Take My Breath Away

Can't Get Any Rest

Can't Get Any Rest

0"Willis, Finley, come here and separate these two," Lea called out anxiously.     2

Acting fast, Finley ran over and grabbed Sheffield's arm to pull him away, trying to defuse the situation. "Calm down, Sheffield. It's the day after your wedding. Being angry now is bad luck."     

"You think it's appropriate to do this while your wife is still asleep?" Willis asked in a nonchalant tone.     

Sheffield didn't move, making sure he held Kaylee's wrist tightly, her hand submerged in the hot soup. He shifted his gaze to the woman's hand, and answered haughtily, "And your point is? There's nothing going on here. My wife is an understanding woman."     

"Go wake up Evelyn!" Lea told Felton, who stood at the door of his own bedroom, watching the farce.     

"Just try it!" Sheffield cast a cold glance at Lea. "I told you. Disturb my wife's rest and I will bounce you out of this family!"     

Peterson wasn't at home now. Since Sheffield had been too busy with his wedding and honeymoon, the old man got up earlier than anyone else and went to work. They weren't entirely sure what Sheffield was capable of, but they knew he wouldn't make a threat if he didn't have some way of following through. They decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and were quiet.     

Evelyn was the only one in this house who wasn't scared of him.     

Sheffield didn't let go of Kaylee's hand until the soup was almost cool.     

Her hand was scalded from her ordeal. Red, and blistered and obviously quite painful.     

Her crying worried Finley a lot. But he didn't dare to comfort her when she was crying because his wife was right next to him. He made his way to his bedroom, but kept looking back at Kaylee on the way.     

As if nothing happened, Sheffield just walked to his room with the plate of foods in his hand. When he walked past Sandra, he handed the plate to her. "Hi, Sandra. I lost my appetite. Kaylee contaminated the soup. You're headed downstairs right? Take this down for me?"     

Then, without waiting for her reply, Sheffield shoved the plate of foods in her hands.     

Sandra was pissed off and screamed, "You're such an asshole, Sheffield!"     

"Thank you for reminding me," he said with a smile. Then he opened the door to his own bedroom and walked in.     

In the room, Evelyn was still sound asleep. He took out his phone and sent his assistant a text message. "Hey, get some breakfast to the Tang family's house."     

After that, he put away his phone and lay down in the bed to fall asleep next to his wife.     

A while later, Sheffield woke up Evelyn. She was still sleepy, but he forced her to sit up and have breakfast. The delicious smell of steamed buns hit her nostrils.     

"Leave me alone. I'll eat later," she said sleepily.     

"Be good, breakfast is important. Eat something before you catch more zzzs." He brought her the toothbrush with a glob of toothpaste on it and a glass of water. He waited for her to open her mouth.     

Evelyn couldn't help but complain, trying not to yawn. "Sheffield, you're so annoying. I want to sleep." She just wanted to sleep in for a while longer.     

"Yes, I am. Open your mouth and rinse." He brought the glass of water to her lips.     

Evelyn had to open her eyes. It was then she found that her man had already squeezed the toothpaste on the toothbrush and had prepared a glass of water and a garbage can for her to spit the water into.     

She had no choice but to grab the toothbrush and get out of bed.     

However, her legs were sore. She put her arms around his neck and pouted. "Carry me to the bathroom," she said like a spoiled kid.     

Sheffield chuckled and said, "Okay. Alley oop!     

He lifted her into his arms and obediently carried her to the bathroom. He lingered, watching her brush her teeth.     

Evelyn had part of a bun and some noodles. She also drank some milk. The girl was still quite tired. Finally, after he was satisfied she had enough nourishment, Sheffield let her go back to bed.     

After making sure she was tucked in, and the room was warm enough, he took the breakfast that she hadn't finished and started in on it.     

But Evelyn was destined not to get much rest at all.     

Just as she was about to doze off, someone pounded on the door. It was Sterling, as his bellows of rage could be heard clearly in the room. "Come out now, Sheffield Tang!"     

Sheffield was sitting on the bed. He had his laptop open, and was surfing the web. Icy rage flashed in his eyes when he heard the noise. Evelyn had just opened one of her eyes in a haze. He put the laptop aside, smoothed her long hair and said, "Just go back to sleep, honey. I'll deal with this."     

"Okay." No wonder Sheffield was unwilling to come back and live with the Tang family. You couldn't get any sleep here.     

Sheffield walked over to the door and opened it. The moment he did so, he leaned back to avoid a fist aimed at his face.     

Sterling's fist hit the doorframe instead of Sheffield, though not for lack of trying. Sheffield's elder brother cursed as he did so.     

Unable to hit the guy, Sterling got even angrier. "Damn it! What did you do to Kaylee?"     

Kaylee was nearby, her hand bandaged. Her face bore no expression. She watched the two brothers fight.     

With no trace of guilt on his face, Sheffield stood at the door defiantly. "If you can't control your wife, don't blame me for teaching her a lesson!"     

"Bullshit! I asked her. She said you're the one who hit on her. You tried to sleep with her? What an asshole!" Sterling cursed.     

"Yeah, I get that a lot. But think, Sterling! Use your head for something other than a doorstop! If I wanted to sleep with your wife, wouldn't I be nice to her? Why I punish her?" Sheffield sneered at the angry man.     

Sterling didn't usually stand up for his wife. When did he start doing that? It looked like he just wanted to use this incident to make a fuss and destroy his relationship with Evelyn.     

"I have thought about it. And all I can think about is smashing your head in. You hurt Kaylee because she refused to sleep with you! And now you're gonna pay!" As he spoke, Sterling fiercely grabbed Sheffield's collar.     

weHe cocked his fist, and someone opened the door behind them. It was Evelyn, in her claret red silk pajamas. She gave Sterling a cold glance and asked Sheffield, "What's going on?"     

Sterling's fist froze in the air the moment his gaze fell on Evelyn in her pajamas. His eyes sparkled with lust.     

Because someone else was drooling over his wife, Sheffield flew into a rage. Without warning, he gave his brother a knuckle sandwich.     

Caught off guard, Sterling didn't have time to duck. He staggered backwards awkwardly and almost fell to the floor.     

Sheffield wanted to kick him, but was stopped by Evelyn. "Sheffield!"     

Because of her warning, Sheffield stopped. He tidied up his clothes and warned the man coldly, "Keep an eye on your woman. If she keeps pissing me off, she'll get worse! You too!"     

Evelyn held his arm and comforted him in a soft voice, "Don't get mad. Just forget them. Let's go back and lay down."     

"Yes, honey." The couple turned around and went back to their room.     

In the corridor, Sterling impatiently rolled his eyes at Kaylee and berated her. "It's all your fault. If you start shit again, I'll drive you out of the Tang family!"     

In his eyes, it was all Kaylee's fault that their relationship had turned so twisted. He really wasn't attracted to her anymore. Evelyn was hot, gracious, and rich. It was Kaylee's fault he cheated on her.     

They had shared the same bed for more than ten years. How could Kaylee not know what Sterling was thinking? Obviously, he was interested in Evelyn! With a mocking smile, she said, "Give up, dude. Evelyn Huo is an arrogant girl, and has high standards. A loser like you could never win her heart."     

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