Take My Breath Away



0Erica thought that Matthew was going to kiss her, and her heart started to beat faster. Although she really wanted to show off their love in front of Phoebe, she didn't expect that he would actually kiss her.     0

But his lips did not fall on hers. Instead, he licked the sauce above the corner of her lips.     

Erica felt his wet tongue grace her face. For a moment, she closed her eyes, but then he let go of her.     

Matthew relished the after-taste of the sauce carefully and said, "It tastes good."     

'Huh? What tastes good? My face? My skin care products?'     

Erica wondered quizzically as she wiped the place where he had kissed. 'Eh, what is this? Sauce?'     

She felt embarrassed at first, but when she caught the glimpse of envy and hatred on Phoebe's face, Erica beamed. She grabbed a tissue and wiped the originally stained and now clean spot on her face. Then, she dramatically forked a piece of black pepper steak and brought it to Matthew's mouth. "Honey, have a taste. It's delicious."     

The first time Erica had called him "honey," she had felt a little awkward, but now she was getting more and more used to it. Matthew was very much satisfied by that progress.     

He didn't notice the steak because he was still thinking about how Erica was now used to calling him "honey." This gave Phoebe a chance to bring down Erica. "Humph! Don't you know that Matthew is a neat freak? How could you feed him using your fork?"     

When she had had dinner with Matthew in the past, she had picked up food for him and placed it onto his bowl of rice with her own chopsticks. However, he had ruthlessly asked the waiter to change the tableware and bring him a new bowl of rice.     

Erica scoffed at her and said proudly, "My husband is not a neat freak. Even if he is, he is only so in front of outsiders. He will eat whatever I feed him."     

Matthew had a strange feeling when he heard her last sentence.     

Phoebe smirked. She was excited to see how Matthew would react. Erica would have to eat her own words, along with her steak.     

But she was more than disappointed by his actions. She watched helplessly as Matthew ate the steak from Erica's fork, and there was no trace of disgust in his face as he chewed on the meat.     

Erica pretended to be indifferent, but her heart jumped with joy. She said, "Honey, Mrs. Tu said she wants our chef. What should we do?"     

"That's up to you," Matthew answered.     

Happy with his reply, she smiled and blew him a kiss. Then, she turned to Phoebe. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Tu. I really like the food cooked by our chef."     

Though she was apologizing, the smug smile on her face said she was anything but sorry.     

Phoebe was too angry to even come up with a retort.     

She was getting really pissed off by the happy couple. She quickly put down the knife and fork with a clank, and held her lower abdomen, taking a deep breath. "Matthew, I'm not feeling well. My stomach is hurting a little."     

Erica glanced at her belly suspiciously, wondering if she was telling the truth.     

Matthew took out his phone to call the family doctor, but Phoebe stopped him. "Could you accompany me to the hospital? After Nathan's departure, I have been going to the hospital to do the prenatal checkups alone."     

Erica opened her mouth to argue, but the thought of Matthew's baby in Phoebe's belly stopped her from saying anything. She had no reason to refuse to let him, the baby's father, accompany her for a prenatal checkup.     

The joy from all her previous victories instantly dropped to the bottom. She suppressed the sadness in her heart and silently ate her food.     

"I'll ask Paige to accompany you to the hospital," Matthew said indifferently.     

Erica paused. Matthew didn't have to be so heartless. It was his baby after all. She gently touched his elbow and said, "You should go with her. What if something happens to the child?" 'The baby is innocent, isn't it?' she reasoned in her mind.     

Even though Matthew believed that Ethan was her child, he still treated him well. Now, Phoebe was pregnant with his child. Although Erica didn't like it, she couldn't stop Matthew from caring for his child.     

Looking at Erica, Matthew put down his knife and fork and said indifferently, "Fine, then. You come with me."     

If he went with Phoebe to the hospital, then who would give Erica company? It was best that they went together.     

"What am I supposed to do at the hospital? I don't need any checkup." Erica thought he was being unreasonable!     

Matthew calmly repeated what she had just said. "And what am I supposed to do at the hospital? I don't need any checkup either."     

Both women at the table were rendered speechless.     

Erica said in a serious tone, "You can't do this! You are a man, and this unborn child has nothing to do with our squabbles. Go ahead. I don't mind!" She didn't want Matthew to be an irresponsible father.     

But the man's aura became colder. 'She still doesn't love me! She doesn't even mind me accompanying another woman to her prenatal checkups, ' he thought bitterly.     

Matthew grabbed Erica's wrist and said coldly, "I told you! We're going together!"     

"But, my food..." Erica protested. 'I'm not done with my food yet.'     

'How could she possibly be thinking about finishing her food right now?' Matthew thought angrily. He took out a tissue from the box and threw it on her steak.     

'Nooo! My steak! It's ruined!' she cursed him inwardly.     

Erica glared at Matthew and huffed angrily, "Fine! Let's go to the hospital together. I am your legal wife! She is your mistress. If you don't mind me accompanying, why would I care?"     

Matthew didn't correct her. "Thank you, Mrs. Huo," he said.     

He didn't need a mistress. She was the only one he wanted. She was the only Mrs. Huo in his life.     

Erica glared at Phoebe. She ruined their meal. She pointed her finger at the culprit and hissed, "You might be like the purest moonlight in Matthew's heart. But so what? Don't forget that he is now married to me. Sooner or later, he'll be over you. You'll end up like a grain of rice stuck to his shirt, which is disgusting and belongs in the trash!"     

As she spoke, she picked up a grain of rice from the edge of the seafood plate which was mixed with the rice, and threw it into the trash can in front of Phoebe.     

It seemed like she had just thrown Phoebe into the trash can. It really did help her vent some of that anger.     

Matthew and Phoebe didn't know how to react.     

Erica went upstairs to change, leaving them both in the dining room.     

Erica went upstairs to change, leaving them both in the dining room.     

Matthew put his hands in his pockets and looked at Phoebe indifferently, showing absolutely no emotion. "If you don't want to go to this kind of thing by yourself in the future, you should go straight to Paige. I have a family, a wife. It's not appropriate for me to accompany you to these appointments."     

Erica had obviously misunderstood his relationship with Phoebe. But it wasn't a big deal. He would explain everything to her when the time was right. However, if the media photographed and publicized that he accompanied another woman to prenatal checkups, Erica would definitely be laughed at.     

Phoebe's heart skipped a beat. Matthew seemed to be more indifferent to her than before. He had never spoken to her like this in the past.     

Erica, who had run upstairs to change her clothes, had a change of heart. The more she thought about their conversation, the angrier she became.     

And she felt like she didn't do well. So, she ran downstairs like a gust of wind without changing. She gasped for air as she stood in front of the two surprised people.     

She pointed angrily at Phoebe. "You are asking my husband and me to go to the hospital with you for your prenatal checkups! Who do you think you are? Some kind of princess? Oh man! How I wish I could just twist your head off whenever I see you. You want me to go to the hospital with you, huh? No way in hell!"     

Then she turned around and warned Matthew, regardless of Phoebe's embarrassed face. "I won't go, and neither will you! And you have to get my permission before ever meeting this woman again. If you have a problem with that, I'll inform your dad!"     

Matthew was stunned. His wife was so fierce that he was actually a little scared of her at that moment.     

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