Take My Breath Away

Erica Runs Away

Erica Runs Away

3Erica was careless and often got into trouble. Matthew believed that if she had married someone else instead of him, her husband's family might have alienated her because of who she was. Matthew would not allow this to happen!     2

His Rika was born into a rich and influential family. She came to this world to enjoy love and be spoiled. He wanted her to be happy her entire life.     

It was true that she was naughty and mischievous, and sometimes, she could be very irritating. But so what? To Matthew, these were the traits that endeared her to him. If she didn't have these characteristics, she might not have attracted his attention.     

He genuinely believed what he had said before—she didn't need to do anything. She brought him happiness simply by being with him.     

"Matthew Huo, you indulge her too much! She will cause serious trouble in the future!" Phoebe had never been bold enough to speak this way in Matthew's presence. This was the first time, and perhaps, the last.     

"Why is it wrong to indulge my wife? Can't I take responsibility for her actions? Phoebe, Erica didn't cause your miscarriage, and even if she did, I would not let anything happen to her!" If he couldn't bear responsibility for such a trifle matter, he didn't deserve Erica.     

The woman on the bed shook her head in disbelief and murmured, "This can't be happening! Matthew, I've loved you for six years. How can you do this to me?"     

After all these years, in the end, she got nothing but the status of a married woman.     

'Six years? So what?' Matthew thought. The years he had harbored feelings for Erica were... It had been so long that he couldn't even remember!     

She had attracted his attention from the very beginning. Perhaps those early days didn't count as he hadn't developed feelings for her then.     

A few years ago, Wesley brought Erica to the Huo family manor, and that was when Matthew began to like her. He thought he had fallen in love with her only after their engagement.     

It was possible that he became infatuated with her earlier, so early that he couldn't be sure when it began. Irrespective of the time, Erica was a capable woman who had stolen his heart at such a young age.     

"You are a vicious woman. You killed your child. That was Nathan's only child. I won't let you get away without facing the consequences of your actions! You are fortunate as this is not the right time to ask you to leave Y City. But, I'm warning you. Pray for yourself, and don't ever mess with Erica again!"     

'What? He is going to force me out of Y City?' Fear coursed through Phoebe at the thought. She didn't want to be reduced to living in a slum as Tessie had been. She begged the man with tear-filled eyes, "Matthew... Let's be friends, okay? Just like old times..."     

Before Matthew could say anything, the phone in his pocket vibrated.     

It was Erica.     

When she learned that he had gone to the hospital, Erica had been so consumed with anxiety that she had paced the room hundreds of times. After much deliberation, she finally dialed his number. Once the call connected, she ordered, "Come back!"     

"What's wrong?" Matthew asked.     

Erica glimpsed at the nearest window. It was still bright outside, too early to go to bed. But Erica didn't care about the time. She insisted, "It's time to come home and make a baby with me!"     

She wasn't ready to be a mother yet. But, she made the offer as she just didn't want him to see Phoebe.     

Matthew froze. Too tempted to refuse, he strode out of the ward without giving Phoebe a parting glance.     

The drive to the villa usually took him half an hour, but he arrived in less than twenty minutes!     

Pretending to sulk, he playfully scolded the woman, "You've started ordering me around now. I have to rush back home as soon as I get your phone call. You're getting bolder, woman."     

Erica pouted and replied, "Well, that's right. I was curious to see what was more important to you, having a baby or being with the woman you love."     

Matthew answered without hesitation, "The woman I love!"     

Erica snorted. "Humph!" She was furious with his response. 'He chose Phoebe over his unborn child.' Erica confronted him, "But you left her and came home because I want to make a baby."     

'Men are really animals as they think only with their lower parts!'     

Matthew was rendered speechless.     

Over the next few days, Erica found that Matthew tried really hard to make a baby. She was exhausted and in great discomfort from their over-energetic late-night activities.     

She regretted offering to give him a baby.     

A week later, Hyatt found that he couldn't ignore the changes in Erica anymore. He needed to ask if something had changed with her. "What's wrong with you? Why do you have such dark circles under your eyes? What have you been doing staying up late? Stealing cows?"     

he teased.     

"Alas! I don't want to talk about it!" Earlier, she had bragged that Matthew would be exhausted to death while trying to make a baby. But now, she was the one who couldn't keep up. The embarrassment was too much for her to bear.     

'I'm the one who is exhausted all the time.'     

Matthew, on the other hand, looked and behaved like normal.     

That morning, she had to struggle to open her eyes. To her surprise, he was already dressed and ready for work. He showed no signs of weariness from spending a passionate night with his wife. On the contrary, he appeared energetic, as if he had slept for three days and nights.     

She, however... Alas!     

Several days later, Erica was so tired and weary that her mind began to play tricks on her. She couldn't stand it anymore!     

She didn't want to die while trying to make a baby, and that was precisely what she thought would happen if she had to spend one more night with Matthew.     

As soon as the sun set, Erica studied the guard's movements from her window. She needed to find a way to escape the villa unnoticed.     

She knew that the bodyguard followed her during the day, which was why she couldn't escape even if she wanted to. But night time was the perfect opportunity.     

A few minutes later... "Ouch! Help!"     

When the bodyguard heard the scream coming from the villa, he hesitated for a moment before heading for the door.     

Just as he was about to ring the bell, he found that the door was unlocked. He immediately pushed the door open and rushed inside. "Mrs. Huo, what's the matter? Are you all right?"     

Meanwhile, a figure climbed out of the window, ran toward the wall, and threw a rope upward.     

Erica had inherited Wesley's battle skills. She was good at climbing, especially walls.     

In less than two minutes, she had scaled the tall wall. When she turned to check, she saw the bodyguard scurrying upstairs to find her.     

'I'm sorry, but I have to go.'     

Just as she was about to jump from the wall, a female's voice came from below, "Hello, miss."     

"Ah!" Startled, she almost fell off the wall.     

When she saw that a girl was standing below the wall, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Hello. What are you doing here?" Erica asked. Since this area housed many wealthy families, each villa covered a large area, and no one could be seen within ten miles.     

The girl on the ground raised her head and answered, "I am searching for someone. As I lost my phone, I'm not sure which villa they live in." She couldn't remember which villa was Matthew's. "May I know your surname?"     

Afraid that the bodyguard would spot her, Erica climbed down the wall before she replied. "My surname is Li."     

The strength it took to climb down the wall left Erica breathing heavily, which caused the other female to mishear her.     

'Her surname is Lin? Then she is not the person for whom I'm looking, ' the girl thought.     

The bodyguard checked the top floor but didn't find Erica. He thought he should report to Matthew. "Mr. Huo, I have bad news—"     

He reported the situation in detail and followed Matthew's instructions to check the wall he had been guarding. There was indeed a rope.     

'Oh, my God! I was played! I'm screwed!'     

As soon as Erica jumped off the wall, the bodyguard chased her.     

At the same time, the two security guards protecting the community had received orders from Matthew to join the search. Fortunately, they had been patrolling nearby.     

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