Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

I'm sorry... - Stop talking.

I'm sorry... - Stop talking.

2Rin couldn't look at me properly but she dropped the bomb, "S-So... we d-decided to let her sleep in your room since it was o-open and you're not home y-yet..."     1

I thought all the hairs on my body dropped on the floor as the word left their mouths. I started fearing for my dear life as they were since we were in a DEFCON 1 situation. Beads of sweat started to appear on my forehead and my hand was slightly trembling from nervousness.     

"W-We were about to tell you that she's there in your room but you can't even hear us speaking... Y-You were dragging your feet as you walked inside y-your r-room. We thought you would wake her up and or would come out eventually from seeing you, so we went down to do our usual stuff but… sis… and you..." Olivia continued as a small blush formed on her cheeks.     

"But I slept as soon as my body hit the bed!"     

"You didn't f-feel her next to you?"     

I suddenly remembered the pillow I was hugging earlier and I started losing feeling in my knees.     

"I-I… I thought I was hugging a pillow but I immediately fell asleep! I..."     

"...!" The two blushed as they heard me. They had a hard time staring at me as their cheeks started to redded.     

"You did nothing e-else then?" Rin asked.     

"W-What are you hinting at?!"     

"Y-You know... that..."     

"I'm telling you two for the past minute, I immediately fell asleep once I got to my room since I was up all night guarding the store!"     

"YOU GUYS ARE ACTUALLY HUGGING FOR HOURS AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW?! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Sis woke up before lunch and she was super red! She suddenly grabbed us two and we got interrogated just like this! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"     

My soul almost left my body because even if the situation sounded really bad already, what I didn't tell them was that I was butt-naked the whole time. I could even remember the way I hugged that 'pillow' and how nice it felt being close to it. I just didn't realize sooner that it was Kaley sleeping soundly after a night of guarding the gates.     

As I was thinking of what to do, we heard a knock on the door. The three of us felt dread and the Olivia stopped laughing while Rin covered her mouth.     

"Your. Room. Now."     

Those three words were all we heard before the three of us heard footsteps slowly fading away. The two were scared shitless but I steeled myself as I headed for my room. I was at the door and I rehearsed what I was going to say several times when I apologize. I took a deep breath and then I turned the knob and walked inside.     

It was actually dark because the lights were off and because of my dark curtains, but I could see a silhouette of a familiar figure inside. I took a deep breath as I closed the door but as soon as I approached the silhouette, I felt a sharp pain on my cheek.     

The sound resounded and I felt the stinging pain. However, I held it in and I just imagined what the person in front of me felt. I was about to say something when I heard a sniffle and a sob. I was frozen on the spot as I heard the figure continue crying in front of me.     

"I… I'm sorry..."     

I saw her figure drew closer and I felt closed fists hammering my body. The pain was secondary and I really felt bad for what I did.     

'I really need to tone it down sometimes…'     

By this time, I would be an idiot if I fail to figure out what I did wrong. I just held her tight and the same sensation before I fell asleep assaulted my senses.     

'It was definitely her.'     

We just stood there for a moment and I could faintly see her face due to the small lights that the slits on the side of my curtains were letting out. I eventually sat her down and we just talked while barely seeing each other. I tried to wipe the tears on her face with my hands but she slapped them off. I felt her glaring at me but she continued to sniffle while telling me what an ass I was.     

I looked down on the ground while I tried to figure out what to do but ultimately, what I should do was a straight-up apology and not swerve around it.     

"Kaley, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I really thought it would be funny..."     

"Funny-my-ass, I- we almost rushed to the supermarket, you know?"     

"I won't do it again, maybe tomorrow..." I joked.     

Kaley immediately punched me on my shoulder.     

"Ouch! Kidding! I'm kidding ahaha..." I helplessly said while rubbing my shoulder.     

"Do that again and I'll shoot you with my rifle."     

"Are you serious?"     

"I'm dead-ass serious."     




"You… you found your friend then? They said you brought others too."     

"Oh! Y-Yeah, his name's Allan. I also brought Jenny, Susan, James, Chris, and Charlotte. I met them at the supermarket. Good folks. I also invited a guy named Juan but he went to find his family first. Once he does, I told him to head here and I'll pick him up."     

"That's definitely a good guy. Hope the others are too... Umm… A-Are you okay then? You said you encountered a lot of them… I'm just… you know..."     

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Oh! I found something good! You'll like it!"     

"Hmm? What is it?"     

"Let me turn on the lights first."     

"Hey, w-what is it?"     

"Just wait! You'll see!"     

I got up and turned around and placed my hand where I remember the switch was. As soon as I did, I flicked the switch on, and the lights finally illuminated my room. It was then that I went to my dresser and I took out the box I grabbed from the supermarket. I placed it in front of her and it was a medium-sized box with red ribbons tying it together.     

"This is..."     


It was a whole cake intricately designed with white icing and it had a lot of strawberries on top of it. I pulled the red ribbon tying it together and I opened the box in front of her. She was pleasantly surprised and she let out a bright smile though there was still a tinge of redness in her eyes. I slowly tried to extend my hand to wipe her tears and this time, she didn't stop me.     

"Tada~! It's your favorite, right?! You could see the plastic in the middle where it has been pre-sliced, just lift one here and we could eat it now! Wait, it'll be sticky though… Oh, I brought some utensils to the gym we could use. Let me get it for a sec..."     

"Wha- Why did you have those in the gym?"     

"Ah… Long story ahaha..."     

"Don't get them, let's just eat it with our hands."     

"You sure?" I confirmed.     

"Yeah, thank you..."     

"Here. Sorry, it's a bit deformed. Must be from the pushcart when we rushed out."     

I handed her the most perfect piece though it really was deformed in a few angles.     

"No, it's perfect..." Kaley smiled as she took a huge bite out of it.     

"..." I just smiled and I closed the box.     

Kaley began eating the cake while I just looked at her. There was still a tinge of red in her eyes and I saw black circles under it. I was not able to spot them because she was wearing a visor earlier and it was dark in this room when we entered. However, she saw me just watching her eat and she made me take a bite from her piece.     

"It's good, right?" Kaley smiled.     



"I'm... I'm sorry for the other thing too..."     

"..." Kaley was silently eating the cake.     

"I was really tired because I was up all night, I thought you were a pillow..." I explained.     

"..." Kaley was still silently eating the cake.     

"Did I hug you too tight? I'm sorry that I'm… I'm… I'm naked when you woke up. They threw me at the pool when I arrived... I just removed all my clothes when I came in..."     

"..." still nothing from her.     

"I promise I didn't do anything... Kaley?" I tried to get her attention.     

Kaley suddenly stopped eating.     

I saw her place the half-eaten cake down and she stood up. I already looked down as I knew I fucked up by bringing up another sensitive subject right after we cleared the first one. She walked toward the door and as I thought she would go outside, she turned off the lights.     


I heard the door being locked and I just heard, "Stop talking."     

Kaley planted a huge kiss in my mouth as she pushed me down on the bed. I felt her body wrapping around mine as she continued to kiss me deeply. I tasted her sweet lips while our tongues were interlocked and I wrapped my hands around her as we continued. Her chest was pushing against mine and our breaths were getting heavier by the second.     

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