Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Ah shit, here we go again.

Ah shit, here we go again.

3"Hey Sky, it's gonna be Halloween tomorrow, right? Can we watch a horror film in advance then?" Olivia asked.     

"Sure. Let me find one." I said.     

I browsed the list and I played a horror film. It was a slow start and then it would gradually punch you in the face. The silent gasps of the girls made me laugh, the sisters were holding me tight while Rin was on Tatiana. We finished the movie and we decided to sleep.     

"Umm, Kaley, can you sleep with me tonight? Aha… ahahaha..." Olivia said nervously.     

"I'm scared too you know!" Kaley said.     

"Why did you even pick that Sky?!" Olivia exclaimed.     

"But you said to pick a horror film! It wasn't that bad..." I retorted while laughing.     

"Well, you've watched it before! I'll just sleep with you two here then!" Olivia exclaimed with a teary eye.     

"Olivia, if you sleep with Kaley and Sky, I'll be alone!" Rin exclaimed.     

"You can sleep with me just for this night then... if you want." Tatiana said to Rin.     

"I-I... sure..." Rin replied weakly.     

"It's settled then, goodnight everyone." Tatiana said as they both leave.     

Tatiana was nonchalant while Rin was a bit red on the ears and cheeks. I saw Kaley and Olivia stealing a glance and they were smiling faintly while the two left.     

"Right! I need to set an alarm." Kaley said.     

I was positioned at the wall, Kaley was in the middle, and Olivia was at the edge as I turned the lights off. A few minutes passed and then I heard a soft voice while I was facing the wall.     

"Kaley, do you think mom and dad are still... you know... there?" Olivia whispered.     

I just pretended to sleep.     

"Of course, they are very much alive. Dad is built for these things; he'll surely protect mom. I just really hope they come soon and see my note." Kaley said.     

"What note?" Olivia asked.     

"Oh, I haven't told you yet. I left a note there that told them we left our house and was safe while Sky left the coordinates to this place so they could find us." Kaley explained.     

"Sky's really a good guy, smart too." Olivia said.     

"Yeah, a genius is a better term." Kaley said.     

"You like him then? Have you two said 'I love you' to each other at least? I don't know about you but I think he likes you a lot..." Olivia trailed.     

"..." Me and Kaley.     

"We haven't really said that to each other yet, I mean verbally. But I hope she feels the same." I said to myself.     

"We haven't really said that to each other yet, I mean verbally. But I hope he feels the same." Kaley said.     

I gave a small smirk and a very light exhale from my nose while Olivia silently shrieked in pleasure.     

"I'm pregnant." Kaley said.     

"WHAT?!" Olivia and I shouted at the same time.     

"No! I'm kidding, I knew you were awake! I heard you snort! HAHAHAHA!!!" Kaley exclaimed.     

"That was too sudden sis, it almost made me have a heart attack!" Olivia said.     

"Damn, me too." I said.     

"That was payback for last time!" she said as she chuckled.     

"You really got me there, damn. Hey Kaley?" I said.     

"Yeah?" she replied while she turned in my direction.     

"I love you, I really do. I was saying the same thing in my head, what you said to Olivia. This is the first time I've said it to anyone and the first time I'm really sure what I'm feeling. You asked me why I'm fidgety before and suddenly confident. It's actually just with you, I really learned how to talk to people, read their body language, sense what they're feeling, etc. It's just with you that I revert back to my old self. I'm not an expert in things romantic since I've never really been in this kind of relationship that we have with anyone before. This is something I feel to progress with, not think to move logically. I-"     

She suddenly kissed me on my lips and she smiled brightly.     

"If you keep on explaining it, it would ruin the moment!" Kaley said as she planted another kiss on me.     

"Did you guys just kiss?! Better make sure that it's all you do here! I'm still here you know!" Olivia joked.     

Kaley whispered the same thing I said to her in my ear and I kissed her.     

"I heard that! Aww, you guys!" Olivia exclaimed.     

