Take My Breath Away

Meeting Her Idol

Meeting Her Idol

3Matthew had no intentions of exposing her lie. He stroked her red lips softly with his thumb and said nonchalantly, "I know hundreds of people and they are willing to do whatever I command. You don't need to bother yourself with my burden. Just show your sincerity if you ask me for a favor next time."     

A moment ago, because of his action, Erica had sat down on his lap. And now, she suddenly felt that there was something hard underneath her making her current stance uncomfortable. However, as a simple woman, she decided not to pay much attention to it.     

She turned and resettled to avoid that hard thing and earnestly asked, "Okay! Then, when will you arrange my meeting with my idol?"     

"Soon as I can. For now, my work is very important. Sit there and wait!" Matthew replied as he tried to constrain himself. He couldn't focus on his work with her around.     

"Sure, sure! Your work is more important! Thank you very much!" Before standing up, she also blandly helped him tidy up his collars.     

While she was just about to walk away from his desk, Erica turned around again and asked, "Can I let Hyatt in first? I'm afraid he is going to feel alone if left in the reception room all by himself."     

For some reason, the question made Matthew frown. Not only was Erica asking to see a man she had admired for four years, but had also arrived at the company with yet another man. Was he being too nice to her? He cast a cold glance at her and said, "Let him stay there."     

'Is he angry? For what?     

Didn't we settle everything a moment ago?' she wondered.     

But she didn't dare ask him about it. She plumped down on the sofa, took out her phone and sent a message to Hyatt. "I'm waiting for Matthew to get free; wait there. Rest assured, though. I'm sure we'll get to meet Aaron!"     

Within moments, the response to her message popped up. "Alright. Talk to Mr. Huo nicely and don't lose your temper."     

'I lose my temper easily?' Truth be told, she did have a short temper, but she had seemingly found someone whose temper was even shorter: Matthew! "Okay."     

Waiting and bored out of her wits, just as Erica was about to doze off on the sofa, Matthew called the assistant in.     

Paige walked into the office. "Yes, Mr. Huo!"     

Matthew cast a sideways glance at Erica, who was groggily trying to stay up on the sofa. "Take my wife to Aaron Gao," he ordered.     

Half-asleep, Erica heard Matthew's words and her eyes immediately popped open. She sat up straight and hurriedly adjusted herself. "Is it okay now?"     

Paige was amused by her funny expression. She nodded slightly. "Please come with me."     

Erica jumped up from the sofa excitedly. "Okay!"     

Before she left the office, Erica waved at her husband, who was wearing a long face for some reason. "Bye honey!"     

Although he was still feeling a bit gruff, the endearing "honey" made him feel somewhat better.     

Paige, Erica and Hyatt proceeded towards one of the meeting rooms of the company. On their way, they passed several staff members talking about Aaron.     

"Oh, my God! He is so handsome!"     

"So young and hot!"     

"If only I could get even a handshake!"     

Accompanied by the whispers of the staff in the corridor, Paige pushed the door open.     

Inside the meeting room, a handsome man in a light blue business suit was discussing something with his agent. His back was to the door and he didn't see them come in.     

Ms. Wang, the agent, was facing the door and saw Paige coming in. She stood up from her chair and greeted her, "Miss Shen, nice to meet you!" She didn't want to offend anyone in the ZL Group. She wanted to leave a good impression. It was just business.     

Paige nodded at her and greeted them both.     

Aaron rose from his chair and greeted her back. "Hello, Miss Shen. How can we help you?"     

He looked very modest and polite.     

When Erica saw the superstar that she had admired for four years standing right in front of her in the flesh, she was so excited that she almost jumped up. To prevent an awkward reaction, she tightly grabbed Hyatt's clothes.     

"Mr. Gao, this is Mrs. Huo. Mr. Huo arranged for her to meet you."     

Hearing Paige introduce Erica, Aaron shifted his gaze towards her and greeted her with a smile. "Hello, Mrs. Huo. I'm Aaron Gao."     

'Oh my God! He's speaking to me!' Erica was so excited that she didn't know what to do in response! 'His skin is so fair! When he smiles, he looks like an angel!' she continued to marvel in her heart.     

Since no one heard her say anything for a moment, Paige called out, "Mrs. Huo?"     

Erica came back to earth immediately. She jumped forward and smiled enthusiastically. "Hi Aaron! I have been a huge fan of you for the last four years! It's such an honor to meet you finally!"     

Aaron blushed slightly and folded his hands shyly. "Really? I'm so honored. Thank you for being my fan for so long, Mrs. Huo."     

"Mrs. Huo, Mr. Gao is leaving in ten minutes. We shall wait outside while you talk," Paige said.     

Hearing that she even had a chance to talk with Aaron alone, Erica was so happy that she nodded, "Okay, okay!"     

After the agent and Paige had left, Erica was still so excited and nervous that she was unable to speak once again.     

"I thought you had asked me to take a photo of you and Aaron?" Hyatt reminded her. That was the sole reason he had been carrying a camera with him all this time.     

"Oh, oh, right! Aaron, can I take a photo with you?" Erica immediately showed the camera to her idol. Luckily, the man was okay with it.     

"No problem!" Aaron answered.     

Erica rushed to his side, and urged Hyatt, "Hurry up!"     

Hyatt turned on the camera and snapped the photo.     

Five minutes later, Matthew quietly pushed the door open and saw that the girl was busy chirping with her idol, her face red with excitement and completely oblivious to the outside world. "I'm two years older than you. Hey, let me tell you something about me. I was born in A Country. The night I was born, the darkness of the sky broke and it became bright! My mother told me it was one in the morning at that time. I don't know why, but some people say that happened because I was a genius in my previous life... "     

A cold voice interrupted her story. "That's because a meteorite fell in A Country the day you were born. It has since been kept in the National Museum for display."     

Matthew's words embarrassed her so much that Erica lowered her head and covered her face with her hand. However, her ears pricked when she heard Aaron greet her husband.     

"Hello, Mr. Huo. I'm Aaron Gao." The superstar stretched out a warm hand at the CEO.     

With a stiff look at the fair and strong hand in front of him, Matthew merely nodded at the young superstar as a greeting. However, he didn't shake hands.     

Aaron awkwardly looked at the other two people from the corner of his eye. It looked like no one had noticed this rejection. He felt relieved, withdrew his hand hurriedly, and went back to his seat.     

When Hyatt saw Matthew, he became very nervous and shot up to his feet instantly. Under the CEO's cold gaze, he greeted in a timid voice, "Hello, Mr. Huo."     

Matthew took the seat next to Erica, and cast a glance at the boy who was flushed with nervousness. "Hyatt Li?"     

"Yes, yes, that's me." To Hyatt's surprise, Matthew was aware of his name. This made him as excited as Erica had been when she had met Aaron just now.     

With an embarrassed but polite smile, Erica raised her head and whispered to her husband, "What are you doing here?" She had just been joking with Aaron when he had walked in.     

Casting a glance at her, Matthew answered, "I'm here to see what you two were talking about."     

"Nothing. We were just joking." As Erica was speaking, she rested her chin on her hand, and her gaze turned towards her idol once again.     

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