Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

I don't like where this is going...

I don't like where this is going...

4*BOOM*      0

A loud noise assaulted our ears but Ken followed it by squeezing the trigger from the other side.     


Ken started to rub his ears together then he turned to me, "Why is it still loud?"     

"They still have gunpowder, you know. It even has a bit of a kick too, but very different from a real shell. Aside from that, there are also different loads for the shells we have available so it would vary. Don't point it at your head or at someone very close, blanks could still do damage or even kill in certain circumstances. Try loading a slug to see the difference."     

Ken nodded a few times as he placed the two blanks left in his other pocket then he loaded a slug in the barrel. He pushed the hammer on the right side down then he placed his finger on the right trigger. He placed his other hand on the barrel for support then he exhaled before he squeezed the trigger.     


Ken's body felt the impact as he lightly jolted but he held the gun steadily. He opened the barrel to remove the used slug and then he handed it to me.     

"Holy shit! This is powerful, man!" Ken exclaimed as a wicked grin was plastered on his face.     

"Perfect," I said as I gave him the rest of the slugs. "Keep that safe and don't casually pull that out. I'll teach you how to clean it later and I'll give you the tools for it. I have a few other ammo types to give you like birdshot or buckshot but just store them for now, I'll give you more later for safekeeping."     

"Sure thing man, peace!" Ken gave me a fistbump as we went back inside the compound. As we walked inside, Allan reminded me over and over that he would be part of tonight's watch duty as he uncomfortably gazed at Ken's shotgun. I just shook my head in amusement as I agreed, then I went back on top of the wall to check on the group working on the fences. The group working on it was almost finished with the second layer and I surmised that it would be finished before the end of the day.     

The two-layered fence was made with chain-linked fences and it could be opened in two ways. The first layer had wheels that could be slid on the side, making it hug the other side of the wall while the second layer had hinges that could be opened like a door. It wasn't as sturdy as a wall made with concrete but it could definitely hold a few deadheads at a time. It was only the start of our plans and that passage being blocked could allow us to have a larger space where we could move much freely.     

I looked at my watch and it was almost time for the 3rd broadcast. At the same time, I saw Oscar returning with the scouting group formed with my original team and his own. The truck they brought back was full of supplies and only my uncle was able to ride on it because he was the one driving and the passenger's seats were also full. I waved at them and I saw Kaley at the back wearing a visor. I tried to get her attention but she completely ignored me.     

'I guess she's really upset...'     

Oscar walked up to me and said, "Hey kid, slept well?"     

I saw my SPAS-12 on his hands and a few blood stains on their clothes, "Yeah, I woke up past lunch. I still haven't eaten though, did something happen?"     

"Yeah, a lot of zombies inside the shack with the pool table and the internet shop. We disposed of 14 of and I killed 7 with this baby, not including the one at the airport... pretty good, huh? We burned them near the court and we hauled everything we could." Oscar said, bragging about his achievements.     

I just gave a smug smile as I looked at Oscar. He gave me a puzzled look and he asked, "Well how much is your total then?!"     

"79," I said with a smile then the group stared in shock. Their eyes almost popped out of their sockets and even Kaley glanced in my direction before looking away because I was looking at her the moment I said my total.     

"Stop lying, kid! That's like a small herd we're talking about!" Oscar exclaimed while the others nodded in agreement. Despite that, I could see from his expressions that he wanted a piece of that action as well.     

"Wanna see proof then? I'll show you at the meeting later. The broadcast is about to start." I said as I turned around.     

I walked down the catwalk and I opened the gate for them. Kaley walked past me without sparing me a glance and I looked at Oscar.     

"You took it too far yesterday, better prepare the best apology you have. She's still pissed but she took down a few by herself without talking. I dunno what's really going on between you two but it's better to take care of it as soon as possible." Oscar said to me as I nodded a few times.     

The group on the other hand became intrigued by my proof but we gathered in front of my TV as we waited for the broadcast to start. The TV was just showing some footage for now about preserving food and the content was about how to preserve them in mason jars and how to smoke them. It was then cut off in the middle and we saw the face of the president once more.     

