Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Cashing Out - An Old Friend

Cashing Out - An Old Friend

0I finished my food earlier than everyone else and I grabbed a banana. I broke it in half and gave the other half to Zeus. While everyone else was still happily eating and chatting with each other, I headed to where the truck was and inspected its contents. It was filled to the brim with different sacks of rice which I mainly sold in my shops. Most of what was on the truck were regular white rice that was locally produced but there were special kinds, imported and local, like brown rice, glutinous rice, long-grained rice, Japanese rice, and etc.      1

"Hey Boss, thanks for taking everyone in. We hauled everything from your stores and I also brought everything from mine. I've brought fresh vegetables, fruits, canned goods, groceries, eggs, and even the salted eggs that my wife Manilyn makes. Aside from that, the rest of our belongings are in the bags." Jo said as he approached me from behind.     

"That's good, thank you. We'll put them to good use." I replied then he patted me in the back and we went back to the group.     

"Unc, have you cleared the store here?" I asked Unc Zardon.     

"Oh, not yet. I've called the store and I told Nathan and Arnel to stop receiving customers. If they did, they're probably tidying up and ready to haul everything by the time we get there." Unc Zardon replied.     

"Okay, I'll come with you then. I might also get a few things from the public market." I added.     

"Sure, and hey, Navotas and Malabon have news of being hit. The radio said that it's a riot but we fucking know it isn't. They're the neighboring cities but they're still quite close. It's getting closer, it could be here in a few hours or so." Unc Zardon said then I gave a serious look.     

'Those places are by the edge of Manila Bay. Right exactly where Kaley's friend was close to.' I thought to myself.     

After they finished eating, I tasked the guys to load everything from the truck to the storage areas. As soon as they finished, Unc Zardon and I hopped on the truck and decided to drive to the public market. Before we left, I left some instruction to not allow anyone to just casually leave but for the ones that would, like Oscar going for another supply run with Jared, they should be armed.     

It took us a few minutes to drive to the public market and there we saw Nathan and Arnel, the other two in my employ, waiting for us in my store. They were both built like an amateur bodybuilder but Nathan was taller and wider compared to Arnel.     

We parked in front of the store and then they immediately started hauling all of my stocks. They first started with sacks upon sacks of rice, sugar, flour, and salt. What followed were different kinds of groceries for cooking, hygiene, and other household supplies.     

A few onlookers took notice of what we were doing and my next-door shop owners couldn't help but ask me about what was going on. A few nosy ones also approached us and started asking random questions instead of listening to the news.     

"Hey, what are you guys doing? It looks like you're closing early." one of them said.     

"Why are you guys hauling everything here? It's not like a super typhoon is coming, right? I know the rainy season is coming but I think this is too much." another one said.     

"Just being ready. Something is definitely coming though, watch the news." I replied.     

A few others voiced their opinion on the matter and some tricycle drivers waiting for customers started to ridicule me. I paid them no mind as I talked to some sense to the shopkeepers. I wanted to be as vague as possible because the moment I say the word 'zombie', no one would fucking believe me.     

"Something's really happening though, I suggest you guys do the same thing I'm doing here. Gather everything you can and secure your home. Wait for the government's help or try to help yourself." I said to them.     


"Nah, he's kidding. I bet you they're just going on a picnic or something."     

"Why are they hauling everything then for just a picnic, huh?"     


"I guess I'll close shop but I think I won't haul them. If the thing on the news is just that, I think it could be done by tomorrow, right?"     

They gave opinions of their own but my words had once again fallen to deaf ears. I tried talking to them about what was about to come and I always received the same reaction from most of them.     

However, the reaction that followed was the one I hated the most.     

All of a sudden, a series of mocking laughter was what I received from the tricycle drivers and with the other shopkeepers. They were looking at me like an idiot and some shoppers even started to whisper amongst each other. However, a few of them gave pensive looks instead and had the common sense to do the same thing as me.     

The bustling noise of the public market just drowned out everything that has happened and the one contributing to most of it was the TV right next to us, hooked to a speaker, on maximum volume, playing out sports. A few people were huddled around it especially the tricycle drivers who were drinking and betting on the outcome of the live footage.     

"Kid, if you want to waste time on something, just bet on the pool here so wasting our time could have someone be lucky at least." a person organizing the bets near the TV mocked me.     

"If you don't wanna believe me, you might believe the news. How could the reports of violence occurring at different places at different times be the same type of 'drug-induced' person that was trying to either claw or bite the person right next to them? Think about that for a second. Change the channel to the news aside from that fucking sports channel so you get what I'm saying." I pointed at the TV.     

I might've convinced the owner of the TV because he stood up and started looking for the remote. However, as soon as the guy was about to grab the remote, one of the tricycle drivers shouted. He threw his bottle on the ground, shattering it to pieces.     

"You better not change that fucking channel or I'll fuck you up like what I would do to this kid! I'm fucking watching that you fucker!" the guy shouted at the owner of the TV then he turned to me.     

The owner of the TV got scared and the channel wasn't changed. However, everyone's attention was now on us after the guy drunkenly lashed out at me. His eyes were red and you could see his face was also flustered from being under the influence. He was morbidly obese and his tank top could barely contain him. The smell of sweat and alcohol was coming out of him and the dirty towel hanging on his shoulder was fucking disgusting.     

