Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Code: Zulu Alpha?

Code: Zulu Alpha?

0Year 2019     1

Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Pasay City, Philippines     

Day 1 6:00 AM     


I was tapping on my phone and eyeing every person that walked by. I was checking each one, careful not to miss my friend I was waiting for. I was in an airport, rows of large white tiles adorned the floor and a long glass wall separated me from the people coming and going. A few stores on my right side were selling clothes, souvenirs, food, toys, and even a few items for comfort on the flight.     

On my left side, if you walked a few steps forward, it seemed to be an area where authorized personnel could only come in and it was guarded by two security guards. One was carrying an M4 Carbine while the other one had a Remington 870 slung on his back. The person with the shotgun had a leash on his hand and a German Shepherd was lying down on his feet, seemingly relaxed but its eyes were darting around, looking at the people that were passing by.     

*bzzt* *bzzt*     

I felt a buzz on my hand and as I looked at the screen, a call from my aunt popped up. As I was about to answer it, it stopped and a missed call notification popped up. However, it was followed by a text that said:     

[Heyo! I know u don' lyk to ans cals so I txt u pz plz buy me tjos sweet peenut thins u used to buy wit de nips on it! O! Ths is Aya!]     

'What in fresh hell is this?!' I shouted in my head.     

As I Investigated the text, it was probably typed in by my little cousin. After I painstakingly figured out the correct words from all the spelling errors, I replied:     

[You're talking about 'Trailmix', right? I'll buy a bag but they are not 'Nips' they are called 'M&Ms'.]     

I stood up and I started walking towards the store. However, a few steps forward, on my left, I noticed someone familiar. She was wearing a flight attendant uniform and a small red bag with a cross sign on it was on her lap. On her table, a large cup of coffee was seated next to a small plate. There was a fork with pink bits on the plate and she was checking her phone.     

I remembered her from high school.     

I could say that we were good friends back then. We used to compete for our grades a while back and some other things. She was very beautiful I'd admit, even more so now. Most of our classmates, even from other sections, used to try and ask her out but she seemed disinterested at the time and was more focused on studying.     

I walked right past her since the candy store I was going for was the one further from the coffee shop where she was sitting. I contemplated greeting her but I thought that she wouldn't be able to remember me because it was years since we last met.     

'She might not remember me. It's good seeing her though…' I thought to myself.     

However, as I began to push the glass door, I saw her reflection behind me. I felt a couple of taps on my back and then I heard her voice, "Excuse me, you're Sky, right? Sky Ishiyama? Remember me?"     

As I turned around, she removed her cap and her black hair landed on her shoulders. She was smiling brightly then she pointed to herself, "It's me, Kaley! I almost didn't recognize you! You look so different!"     

"Oh, hi! Ahaha… I thou-" Before I even had the chance to finish my sentence, Kaley leaned close to me and she stared at me with an eyebrow raised up. Her mouth was almost pouting to the side and her hands were on her waist.     

"Stop doing that, you doofus! I know what you're doing; you have the best memory out of all the people I know!" Kaley exclaimed, chuckling.     

I scratched my nose in embarrassment then she continued, "I caught your glance earlier when I was checking on my phone. I'm pretty sure you thought that I wouldn't remember you earlier, am I right?"     

'She read me like a book.' I thought to myself as I pursed my lips to a smile.     

Kaley chuckled when she saw my reaction but she continued, "I got that right, huh? What are you buying here anyway? Is it those dried cranberries you used to munch on back then? You're buying those, right?"     

I replied, "Sort of, I'm getting a bag of Trailmix for my cousin at home. Hmm, now that you mention it, I'll be getting a bag of those dried cranberries. It has been a while since I have eaten those."     

"Oh, I guess I'm half-right then! You're still eating those, huh?" Kaley chuckled.     

"That reminds me, still eating those strawberry shortcakes too huh?" I smiled but then I noticed Kaley bit her lower lip into a smile, sort of embarrassed or maybe happy that I also remembered what she liked from back then. She linked her arm with mine then she pushed the door in front of us towards the store.     

"Let me join you then, I'm gonna grab some things too before I head back." Kaley smiled back at me.     

We began to head where the small baskets were located then I grabbed a basket for us. We then proceeded to the aisles, looking for the items that we wanted to buy.     

We were silently browsing the store but then Kaley said, "So, I'm pretty sure you won't talk unless I start, so... how's life been treating you? I remember you said that you wanted to be a programmer?"     

I nodded and said, "Yeah, I've become one but in the end, I've only worked for a few years before I decided to continue the family business. How about you then? I remembered you were studying to be a nurse, what happened? The uniform suits you though."     

