Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Kaley's House - Olivia

Kaley's House - Olivia

2I threw the keys to Oscar so he could drive his SUV but Kaley held my arm and asked, "Can we still drive outside?"     

I nodded but Oscar added, "Yeah, it's up to your government if they could notice it fast enough. However, your country's traffic was one of the fucking worst out there."     

We got inside but noticed the vehicle in front of us. I remember taking something from the Doctor's Office earlier and I tried to look for it in the doctor's bag I also took.     

"Wait, I have something we can use to avoid traffic." I left the SUV and went to the vehicle in front of us. Oscar's eye lit up when he saw what was in my hands and then he gave me an approving look.     

There were a few keys in the keychain but I managed to open it with the first one. I opened the door and I waved Kaley to sit next to me.     

I put my head outside the window and said to Oscar, "I think it's best you head straight home. Tell everyone of Code Zulu Alpha and start Project SHTF. Try to have everyone be at the compound and make them bring everything they have."     

"Sure thing kid." Oscar motioned his two fingers to a small salute and he started to back his SUV up. I reached to my side and I pulled out the other pistol I got from the guard. It was missing a few bullets so I replaced it with a fresh one from the spare.     

"Know how to use this?" I offered the other pistol to Kaley.     

"Yes… I do." Kaley reluctantly picked it up and she gave a deep long sigh. I was looking at her expression and even though there was a slight tremble in her hands, her eyes were as sharp as ever.     

"She's strong. Well, always has been." I faintly smiled as I handed her the other belt with the rest of the items.     

I looked around the inside of the vehicle to try to familiarize myself with some of the controls. It was a regular manual-transmission type with a few extra buttons for the door locks, sirens, and the built-in CB Radio. I flicked the switch of the radio to channel 9 and I tried speaking on it.     



"Hey old man, copy?"     




[Yeah, copy kid. I'll follow you from behind. We'll split off at Valenzuela City while you guys head to the Bulacan area, right?]     




"Yeah, keep close."     



Most of the way went smoothly because I flicked the switch on for the sirens. Aside from Oscar, other people took advantage of the situation to drive behind me. Police cars were speeding and a lot of ambulances were going around in this part of the city. Eventually, Oscar split off at one of the intersections then Kaley called her sister once more. She checked on her and made sure that she was safe and secure at their house.     

It took us one more hour before we reached their house. I turned the vehicle off then Kaley ran to her house to meet her younger sister. There were no signs of them at this place yet though I kept a vigilant eye.     

"Olivia! It's me! Open up!" Kaley exclaimed.     

"K-Kaley? W-Wait, j-just a sec!" a voice followed.     

Kaley was furiously knocking on the door but then a girl opened it with teary eyes. Kaley rushed in to hug her sister but I continued to inspect the surroundings. Bloody marks were still on the pavement along with a few 'Do Not Cross| Crime Scene Area' on the spot where the incident earlier happened. A few residents were still outside trying to talk with each other, seemingly unaware of what was about to come. They noticed us park in front of Kaley's house and I guess we were now the topic of their conversation.     

"Hey, please come inside." Kaley called out to me.     

I walked inside and I was greeted by her sister with a small handshake and a quick up-down look.     

"My name's Olivia, t-thank you for picking my sister up." Olivia's eyes were still red.     

Olivia looked like a typical high school teen. Aside from still wearing her school uniform, she had brown-dyed hair, colored nails, a phone on one hand with a strap, but she had this sharp look that her sister also had. She was a head and a few inches shorter than me and a head shorter than Kaley.     

"Tell me what are the things that you have packed. It already started and we need to leave soon." I focused on the task at hand immediately.     

"W-Wait, where are we going? I only packed clothes for a d-day." Olivia said, with a visible frown on her face.     

"We're going to his place for now. It isn't safe here anymore. The thing that happened here? It also happened at the airport. He luckily happened to be there and saved me." Kaley said as she was grabbing a large bag.     

"Earlier? With Mrs. Tan? B-But I've watched the news earlier and saw the thing at the hospital. They said it was j-just random acts of violence. Umm well- but- my friends at school also told me zombies are coming like in the movies. I don't believe them but you're also- This is a joke, right?!" Olivia retorted.     