We gave a laugh and I placed my hand over her, hugging her. I also felt Olivia hugging her sister. We maintained the position as we slowly went to a deep slumber.     

I just woke up in a position where I'm in the middle of the girls hugging me. Olivia was now at the wall while Kaley was on the edge.     

"How did we end up in this position?" I said to myself.     

I looked at the dresser and I saw Kaley's M70 lying next to it. I guess she must've used that instead of her AR-15 because she would just guard the gate. I slowly tried to remove myself from the two and I felt what Zeus was feeling when he was pinned down by Olivia.     

"This girl really has a death grip!" I thought to myself.     

I looked at the curtain's slits and I surmised that it was still before sunrise so I tried to go back to sleep. The position was a bit uncomfortable though because two heads with hairs were assaulting my face.     

"Don't these two get itchy when they sleep on the back of their heads? Hmm, maybe they just got used to it. I can't even grow my hair since it gets itchy at the back of my neck when I sleep. Dammit, I remembered that I need to have a haircut 3 days ago." I said to myself.     

I closed my eyes for a moment but I couldn't seem to continue sleeping.     

"Fuck! I'm fully awake and I can't move! Will I just be talking to myself until sunrise? Well, I do this a lot of times. My left leg is starting to lose feeling, Kaley's leg is on top of it and it must be slowly stopping the circulation. It's gonna get really bad soon." I thought to myself.     

I tried to slowly shimmy my leg off of Kaley's leg however, Olivia moved and placed her leg on my right.     

"Damn it! Well, it's just a start, it's not losing feeling yet. What is that? *sniff* Is that green apple? Right, it's my favorite shampoo other than cool menthol." I thought to myself since their hairs were on my face.     

"Hmmrgh…" I heard someone groaned.     

"Who was that? They're too close I can't hear who's groaning. What time is it now? I can't even check since Kaley has my arm. It's still dark outside though." I thought to myself.     

All of a sudden, Kaley's leg once again went over my leg where she was previously.     

"FUCK! Are these two playing a prank on me? Highly unlikely though, Olivia can't hold her laughter for this long. How did she even manage to go to my place?" I thought to myself.     

I heard something scratching on the other side of my door.     

"Zeus? Is he awake now? He might wake them up if he continued on doing that." I thought to myself.     

I tried to whistle for him to stop but I can't whistle with all the hairs in my face. He stopped after a while though. Now I'm back in this position and my right leg was starting to lose feeling.     

"Goodbye my legs~ it has been nice knowing you. Is this what Felix feels like having no legs? Hahaha! Damn, I'm starting to miss my daily shows that I watch online. Everything is gone now, good thing I have saved a lot of them. That is the only thing I can do for them, save their memories. Well, I do hope they survive too, honestly speaking, some of them will. Fuck, my left leg is losing feeling again." I thought to myself.     

After a few minutes, Olivia finally let go. I immediately turned to Kaley's side but then she also turned at the same time. I tried to avoid her but my body was already in motion.     



I fell down the other side of the bed and Kaley was also dragged down with me because she was hugging me. She was now on top of me while we were both on the floor by the side of the bed. My body hurt a bit while both my legs were numb.     

"Hmmm~ Sky? Did w-we fell down? Did I pull you? Sorry…" Kaley whispered as she rubbed her eyes with my shirt.     

"No… I was about to turn towards you but you turned as well, I tried to avoid you but my feet are numb… I pushed too hard with my hand and I went over…" I whispered back.     

We were now talking very silently.     

"Ahahaha… you could've just nudged me to wake up. Why are your legs numb though?" she asked.     

"Well two sisters decided to lean their legs against mine and I decided not to wake the two of them up. It lost feeling after a while." I said.     

"Then it's your fault then… am I heavy? Do you want me to move?" she said.     

"It's a trap, that question… why would I want a beautiful woman that is embracing me leave? You're crazy." I said.     

"Ahahaha, smooth. Wanna see crazy though?" she giggled as she started to grind her body against mine.     

"Ah shit, here we go again." I said to myself.     

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