Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Rabbit Preparation - We're kidnapping him now!

Rabbit Preparation - We're kidnapping him now!

4I opened the door for the third time and the look of irritation was starting to show in my face as well.     

"Yeah?" I said as I looked at the person, or should I say, persons. It was Nicole and Alicia.     

"Oh, you're not busy are you? This will be just a sec. Bro, I'd like to borrow the same kind of gun that you gave me for Alicia. No bullets too, of course. I'll help her practice a bit more since we don't have classes today. Oh, hi Kaley, didn't see you there." Nicole said while Alicia just made a small wave.     

"Hi… did you see what's for dinner today?" Kaley asked though I can notice her eyebrows were a bit furrowed.     

"Hmm~ I think it was stir-fried vegetables, right?" Alicia said looking at Nicole then Kaley nodded, still covered by the blanket.     

"That reminds me, I remember that I need to cook the rabbit too. I'll just prepare it later for tomorrow." I said.     

"You're really gonna cook it? That's a little sad though..." Alicia said.     

"Well, she would keep on eating her babies if she gets pregnant again." Kaley said.     

"Hmm? You're not against it now? Wanna try to eat it with me then?" I said, visibly surprised.     

"Uhh, sure let's try it then. I remember Aya asking for some too." Kaley replied.     

"Great! I'll prepare one for us later. However, I'm just gonna marinate it now so I could grill it tomorrow." I concluded.     

I then gave Alicia the same pistol, a Walther P22, and they thanked me first before they went on their way.     

I laid next to Kaley and she just wrapped her arm and leg on the side of my body while she was using my left arm as a pillow. She just sighed beside me with a solemn look while I was caressing her hair.     

"Lost the mood then?" I asked.     

"Yeah... people kept on knocking on the door and the rabbit talk... it's a bit irritating..." Kaley hugged me tighter.     

"Want me to teach you how to prepare one then? It's very easy." I suggested.     

"Hmm? Okay." she replied.     

We got dressed and we grabbed the rabbit from the barn. It was very fluffy and fat, good for eating. Olivia saw us but she ran away when she heard that we were about to butcher it.     

I first knocked it out and I tied its feet on a string hanging down and then I slit its throat to let it bleed on a container below. After a while of letting it bleed out, I looked at Kaley. She looked a bit squeamish but she still paid attention to what I was doing. I then cut through the joints without damaging the meat on the feet and then I pulled the skin of the rabbit down.     

"Wow, I thought you would slowly scrape it with a knife like a boar. It's that easy huh? It looks skinny now too." Kaley said.     

"Oh yeah, I remember that you used to hunt with your dad. I thought you would hate to see this happen. I guess I'm wrong." I said, smiling.     

I then sliced the tail, hands, and the head off then I placed the fur with the skin in a separate bin to be used later.     

"I could make this into a hat or something." I thought to myself.     

I started gutting the rabbit and I first thought Kaley would look away at this part but she even tried to do it herself. She asked for my knife and I handed it to her.     

"Let me try, it's not as cute anymore so I can probably do this." Kaley said.     

"Okay, make a small slice there and break the bone in the middle of the legs. Good, just like that. After that, put your finger down there and slice it slowly so you don't hit the guts. Okay, make the cut until there and we slowly pull the insides out. Oh! The liver looks good too! No worms or anything on it. We'll save it later with the kidneys and throw the unusable ones out. Good job!" I said.     

"Thanks! This was fun, where do I place the guts?" Kaley asked.     

"Here, place it here first." I instructed.     

"We're done, right?" she asked.     

"Yeah, we just have to clean up now." I replied.     

Kaley had a proud look on her face and we went back to the house after we cleaned up. I also kept the foot of the rabbit since a few people believe it to be lucky. I could trade it for something valuable because superstitious people place great value on things such as this.     

I then grabbed a mortar and pestle and I mixed a few seasonings and herbs for a dry marinade. After that, I rubbed it against the meat of the rabbit and I set it aside for tomorrow. Kaley watched me work while I explained some of the processes to her.     