"I hope it is but I've seen it close. I also know the guy in the hospital that attacked the hospital staff. He's the pilot that was supposed to fly the plane I'm supposed to be at right now. Why did you only pack a bag?! I told you to pack everything!" Kaley started to go room by room to gather stuff that Olivia didn't pack yet.     

"W-Were really leaving?! How could- but- I still-" Olivia was flustered.     

"We need a place to settle for now and he has something better compared to ours. We'll be safe there until this is all over and you need to not freak out. We'll be fine as long as we're together, okay? Help me pack more stuff and grab all the things in the medicine cabinets. C'mon, we need to be fast!" Kaley ran upstairs while I was left with guarding the door.     

"Kaley! B-But! How about mom and dad?! What if they come home?! Kaley~!" Olivia hurriedly followed upstairs even though hesitatingly.     

I turned their TV on and put it on the news to get more information. I started flipping through the different news channels and all in the news right now were violence reports in the airport, hospital, and the pier. There was still no mention of an outbreak or even the word zombies.     

'Is the government still trying to hide the fact or are they still ignorant of what's happening here?' I thought to myself.     

"Sky! Can you come here for a sec?" I heard Kaley's voice and I decided to head up to her room after securing the door.     

Kaley changed from her flight attendant outfit to her normal, everyday clothes. She was wearing a white shirt covered by a black jacket, black-gray jeans, pink sneakers, and the belt I gave her with the Berreta M9 and the rest of the items that came with it. Her black hair was now in a ponytail but there were a few bangs that hang from left and right, covering a part of her forehead. She was carrying a large backpack and two other suitcases then she placed it by the door. After that, we went to their parent's bedroom.     

"Olivia said that they haven't come home yet. Are they together or in different places? We could pick them up because there's still plenty of time?" I mentioned.     

"They're together but no, it would be difficult to reach or even locate them. However, I left a note for them here just in case they come back from their trip. After they retired, they started going to different places now and I'm not sure where they are right now. Dad always brings his hunting gear when they take trips and they would usually camp on mountains or forests. I even tried calling them earlier but it appears they are off the grid..." Kaley said as she paused. Her eyes were starting to water and a hint of red covered her face, I could feel that she was upset because she couldn't contact her parents right at this moment.     

"Hey, don't worry. They will be alright and I'm sure of it. If they took to the mountains to camp, they will be the farthest from this thing. Also, I've met your dad before, zombies would play dead if they see him." I faintly smiled as I tried to cheer her up.     

Kaley looked at me for a brief moment with a forced smile before looking down again but she raised her elbows to wipe the tears forming in her eyes. After that, her eyes were back in the same sharp way as earlier then she opened the bottom part of her parent's closet. She lifted a black bag and unzipped it.     

"That's a Winchester M70, right? May I?" I said as I gave an approving look.     

"Sure, go ahead… I think there are a few more boxes of ammo somewhere around here..." Kaley opened a few more drawers.     

I gave a closer look and I was pleased. It was a 24-inch sporting or hunting rifle chambered in .308 and it came with nice wood stock, a simple sling, a 3-9x40mm scope, and a suppressor. I wasn't completely 'pleased' because of how it looked aesthetically but because of the wear it received from use and practice.     

"Your dad really taught you huh?" I mentioned.     

"Yeah, I was really lucky that he did. Dad bought one for mom when they took trips but mom doesn't like to hunt so this one was left unused for a time. He figured if mom wouldn't use it, he'd teach me instead. I learned a few things from him then it got held for a while since I graduated and started my job. I still practice from time to time but not as much compared to back then... He definitely brought all of his guns but he would always leave this one for me. I just hope they come back safely..." Kaley said as I gave it back to her. She placed it back inside with a box of ammo she found in their hiding spot.     

"In case they come home, let's leave a few supplies hidden somewhere. I've written down my place in the letter by coordinates so they know where to find us. Also, you forgot something very important to pack." I handed Kaley a picture of her family.     

"Oh… thank you… this is something- thanks..." Kaley was at a loss when she saw their family picture. Tears welled in her eyes once more but she shook her head and took a deep breath.     

"I saw this hung on your wall so I picked it up. This thing could be over quickly but we never know, I hope you're not upset." I added.     

"N-No… I understand..." Kaley was staring at the picture frame then I heard a shout from behind.     

"What do you mean by that?!" Olivia was furious when she saw the picture frame on Kaley's hands.     

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