Take My Breath Away

She Just Made That Up

She Just Made That Up

0Wesley went to the bathroom, leaving the couple and the baby in the room.      0

Matthew walked up to Erica and said, "You're still a kid, running home every time you throw a tantrum."     

"What did I do this time?"     

"Nothing. I said I was the one in the wrong."     

Erica looked at him suspiciously. "You almost never apologize. I'm surprised. How can I be sure you're not trying to trick me?"     

"Really? You think I'd do that?"     

"Not really. But as I said. You never say anything's your fault. So I have to think you're up to something."     

Just then, Wesley came out of the bathroom.     

He happened to hear Erica telling Matthew, "My dad told me to stay away from a guy if I don't love him. What you did—"     

Hearing that, Wesley quickened his pace and cleared his throat. "Matthew, I never said that. She just made that up!"     

Erica was too frustrated to fire back. Wesley was always on her case about something. And he never took her side.     

Matthew was amused as he watched Erica lower her head to avoid eye contact.     

Wesley returned home that same day. He told Erica that he would be by to pick up Ethan three days later.     

Before dusk, two or three more servants reported for work in the villa. Later that day, Erica discovered they were all hired by Matthew to take care of Ethan.     

At dinner, Erica tried her best to be a mother. Since she brought Ethan back home, she had never taken care of him. Blair did all the work for her. So at dinner, Erica dismissed the housemaid and tried to feed the baby herself. They had just started him on solid food, so he had iron-fortified baby cereal mixed with formula to thin it out.     

But after feeding the baby a few bites, she got lost. She didn't even have time to clean the food dropped on the baby's bib.     

Ethan wasn't able to control the food spooned into his mouth yet.     

He was a good boy, too. He didn't cry, but waited quietly when he had no food to eat.     

At last, the servant couldn't stand it anymore and offered, "Mrs. Huo, please let me do it! I brought up two kids, and have been through this before."     

Sweat dripping from her forehead, Erica nodded and said, "Okay. Thank you!"     

"My dear lady, you are welcome!"     

The maid sat where Erica had, and began to offer Ethan spoonfuls of baby food. She was a natural at it. Seeing that, Erica breathed a sigh of relief.     

When she was getting ready to sit down to eat her own dinner, her phone rang.     

She slid it out of her pocket and glanced at it. It was an unfamiliar number. She reluctantly slid the answer key and said,     


"Is this Erica?"     

It was a man. His voice was steady and mature.     

"Yes, I am. Who are you?"     

The man thought for a while and replied, "It's me, Tam. Tam Wu."     

Hearing the name, Erica slammed the chopsticks onto the dining room table loudly. Then she realized that Ethan was beside her. She was afraid that she might scare the baby, so she quickly stood up from her seat and moved to another room.     

"Tam, how did you get my number?"     

"That's not important. Listen, I know you had the kid."     

"So what?"     

There was a moment of silence on the phone. "I want to see him."     

Erica rejected without hesitation, "That's not happening. You're never gonna see him. Don't even think about it!"     

"Hey! At least let me explain. It's not what you think—"     

"So what? He's not your son. He's mine. He doesn't even have your last name. It's Li now. And his name is Ethan, not like it matters to you!" Erica shouted angrily. "     

Ethan?" Tam asked.     

"It's—it's none of your business. If you have any self-respect left, don't call me again!" Ethan was a little more than six months old, but this was the first time his father mentioned that he wanted to see the child. It was like he woke up one day and all of a sudden it mattered to him. Furious, Erica wouldn't give him the chance.     

Tam was frustrated. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Erica. I know you've been through hell because of me..."     

"Shut up! I didn't do it for you. If Tessie..." Erica got all choked up, and her eyes filled with tears. "Anyway, I won't let you see him. Don't come around here, either. I'll get Dad to lock you in prison, while my husband destroys your career!"     

"Erica, please be reasonable. I'm his father. I just want to see him. If not for me, then what about Ethan? He probably wants to see his father. Am I right?"     

Erica thought about it. 'I hate to admit it, but he's right. Ethan doesn't know what's going on now, but eventually he'll start asking questions.' Taking a deep breath, Erica restrained her grievances and said, "Fine. One meeting. That's all you get. Where are you?"     

Surprise could be heard in Tam's voice when he replied, "I'll come see you. I'm free now."     

Erica looked outside. Night had fallen, and it was dark. "Ethan's still being fed. An hour later, I..." She paused abruptly as something occurred to her. Everyone knew that she married Matthew Huo and that he lived in Pearl Villa District. So it was quite possible Tam knew where she lived. She wondered whether it was appropriate to let Tam Wu meet Ethan in the villa.     

"Let me think about it. When I figure it out, you'll be the first to know."     

"Okay, thank you."     

"I don't need your fake gratitude!" With these words, Erica hung up the phone without hesitation.     

Holding the phone, she paced back and forth, thinking about where to meet Tam. She was lost in thought, and she stopped suddenly as she noticed someone in front of her. It scared Erica so much that she almost screamed.     

But she held it in, patted her furiously pounding heart and said breathlessly, "Matthew Huo, when are you going to start making noise when you walk?"     

Erica was convinced that he'd frighten her to death.     

Looking at her indifferently, Matthew stood still and said, "Who was that? Ethan's biological father?"     

Erica was shocked. Did he overhear her conversation? So she replied frankly, "Yes."     

"What did he want?"     

"He wanted to see Ethan." Erica took a glance at the little boy eating in the dining room, and her mood deflated.     

"You said yes?"     

"Yeah. He IS the kid's biological father after all. He just wanted to see him, and I don't want to turn him down..."     

"Where? Have you nailed down a time yet?"     

"Like an hour from now. I don't really know where to meet, though. Any ideas?" Erica raised her head to look at him.     

Matthew didn't know about Ethan's true identity. He was taken aback by her question. She was going to meet her old lover and asking him to choose a spot for them to do that? "You think I'm a fool, Erica?"     

"What?" Erica wondered where that came from.     

"Nothing." He looked at Erica and thought for a bit. Then he began to set a trap for her. "Aren't you afraid that he'll take your son away?"     

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that? What if he pushes me over and runs off with Ethan?" Erica's face twisted in anger as she thought about it.     

"I'm off work tonight," Matthew announced. He was waiting, waiting for her to ask him for help.     

"Okay. When did that happen? You're always working and never come back till late," she said.     

"I got done early today."     

Erica hesitated and reminded him, "Remember what you said to me?"     

"I said a lot of things. What are you talking about?"     

Erica said blushing, "You said you'd protect me and Ethan."     

"Yeah, I remember."     

"How about you go with me? You can meet Tam." Erica figured no matter how powerful Tam was, he wouldn't mess with Matthew. Besides, Matthew was a black belt. He was the best person to protect her and Ethan.     

But Matthew wasn't done playing. He got what he wanted, but he still needed to hammer it home. He cast her a scornful glance and said, "What do you think I am? Your bodyguard?"     

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