troublemaker they had ever met.     

Sheffield burst into laughter. He was impressed by the girl's personality. "You're right. Anyway, I'm going to see Gifford this afternoon. Do you want to come with me?" he asked.     

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