Take My Breath Away

Melody Song

Melody Song

4Carlos, Matthew and Sheffield conversed for a while in the study. They'd planned this for a long time, and now they needed to make things happen.     

In the bedroom, Evelyn and Sheffield made love languorously, exploring every curve, loving every minute of it. Eventually, Sheffield propped himself up on an elbow, and said, "Honey, I'm taking off." He stroked her hair. "I have some work to finish up." He felt bad lying to her, but he didn't want her to worry.     

Evelyn was sleepy. In a haze, she asked, "This have anything to do with what you and Dad were talking about earlier? Why so late?"     

"Yeah. It's complex. Problems are bound to pop up, so we figured we'd do it when everyone else was sleeping. That way we won't be disturbed. Matthew and I will switch off. When he gets tired, that's when I step in. Don't worry. I'll be fine," he answered.     

"Okay, let me go with you."     

"No, thanks. I can take care of myself. I'll rest if I get tired. Sleep tight, baby. I'll see you tomorrow."     

Evelyn watched him leave the room. She really didn't imagine he was lying to her. She was just concerned about her husband's health.     

For the next two weeks, Evelyn couldn't help but wonder why Sheffield left the house every night.     

Then she asked Carlos, "Dad, what project are you and Sheffield working on? He hasn't been home at night. I asked him, and he says he sleeps in his office."     

Carlos didn't even look at her. He played with the azure mud teapot in his hand and answered, "We found a mysterious mine. We don't know much about it yet, so we need to keep it secret."     

"Okay, but why keep Sheffield out all night?" Every night for the past two weeks, she went to bed alone. If she didn't know her husband better, she would have sworn he was having an affair.     

"So you're saying you miss him?" Carlos teased.     

Evelyn's face reddened. "No...but think about how it looks. He's out late every night."     

"Nothing strange about that. Once we're certain what kind of mine it is, he won't have to work late anymore. It won't take long," Carlos assured her. Soon, everything would be made clear. He was convinced that the rumors of Evelyn being a jinx were untrue, that someone was behind these accidents. The truth would eventually be driven into the light.     

"Okay," Evelyn murmured resignedly.     

A month later, Evelyn got a call from Sheffield—in the middle of the night.     

"Hey, honey. Do you know a Napier Tao?"     

Evelyn was taken aback. "Yeah, why?" Why? Exactly. Why did he call her in the middle of the night to ask that question?     

"Does he know Calvert?"     

"I'm not sure."     

"Ever have any problems with him?" Sheffield asked again.     

"Okay, what's going on?" Evelyn was confused.     

"Nothing. Just asking. Go back to bed," Sheffield said, watching the doctor apply ointment to his injured arm.     

But sleep was denied her. He talked about someone she hadn't seen in a long time. Indeed, she hadn't even thought about him. It was a shock to hear the name.     

"Get some rest. I'll be back tomorrow morning. We'll talk about it then."     


The next day, Sheffield was back early in the morning. Debbie was feeding Gwyn breakfast. After playing with his daughter for a while, he went upstairs to find Evelyn.     

"You're back early," Evelyn said. When she saw him, she walked up to him and gave him a big hug.     

"Yeah. You going to the office today?"     

Evelyn nodded, "Yes. Matthew's on a business trip. I'm filling in for him." Matthew had officially taken over the company. Although he was just a general manager, he was in charge of everything now.     

Carlos and Debbie had already started their world tour, leaving the company in Matthew's hands. They had just visited Iceland a few days ago. In two weeks, they were slated to be in South Africa.     

"Okay, let me give you a ride."     

"No, thanks." Evelyn cupped his cheek and pecked his lips. "Sleep tight. It's important to take care of your health."     

"Don't worry about me. Remember, I used to be a doctor. Ever heard the phrase, 'Physician, heal thyself'? I'm good."     

Evelyn sighed helplessly. "Fine. Go to bed. I'm out of here."     

"I won't be burning the midnight oil anymore, so I'll see you tonight. I just can't stay away from you," he said with an evil smile and gave her a long, sexy kiss.     

"Cut it out!" Evelyn rolled her eyes with a smile. In a soft voice, she said, "Besides, you need to rest so you can keep up with me."     

"I'm good. Why don't you let me prove it to you?"     

he asked with a grin. 'Now? I won't have enough energy left for work after that, ' Evelyn thought to herself. She let go of him in a hurry and said, "No way. I have something important to deal with. I need to grab some breakfast first."     

"Okay, bye!"     

No sooner had Evelyn left for work than Sheffield and Carlos entered the study.     

"Dad, let me ask you something. Who's Napier Tao?" He found out Napier was the man who had tried to **** Evelyn in her apartment two years ago.     

Carlos' eyes darkened. Never had he suspected the matter had something to do with Napier. "He used to be a martial arts coach. He ran a Bajiquan school. He didn't have much to do with Evelyn. But his girlfriend—"     

"His girlfriend?" Sheffield interrupted. He was surprised. 'How could someone like that have a girlfriend?'     

A light bulb came on in his head. 'Bajiquan? No wonder I recognized some of those moves he used on me. Like a bodyguard. I was right.'     

"Yes, his girlfriend's name was Melody Song." Carlos began recounting the events of a few years back. He sounded weary when he told the tale.     

It happened five years ago. Melody Song was 27 years old. She never saw her 28th birthday.     

The day she died, she wore Evelyn's favorite dress. It was a lovely red number, an evening dress. She jumped from the 26th floor of a building, the top floor, to be exact.     

Evelyn and Napier saw her jump. They tried to stop her, but by the time they found Melody, she was already perilously close to the edge.     

Her hair was gone thanks to the chemo. She was emaciated. A fashionable girl, she wore a different hat every day. That day, she wore a black one.     

The wind whipped the red dress, making her look like a crimson ghost. Melody gently touched the fabric and said in a sad tone, "Evelyn, I want this dress to follow me in death. Do you mind?"     

Evelyn was heartbroken. Her first boyfriend died less than two days ago. Now, Melody was threatening to do the same. Evelyn said, "Melody, don't do this. You're..." She wanted to say, "You're my good friend." But she didn't. Melody hated it when she said that.     

"Melody, come down from there. We'll go shopping. We'll find an even more beautiful dress for you, okay?" Evelyn really didn't know how to comfort her, and could only try and distract her.     

Napier glared at Evelyn like a crazy man. "If anything happens to her, I'll kill you," he yelled at her.     

Then he ran full-tilt towards Melody.     

But Melody stopped him. "Napier, stop!"     

Hearing her soft voice, Napier froze in his tracks.     

Melody looked back and forth between them, and finally her eyes fell on Napier's frightened face. She had been in chemo for more than a year. She was tired of the pain, tired of being tired. The woman felt like the cancer had robbed her of everything. "Napier, don't hate me and don't hate Evelyn. There's no right or wrong in love."     

Firemen got there quickly and mobilized. A crowd had started to gather, and the life-saving mat was inflated as fast as they could.     

More people rushed to the top of the building, trying to talk Melody out of it. A psychological negotiator, firemen, policemen, doctors, nurses... They were all trying to save the woman sitting on the edge of the roof.     

Napier turned around and yanked Evelyn to him. "Dammit, Evelyn! Save her, or I'll push you off myself!" he roared.     

His strength was so great that Evelyn staggered and fell to her knees, but she kept her eyes on Melody the whole time. No one could guess what might happen next.     

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