"It doesn't look like a rabbit now; it looks like a fine cut of meat." Kaley said.     

"Hah! Wait till you taste it, it will blow your mind. You'd wish we have this everyday." I replied.     

"Hmph! Just say that you're a good cook!" she exclaimed while she looked at me smiling.     

"Well, I dabble. How about you though? Do you know a few things?" I asked.     

"Well no, Olivia and I just used to eat outside when mom and dad were out. However, I can cook a few simple dishes but not this gourmet style that you're doing." she replied.     

"Oh, is that so. It's fun for me to cook so I took a few lessons, it relaxes me. Though one of the reasons is that I really want to taste the food that I'm seeing online. I can't go to all of their stores but I could at least replicate them." I said.     

"Oh! Like Gordon Ramsay? We've been to his other stores and I've met him once. He's a really nice guy and the food was amazing!" she said with a victorious smile.     

"What?! I'm jealous, dammit!" I exclaimed. I was giving her a pout while I finished preparing the food. She just chuckled while she told me the rest of the story.     

"Damn, I could only replicate a few of his dishes from his videos and never tasted the real thing." I said with a hint of jealousy.     

"To be fair though, we only went to his restaurant. I'm not sure if he's the one who really cooked it." Kaley said.     

"But it's still in his standards! Fuck it! We're kidnapping him now! Grab the AR-15, we'll go to the airport to steal a plane." I joked then she laughed hysterically.     

"W-wait, don't tell me you know how to fly a plane?" she suddenly stopped laughing and looked at me.     

"The big ones you use? Haven't tried yet but I could fly a small one. I think it's pretty much the same." I said nonchalantly.     

"What can't you do huh?" she was now curious.     

"Hah! Many things! I'm perfect but not that perfect." I joked.     

"What does that even mean! You can't use those words together!" she shook her head.     

Like a good coincidence, someone told us that the food outside was ready so we ate our meal with everyone.     

Everyone gathered at the meeting after we cleaned up then we started.     

"Okay, good job everyone. We are now on our 7th day in survival and we're doing good. Welcome our new people to the group but I'm pretty sure you've interacted with them earlier. Our scouting/ scavenging group will still do the same routine of checking each place slowly and getting supplies from the places not hit yet. We'll keep on going places where there is obviously something inside and just sweep the rest when we start to reach farther places. We might grab a few more containers for gas since I want to fill the apartment next to us with containers of them since we only managed to fill one up. We need to stock up as many as possible and we might need to go to other gasoline stations when the need arises. How are we on the other side of things?" I reported.     

"The seeds we planted are still on the greenhouse, a few people here now have shown interest in gardening and I appreciate the help. I'll continue on doing the same thing and teach other people what I know." Charlotte said.     

"Same thing here, my family is always helping me with the animals and the baby rabbits are doing good." Derek said.     

"We cleared almost half of the squatter area and all the usable materials are stacked in there. We'll start on hauling them as soon as we finish on dismantling all of them." Zeidrick said.     

The rest also gave their reports and we concluded the meeting. I watched a replay of the broadcast that we missed before I picked up my laptop. It was the same progress reports as before and nothing worth mentioning happened. After that, I headed to the gym to finish my daily routine. Only Kaley, Tatiana, and I went to the gym since it was past 9:00 PM already. Kaley's body was slowly getting toned and her body could now bend more than what it used to thanks to Tatiana's training. We three still did our awkward shower together and when we finished, Olivia and Rin were asleep in my room. A movie was playing on my TV but the credits were already rolling.     

"We were supposed to watch a movie today, correct?" Tatiana said.     

"Yeah, we had too much to do today. Good thing none of us are at watch duty." Kaley replied.     

We then helped the two get to their rooms and Kaley was hugging me the whole night. I woke up early to cook the rabbit and I also made mashed potatoes to eat it with. I also saved a piece for Aya because she asked me before. It was almost 6:00 AM so I also made coffee and I told my aunt to not include Kaley and me for breakfast since we will be eating separately. While I was there, I saw Jay and his wife Faith helping out my aunt. We talked for a little bit first before I bid my goodbye.     

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