"Oh, um- thanks! Well, you know... life happened. It didn't work out and I shifted courses a few times too... I really couldn't decide at the time what I wanted to be. My mom said to take it easy and relax for a bit so we traveled to Indonesia, Spain, and Paris then something clicked. I told myself that I want to travel all over the world but I want to get paid too, so here is the best solution! Win-win, right?" Kaley smiled as she turned around. She grabbed a few candies and placed it in my basket. We looked at each other briefly before we continued browsing through the shop. I was rearranging the ones she placed inside but she turned to me once more.     

"Right, why did you quit being a programmer? It pays well, right?" Kaley asked.     

"Yeah. Well, as you said. Life happened… to be exact- I hated my boss and might have done something irreversible!" I laughed as I scratched the back of my head.     

Kaley chuckled but then she gave me a pensive look. Then she said, "Haven't changed I see... I remember you always doing things your way."     

Kaley walked beside me, just sliding her fingers through some of the packs of candies in the aisles.     

"Yeah, well I really hate working at that place and I can finish what they have given me for half the time. I told them about my performance and I asked for a raise. However, they just decided to pile more work on me while they let the other guys slack off. I might have- no, I said something that ticked them off and the rest is history."     

"Hahaha! Like that one time when you snapped at our teacher for teaching the flowcharts wrong." Kaley covered her mouth while chuckling.     

"Yeah! I remember that! He was a fucking Biology teacher, why the fuck did they let them teach a Computer subject?! That's nuts! I really couldn't help myself at that time." I was shaking my head in amusement.     

We eventually found the bag of Trailmix I was looking for and I grabbed two. Behind that aisle, Kaley found the bag of cranberries that I was looking for and she handed it to me. After we looked around to see if we would get anything else, we headed back to the cashier to pay for the items. I paid for everything as I slid my card on the cashier's device.     

"Thank you for shopping, please come again!" the cashier gave a bright smile.     

We just nodded at her and we walked outside.     

"So, having a break now?" I asked as I handed Kaley her items.     

Kaley nodded, "Yeah, we were supposed to fly to Japan, but something happened with our pilot. He was sent to the hospital and I was supposed to wait for his replacement. However, the flight was delayed over and over until it was canceled afterward. So, they just told me to go home with the other attendants. I was about to call for a taxi but I saw the cake in the shop. I stopped by to eat but then I saw you walking past me. Anyway, it's been a while, let's hang for a bit then."     

Kaley followed me then we sat on the bench I was sitting on earlier. We were casually chatting and I mentioned my friend that I was waiting on.     

"Oh? So, what was your friend like?" Kaley asked.     

"He's an old veteran from the US, we met at a convention in San Diego and we became friends when we figured out that we watch the same TV series, 'The Pacing Unliving'." I said.     

Kaley placed her hand on her forehead then she began to laugh, "Yeah, I can totally see that happening, that is so like you. What's up with that title? Is that a parody? Your friend, is he scary-looking or something?"     

"No. Actually, he looks like an old guy you'd see feeding pigeons on the street. You can't see it in his face that he served in the military but he's still strong as an ox." I replied.     

Kaley smiled and said, "Well it's nice to know that you have a new friend. I remember the first time I talked to you back then, you'd always sit alone and mind your own business. I even thought that you were mute at that time!"     

I gave a laugh and remembered back. It was just as she said, I was avoided and almost invisible until she was the first one to talk to me. After she introduced me to some of her friends, I started to open myself up bit by bit. However, I would speak my mind without a filter. I could be a blunt asshole but most of her friends preferred that instead of being an untruthful prick. I was really thankful to her at that time and what she did for me when she first transferred.     

*bzzt* *bzzt*     

As we started talking about our current situation, my phone buzzed two times. My cousin and my friend, Oscar, contacted me. I checked my cousin's email first.     

[HeYo! By me 2 bags! 4got 2 tellyou, I'll pay u bac]     

"As if!" I just chuckled inwardly before I checked the other email.     

[Hey kid, emergency. Take a look, Code Zulu Alpha?]     

At the bottom of the email, there was a link that directed to a news article about a drug-induced person attacking a bunch of hospital staff. It played a video of a man dressed in a pilot's uniform with bandages on his arm, getting held down by a few security guards. As the video continued, Kaley leaned in to watch as well. However, as I looked at her, her expression was getting replaced by a look of discomfort.     

"Th-That's our pilot that got sent to the hospital earlier…" Kaley muttered.     

A cold wave of air washed over me as I felt something horrible churning in my gut. However, I slowly exhaled and the blurriness of my vision caused by fear cleared up.     

"What do you mean?" I turned to Kaley as I tried to get more information.     

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