Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

The other type

The other type

4"Heh. Nothing seems to be here though." Unc Zardon said as he looked around.      4

"But why is there a lot of food here then? Did they hole up in the main house?" Dong said as he took a small glance inside.     

"Maybe, want me to mark this house first?" Unc Zardon asked.     

"Yeah, go ahead. Eyes up on this big house next. It's much bigger than my house." I said.     

"Why is it so big though?" Dong asked.     

"Oh, the owner of this house were politicians. But this house was already built before they became politicians. Wait, that didn't explain anything at all. Nevermind, let's say that they're rich. Heh." I said as they shook their heads.     

I knocked multiple times first and I waited for some sort of reaction. There was no one answering so I pulled out a roll of duct tape from the bag I always carried.     

"What are you gonna do with that?" Dong asked.     

"Oh, just wait and see." I said as I taped a few strips to a window. After a reasonable size was covered, I elbowed it and a crack appeared but the sound was almost non-existent. The two nodded with a smile when they saw what I did.     

"Are you a burglar or something?" Dong asked, joking.     

"Hey, don't talk to your boss like that. Hah! Well, I'll be a good one if I ever become one." I joked. I peeled the duct tape off with the shards on it and laid it on the side.     

I then pulled out the alarm from my bag and I threw it inside the hole.     





The noise resounded and nothing happened inside. I even waited for a while to be sure but it was already five minutes and nothing was coming to our view. I even took a whiff inside and it smelled like nothing.     

"What are you smelling the house for?" Unc Zardon asked.     

"Decay. If anything is dead on this floor, we would smell it right now." I explained.     

With nothing out of the ordinary happening, I picked the lock and we went inside. I looked for the switch for the lights but when I found it, the lights won't turn on. I pointed my flashlight at the ceiling and I found out the bulbs were either missing or broken though a few were still intact.     

"Someone could still be here or the breaker for this place was turned off." I said.     

We checked the 1st floor while Dong guarded the stairs. We checked the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the two other rooms inside.     

The living room still had all the appliances inside and the kitchen still had them too along with a huge number of canned goods and several sacks of rice on display. I checked the other drawers and cupboards and they were also full of supplies except for one cabinet which was cleared out.     

"They have a lot here; do they have guns too?" I thought to myself.     

Unc Zardon opened the refrigerator and he found several cans of beer, a few sodas, and a lot of melted chocolates inside the freezer. On a corner was a wine rack with a few dozen bottles of different kinds of alcohol. He just touched the bottles and moved on. I opened one of the other doors and discovered that one was a tool shed for brooms and other cleaning materials while the other led to a staircase for the basement.     

We called Dong over and now he was guarding this side of the door while glancing on the stairs. We headed down and it was a laundry room with a few washing machines, dryers, and sacks of detergent powder. We went back and I headed into the bathroom. Aside from a few hygiene products, there was a first aid kit inside their medicine cabinet with a few OTC drugs. We didn't take anything yet but I made a mental note of what to take later.     

"This floor is clear now. Let's head up." I said to them.     

We headed to the 2nd floor but we slowly ascended the stairs. There were four rooms in total and we checked each one. They were the children's rooms and what we found inside were clothes, smartphones, computers, a few toys, snacks, and etc.     

"Why are there a lot of their supplies and personal items here? There are no signs of zombies here too. This is really weird; I really should've come here the first time I noticed something was wrong." I thought to myself.     

We went to the last floor and we found two doors left and right.     

"Get ready." I told them.     

I readied my Tavor, Unc Zardon raised his shield, and Dong drew his Beretta M9. My uncle reached for the doorknob on the right and it was unlocked. I stopped him from opening it completely and I pressed my ear against it. We were quiet for a few moments but I heard nothing from the other side.     

I knocked a few times to check if someone is inside.     

*knock* *knock* *knock*     

"Hello?" I called.     

*knock* *knock* *knock*     

"Hello~!" I called again.     

*knock* *knock* *knock*     

"Hello~! Is someone inside?" I called one last time to be sure.     

When I gave the signal, my uncle opened the door and we were shocked. We found the other type here.     

There were seven zombies just standing completely still and they were all looking at us except for the one by the window. They never moved, they never breathed, and they never did… anything. They all just... stared at us. They had several bite marks on their bodies but the blood on their clothes was dry and black. A few bits and pieces of their body were on the floor and it was like a Pollock painting.     

"Was the one I felt last time the one by the window?" I thought to myself.     

"Are they the completely still ones?" Dong asked.     

"Yeah, it's really off-putting seeing them this close." I replied.     

"What do we do? Kill them now?" Unc Zardon asked.     

"Wait a moment. I'll call the old man. Close the door first but watch out if anything happens." I said as I pulled out my radio.     



"Oscar? This is Sky, copy?"     




"Kid? Copy."     




"Contact Rod for me, will you? We found seven of those still ones in the Pineda residence. Ask him if he needs more samples."     







While we waited, I opened the other door and we saw a meeting room but there was no one inside. It had a long table with chairs and a monitor fit for a conference area. At the far back was an isolated room separated by a glass door. I went inside that room and I found a note on the table.     

[To anyone that might stumble upon this house in the future... please... just do it for me. There's a gun inside the safe behind the painting. Please, I can't pull the trigger... they're f… family. Why them?! Why am I the only one left?! Why?! This is unfair! I never asked for this! They never did! WHY! WHY! WHY! I'm just- please… just do it for me. Whoever you are… please don't leave them like that.]     

I read the note and looked behind the painting. There was an unlocked safe with the keys to this whole place and there was a revolver with a box of ammunition sitting inside. The safe appeared to contain more valuable items but it was already taken. I took a look at the family picture on the desk and I recognized everyone inside the other door except one, Karen Ann Pineda.     

"Could she be the one looking from the window on the other door last time instead? Hmm, there was a zombie at the spot now though." I thought to myself.     



"Kid, he said that they have enough samples. Besides, it's too far."     




"Okay, I'll dispose of them then. There's still an unknown risk of these things being here if we left them alone."     




"Sure kid."     



"Do we just kill them here then?" Dong asked.     

"No, we kill them outside. Let's cover them with blankets first and tie them just to be sure. They're doing nothing for now and we'll be cleaning the houses later so let's just do it outside so we'd have less work." I said.     

"Can't we just leave them here?" my uncle said.     

"I won't bet on the risk that they would stay like that forever. Remember the videos? The effects progress after an indeterminate amount of time. Who knows, they might move around in a few days and infect people. However, we have never seen normal zombies turn to this type or the sprinters in person." I explained.     

I looked at the seven bodies and I noticed something peculiar. Their eyes were moving. When they saw a moving person, their eyes would follow. I started walking from left to right and their pupils followed me though they never did anything else. The two saw what was happening and they tried to do the same thing I was doing. What's weird was their pupils could look at different directions like a chameleon. I felt chills ran down my spine every time their eyes moved erratically.     

"This is really weird boss." Dong said.     

I readied my Tavor just in case they move while the two covered them with blankets and tied their arms. It took a while but we finally led them below.     

"Bro, what the fuck?" Jared asked while he saw the figures covered in blankets.     

"Those still ones from the broadcast before. I think we'll call them sentries, you should see their eyes. We'll kill them outside." I replied.     

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