However, despite his threats, I just gave him a look of indifference as I continued talking, "Do what you want, I said my piece. I hope you listen to me unlike this blubbering idiot here. You like watching sports yet you're not even motivated to at least participate in it. Do you really like sports or you just watching muscled athletes piling on top of one another?"     

The place went quiet.     

"THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO ME?!" the guy exploded as he rushed in my direction.     

I almost rolled my eyes as I saw him balling his fist and throwing an overhead punch including his flapping flaps that were overflowing out of him. I could see his move from a mile away but I wouldn't back down from a fight.     

I tilted my head slightly to dodge then I sent a frontal kick toward his crotch. His face contorted from the pain then he fell down on his knees, clutching his balls. His face was now the perfect target so I sent a right hook to his face, breaking his nose. However, he was still barely-conscious so I finished him with a knee right at the same spot.     

He fell on the ground unconscious as his nose was bleeding profusely. A few pieces of his teeth were on the ground because the point of impact included his mouth.     

"Cheh, fuck around and find out." Unc Zardon said as he chuckled with Nathan and Arnel.     

The place went wild with cheers while his 'friends' just started laughing at him. A few concerned citizens tried dragging him to the side as they tried to bring him to consciousness. However, it seemed that he was out cold and just started to sleep altogether so they just left him there while I waited for the guys to finish loading the truck.     

I paid a short visit to other shopowners but I received a text that Nicole, Jared's older sister, just arrived home with her GF, Alicia. They brought supplies from the place they were working in and a few more food items they bought with their own money.     

I replied promptly but I received another text from my old college friend, Ken:     

[I'm rolling there soon man, give me 30 minutes. I've brought my sister Kristine with me. Hope you don't mind, I also brought my dog, Peanut.]     

I replied:     

[Great, no worries man. Just come here quick, it's getting closer.]     

Ken texted once more:     

[Alright, man. Peace!]     

The truck was finally filled though there were still a few tin cans of cooking oil left. I placed it in front of the truck then I Unc Zardon go home first but I tasked him with emptying the truck as quickly as possible and coming back with cash to buy more supplies from the other stores. Nathan and Arnel were riding their own tricycles but Nathan stopped before me.     

"Hey Boss, I got to tell you something. I think my wife and I would head to her parents in Novaliches because they have a place there too. I appreciate that you invited us here but I think we'll try our chances there." Nathan said with a solemn expression.     

I looked at him and he seemed to have made his decision.     

"Hmm, it's okay but if you ever change your mind, my place is still open for you and your family. However, drop by the compound later because I'll give you a little something. You don't have to give me a ride home because I'll be dropping by the bike shop." I replied.     

"Okay boss, I'll head out first." Nathan said as drove his vehicle home.     

The trip to the bike shop was quick because I only went there to buy bike suits that could act as protective clothing. The ones they were selling were tear-resistant so a few more were added to my existing collection of much better gear.     

I just called for a pedicab so they could drive me back home.     

When I reached the compound, I saw an Ober car parked next to my gate. When the car door opened, a lady walked out. She opened the trunk and when I saw what she was pulling out, I helped her immediately. I lifted the wheelchair out and I placed it by the door.     

"Thank you, you must be Sky. I'm Kristine, Ken's older sister." Kristine said.     

"Oh, nice to meet you." I replied as I offered a handshake.     

After a brief introduction, I heard a familiar voice.     

"What's up, man? Been too long since I last saw you! How long has it been? Six years?!" Ken greeted me as he placed himself in his wheelchair. He gave me a fistbump then I heard a bark.     

Their English Bulldog Peanut came outside the car and started to curiously sniff and look around. She seemed to be docile towards me and I gave her a pat on the head.     

"Arf!" Peanut barked as she nudged closer to me.     

The Ober driver was getting impatient with us so I asked for help so we could take care of their luggage. I introduced them to everyone but the scene when Peanut and Zeus met was a little peculiar. They stared at each other for a full five minutes before their tails began to wag. Ken and I were worried they wouldn't get along but in the end, they did.     

I asked Lois to give them a room then I called for Rin.     

"Hey Rin, let's put you to work." I said.     

"O-Of course. What do you need, sir?" Rin replied.     

"I'd like you to make an inventory or a list of everything that we have here. I trust you could make a fine system on it, sounds good?" I said.     

"Sounds good." Rin nodded and she gave a smile.     

Rin seemed to be pretty excited about doing this sort of thing while I was excited about what she would produce. I let her start the process on her own while I prepared a bag for Nathan. I saw Oscar and Unc Zardon leaving for another run outside with their own vehicles while the people left were busy hauling them to the storage areas and appropriate rooms.     

It took a while before I heard someone ringing the bell on the gate. I opened it and I saw Nathan and his family, packed and ready to leave. His family was in his tricycle and all of their bags were tied to the roof. I gave his wife and kids a small greeting then I went back and grabbed the bag I prepared for him.     

"Here." I said as I handed it over to him.     

"Thanks Boss, but what's in here?" Nathan asked with a curious expression.     

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