Take My Breath Away

Matthew Is Ruthless

Matthew Is Ruthless

0Shamelessly, Sheffield pulled Evelyn into his arms. "Honey, I was just kidding with Rika. Neither she nor Matthew was really angry. They had dinner at Evefield Restaurant. They are probably enjoying their romantic night right about now. It's late. Why don't we enjoy our night as well?"     

Evelyn shook her head. "Matthew said that if you don't spend the night kneeling on the keyboard, he will tell Dad that you tried to separate Rika from him. He already has the surveillance video of you and Rika chatting in the company. He threatened to send it to Dad if you don't listen to him."     

The surveillance video of ZL Group was of high-definition quality, and unlike ordinary CCTV cameras, the audio was also crystal clear. If this matter reached Carlos, Sheffield wouldn't even be able to deny what had happened.     

'Matthew has become more ruthless than his father! I got no luck!' Sheffield thought to himself with a sigh.     

Carlos was openly satisfied with his daughter-in-law. If he ever came to know that Sheffield had tried to drive a wedge between Erica and Matthew, Sheffield would surely meet his end.     

With another long sigh, Sheffield headed to the keyboard on the balcony and knelt down on it.     

Two minutes later, Evelyn came over with a plate of fruits. She put an apple slice into his mouth and said, "I'm free now. Shall we talk for a while?"     

Chewing the apple, Sheffield sullenly flipped through his messages on his phone and replied to a customer's query. "I swear you could never find another CEO who is as miserable and diligent as I am!" he complained. Where would anyone find a CEO of a large company kneeling on a keyboard shamelessly and having to work while being punished by his brother-in-law?     

Evelyn sat on a chair next to him and nodded, "Hmm. Mr. Tang, why do you always have to provoke Matthew knowing something like this would happen?" This was Matthew's favorite punishment for him. Every time Sheffield pissed him off, Matthew would ask Evelyn to make him kneel on the keyboard.     

Evelyn wondered how Sheffield managed to keep his position as the CEO of Theo Group after all that he had done. It seemed that his father didn't mind at all.     

The man smiled guiltily at his wife. Although he knew that this was all his fault, he could never admit it in front of her. "It's all because your dear brother can't take a joke," he scoffed.     

"Since you know that he can't take a joke, why do you make fun of him? It's still your fault!"     

'How is that my fault?' he cried in his head.     

Sheffield opened his mouth, and Evelyn fed him a strawberry. After a moment's thought, she took out her phone from the pocket of her pajamas. She secretly recorded a video of Sheffield on the keyboard and sent it to Matthew.     

She wrote under the video clip, "He is reflecting on his mistakes."     

"Thank you, Evelyn."     

"He is quite busy with work, and he is going on a business trip tomorrow afternoon. How about letting him off this time?" Evelyn asked, feeling sorry for her poor husband.     

"He is your husband. Do as you wish," Matthew replied.     

Evelyn put away her phone and smiled at Sheffield, who was still texting his customer. "Call me darling," she said.     

Every time he was finally allowed to get up from the keyboard, Evelyn would say those words. Sheffield's eyes lit up. He immediately stood up from the keyboard and hugged Evelyn. "Darling! You're the best.     

I love you so much!"     

He carried the woman into their bedroom. Evelyn still had her facial mask on. She patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't mess around. Go take a shower first!" Her mask needed to be on for another ten minutes.     

"Yes, ma'am! Wait till I get back! I will serve you deliciously and make you the happiest woman tonight!"     

Evelyn shook her head. 'Oh God! We have been married for so many years. Why is this man still so full of energy?' she thought with a smile.     

At that same time, in an unknown hotel.     

In a room, Julianna looked shockingly at the man with the yellow hair standing in front of her. She asked, "Why are you here?"     

She had gone out to the supermarket when she was suddenly brought here. Her face had been covered the entire time. She had no idea that her kidnapper was this man.     

He was Julianna's ex-boyfriend, the hooligan who had hit her so hard that she had a miscarriage.     

The man casually smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, I don't know either. Someone found me and offered to give me cash if I slept with you. So, here I am! Came all the way from A Country just to find you!     

Julianna's eyes widened. They hadn't seen each other in a long time. He was still that same idling punk, only untidier than ever.     

But she was no longer the silly girl she used to be. She didn't want anything to do with him anymore. She could never let him touch her! "Who asked you to do this?" she asked angrily.     

"Uh, I heard someone call him Mr. Jian. Anyone you know?" he asked with a laugh.     

Julianna began to rack her brains, searching for someone whose surname was Jian, but she didn't know anyone by that—     

'Owen Jian!' she remembered. He was the one who had brought her and Lenora to the Su family residence that day. 'Matthew's assistant!     

So, Matthew paid this man to sleep with me to avenge Erica.'     

That man really did know how to deal with people without showing any mercy. She hated her ex-boyfriend and Matthew arranged this deal to make him sleep with her!     

Julianna had an idea. She calmly offered, "How about this? We pretend that we slept together and tell them that we really did. That way, you can have the money."     

The man sneered, "Why would I do that?" He rubbed his dirty hands together and approached her with an obscene smile. "After being with a few other women, I realized that no one could make me happy like you did. Come on, let's have some fun."     

He pulled her towards him and quickly stuffed something into her mouth before she could protest. The substance melted in her mouth in no time. It was tasteless.     

She looked at the man hovering over her body in horror and yelled, "What did you give me?"     

"Something that will make you very horny. I was going to give it to someone else, but I didn't expect that I would be meeting you. I'll let you have the try first!" He knew that being with Julianna like this was a rare opportunity, which he might never get again. He had spent a lot of money on the pill, but this would be worth it.     

Julianna screamed, "Let go of me! Mmmph!" She felt an inexplicable current shuttling back and forth throughout her body.     

In a little while, her body became numb, and her cheeks were slightly red. The scream gradually turned into light moans. "You bastard..." There was no threat in her voice; it was nothing but a tender welcome.     

The man pushed her onto the bed behind her. He grinned as he climbed on top of his drugged ex-girlfriend.     

The second day at Y City train station     

It had been cold in Y City these past days, and the weather was unusually cloudy.     

A black Emperor car slowly came to a halt at the entrance of the station. The young couple in the car did not fit in with the surroundings.     

Erica's eyes fell on the square not far away. Camille was in a beige suit. She carefully tucked a loose hair behind Tessie's ear. Tessie was crying; her eyes were swollen.     

The two bodyguards beside them kept their eyes on Tessie's every move, as if she were a prisoner.     

Erica saw that Tessie had become much thinner in the last few days.     

Matthew asked, "Don't you want to say goodbye to her?"     

Erica didn't say anything. She watched the two sisters silently. After a long time, Camille left. Erica opened the car door and got out.     

"Tessie!" she called, as the bodyguards were about to lead her into the station to check in.     

Tessie turned around and saw the girl walking towards her.     

Erica was still the same girl from her memories. She was dressed in an expensive pink long windbreaker, with a white handbag in her hand and a crystal hairpin on her long black hair. She looked like a princess.     

Tessie bent down to look at herself. She was wearing worn-out jeans and a coat bought from a shop at half-off. She was so young, and yet, she looked like a ragged middle-aged woman.     

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