We all saw him in his usual attire but we would see the tiredness in his eyes. He started by reporting their own progress in reclaiming Davao City and he continued by telling that a few people from around the country were well and alive, either in the DDR Camps or in their own homes. Oscar's name was even mentioned in passing but all that was said was the island group we were in for our safety. However, the thing that stood out the most was that they showed a video of three zombies standing completely still. The soldiers who discovered the beings even tried to get close as they poked them with their rifles, but there was nary a response.     

'A new type?'     

They placed those things in a cage to be studied as they received aid from Japan. Three private planes landed on a reclaimed airport and several scientists were in tow. They were flown here to conduct research on the virus and share their findings with everyone. They thought that each country might have received a different strand because the special ones that they have in Japan had different idiosyncrasies. The ones they have were more active in the day and were more mellow in the night but they were producing noises that made no sense. Aside from that, they reported that the ones from the US were the exact opposite because they were extremely active and violent at night but sluggish in the day. Their team was currently working with this country's scientists but for now, they were just collecting as much data as possible.     

The broadcast ended on a high note and everyone dispersed eventually.     

I saw Kaley heading upstairs and I got up to follow her. I was about to talk to her as she entered her room but the door was shut in front of my face. I just sighed deeply but I caught a glimpse of Olivia and Rin, peeking by the stairwell. Their faces contorted when our eyes met and I managed to catch them when they tried to run away. I grabbed them by the collar and I pulled them in a corner.     

"Is there something you two are not telling me? Why do you keep avoiding me? Did you three fight perhaps?" I asked, completely oblivious.     

The two wouldn't look at me in the eye and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what the fuck was going on. I already knew that I need to apologize for pretending to be dead but these two were acting very suspicious.     

Olivia was about to cry when I crouched down and made her face me, "S-Sorry~ If w-we tell you, Kaley is gonna kill us. P-Please, understand…"     

Rin nervously nodded a few times as she started to tremble, "R-R-Right. W-W-What Olivia said."     

I was so confused I didn't know what to do but I suddenly had an idea. My eyes were already gleaming but the two gulped as they felt dread. I just laughed maniacally as I locked them in the gym. I went down and grabbed something from the kitchen and I went back almost immediately.     

"W-What are you gonna do to us?! Help~!" Olivia panicked, almost scratching the windows.     

"P-Please b-boss, spare us!" Rin begged, performing the dogeza.     

I ignored their remarks as I said, "You've left me no choice..."     

The gym was soundproof so it was perfect for blasting music without anyone hearing us from the outside. Eventually, they saw me place a nice clean plate on the table then I added a fork and a knife. They stared at me with confusion but I put earplugs in. I held the knife and the fork and I scratched the plate like a maniac.     


"NOOOOOO~!" The two immediately cried out. I kept on doing it until I read their lips mouthing 'Okay! We'll talk! Please stop!'     

"You really had no idea?" Olivia asked.     

"What? The joke that I made?"     

Olivia facepalmed as she looked at Rin.     

"He really doesn't have any clue. We should tell her first." Rin whispered but it was loud enough for me to hear.     

"How? We're trapped here!" Olivia 'whispered' back.     

"What?! Tell me!"     

"Well, fudge it! We'll let the two handle it themselves!" Olivia threw her hands in the air as Rin nervously nodded.     

"Yesterday when you did the... in my opinion, was dark... but a very funny joke..." Olivia started.     

"Yeah, go on."     

"Everyone was shocked but a few already knew what you were doing. Like Oscar and your family, they said they know you too well..." Rin continued.     

"My sister among others didn't really take it that well..." Olivia said, scratching her head.     

"And then?"     

"K-Kaley stayed all night to wait for you to come back and she did, but... after we ate breakfast, she was sleeping on the chair soundly..." Rin said.     

"We brought her upstairs but we left our keys in the pool area..." Olivia said, having a hard time looking at me directly in the eye.     

"I don't like where this is going..."     

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