Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Mr. Chang - Guandao

Mr. Chang - Guandao

0"Calm down yeah? Unc. could handle this." I said to Jared.      3

The way Jared tightly held his gun lessened and we continued to keep guard outside.     

"Who did you think paid for all of your fees?! Your mom who can't even manage to feed you properly for even a day?! Do you really think that her being the worst household helper did all that?! That's why all those boys you take home just played with you since you're an idiot." Unc Zardon bellowed.     

"The fuck did you say?!" Joanna yelled.     

"Truth hurts huh?" I said to myself as Jared squeezed a faint smile.     

"Blabber all you want but you can't take them from me!" Aunt Leslie shouted.     

"Who told you I can't? You don't even own this place. Mr. Chang! Mr. Chang!" Unc Zardon shouted.     

"Don't you fucking dare!" Aunt Leslie shouted as well.     

Kenny was just in the corner, eyes red from all their fighting. A few people inside were just watching the four have a shouting match with each other. My aunt's brother was also there but he was doing nothing. A few moments passed then a lean old man with white hair, white mustache, and thin-framed glasses walked out of one of the houses.     

"Quiet. You all know that noise attracts them yet you want to fight? Go outside and walk 10 kilometers away." the man said calmly with a slight accent.     

My uncle and his wife became silent but their breathing were still ragged.     

"Mr. Chang, I'm sorry for the noise but I'd like to take my youngest son Kenny and Hannah my second youngest." Unc Zardon said.     

"Is that you Mr. Zardon? Long time no see. I seem to understand the squabble here and I think I know the solution." he said.     

"Mr. Chang, he's a drunk! My kids will be in harm's way if you let him take them with him." Aunt Leslie pleaded.     

Mr. Chang still had a calm demeanor then his eyes darted towards me.     

"Is that you Mr. Ishiyama? I see that you're correct in your report, sorry for doubting you. Thank you as well for the early warning and I managed to haul everything from my shops before anything happened to me. Do you wish for anything in return?" he asked.     

I was about to reply but Cyrill interrupted.     

"I figured, a drunk and a murderer close to each other. Planning to kill someone today again?" Cyrill said to stir a reaction in me.     

Kaley almost replied in anger but I stopped her by placing my hand on her wrist.     

"Hmm? Big words for an addict. You're looking pale, on withdrawal now? Need some Oxycontin? Fuck! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told everyone here that. What are you doing now? Sniffing rugby or paint thinner? Where's your supplier? Is he dead? Do you miss the guy who fucks you in the ass so you could get free drugs? Fuck! Sorry dude, I was not supposed to say anything about that. Just forgive me, yeah?" I retorted with a smile.     

He gave me a viscious glare but he took a look around their compound and he was taken aback from the stares given to him. His hands were balled into a fist and he was just trembling in anger.     


"You're a fucking addict?!" his mom slapped him in his face.     

"Great, acting like she doesn't know a thing." I said to myself.     

"Mom?!" Joanna was in shock.     

"Kid, can you please ask Mr. Chang to let me take my kids?" Unc Zardon pleaded.     

"C'mon unc, of course. Mr. Chang, can I have Kenny and Hannah join my group instead? You'd save up on more food and this fight could be over soon as soon as we take them. They're too young to even help around your place." I said.     

"I can let you take the little one but the older little girl should stay here. She's of age and she started contributing here when they came in." Mr. Chang said very calmly.     

"This stingy old dude. I'll disregard how he looks at people like a product for now." I thought to myself.     

"What do you want to trade for her then?" I asked.     

"Guns. I know you have a lot, just give me a few." Mr. Chang replied.     

My uncle looked at me and he laid his shotgun on the ground with the extra slugs that I gave him.     

"Not enough." Mr. Chang replied coldly.     

"How about this then? Give me Kenny and Hannah. In exchange, I'll give you this kitted AR-15 with 5 magazines with 30 rounds each and that shotgun with the slugs. I'll even add 2 motorcycles if you give me your guandao. Not the one on display at your house but the real one I've seen you use before when I came to visit when I was 10." I said.     

Mr. Chang's eyebrows shot up in surprise.     

"N-not the guandao. It's mine." he stuttered.     

"You can't even use it anymore; your kids don't know as well. It's just gathering dust now." I replied.     

He threw a hateful glance and I just stared nonchalantly.     

"You'd need to go out if you start to have less food. You'd need more vehicles for that. I'll throw in 2 suits of protective clothing as a sign of goodwill. Do you really think that holding onto that weapon is the best course of action for your group now? I know that it's important to you as this is important to me but I promise you that I'll take good care of it." I explained while my hand was placed on the hilt of my wakizashi.     

All of them were now staring at him as he rubbed his glabella with his eyes closed.     

"C'mon, I'll accept it even if it's the replica." I thought to myself.     

"F-fine." he said as I gave a faint smile.     

The gate was now opened and Mr. Chang asked his son to get the weapon that I was looking for. My group placed the two motorcycles down with the two boxes of the protective gear that I promised I would give them. My uncle handed the shotgun to one of Mr. Chang's people while I handed my AR-15 directly to him. His son came out of their door and he was carrying a polearm that was a few inches taller than me. I inspected it first and it was the real deal.     

The blade shone brightly and it looked like a naginata from Japan but thicker and more intimidating. However, I wish I had one of those instead of this one. This guandao was a bit larger compared to a naginata and this one had a notch at the back of the blade to catch the opponent's weapon. The main blade was heavy and the pole was part wood and part metal. It also had a small counterweight on the other end of the pole and it was shaped like a small blunt spike. There was a design of a gray dragon wrapping around the pole and its mouth was where the main blade starts while the tail was on the other end.     

I nodded at Mr. Chang and offered a handshake though he reluctantly gave me one.     

"Well, it's really hard to let go of something you had for decades. I'm pretty surprised that he agreed." I thought to myself.     

"No! You're not taking away my kids from me!" my aunt bellowed when we approach them to take Kenny and Hannah.     

Cyrill stepped in the middle of us and he threw a punch towards my uncle.     



"You fucker better step away or you'll receive more of this." he shouted.     

My uncle received it with his face, not even bothering to dodge it. I was about to do something but he balled up his fist and threw a punch of his own towards his son.     



"Damn. He really did it." I thought to myself.     

My uncle was visibly more muscular than my lanky cousin. He had a beer belly but all he also had muscled that came from driving trucks, delivering them from place to place, and carrying it himself to the warehouses exploded at my cousin's face.     

"Grck!" Cyrill sprawled on the floor, clutching his face. He was about to get up but I just looked at him dead in the eye and he was frozen in the spot. I brandished the guandao and I pointed the blade on his neck. I only needed to push it for a few centimeters before he bled out in a matter of seconds. I saw Mr. Chang's eyes glimmer when I wielded his weapon as he did before.     

I mouthed at him, "I'll kill you if you move."     

Cyrill gnashed his teeth but he never moved a muscle.     

"Bitch." I said out loud.     

"Well, let go of that weapon and fight me fairly!" he shouted.     

"Hah! That's cute. I'd rather not rattle your brain much more so you could at least think like a normal person." I retorted.     

"At least I think normally, what is going on in the head of a killer like you?" he retorted as well.     

"You'd really like to know? I can kill you, your sister, and your mom here in 10 seconds with this thing. Less if I don't cut you into parts." I said nonchalantly.     

"You!" Joanna shouted.     

"Shut the fuck up too, okay? I'd take less time if you don't have a pound of makeup in your face." I snapped back as I heard a few chuckles all around me. She shrunk down though she was glaring at me and my uncle.     

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