Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Shen Wenxiang

Shen Wenxiang

2Since Lawyer Ma stood firm, Cao Dequan didn't continue to try to persuade him.      2

"Modern society is very chaotic. I ask that Lawyer Ma pay more attention to your safety and you families when out, always keep vigilant. After all it would be tragic if something were to happen to you or the...." Cao Dequan said in a murderous tone, whilst sneering.     

At this kind of threat, Lawyer Ma seemed to have become accustomed to it. He just smiled slightly not speaking, showing no trace of surprise.     

Seeing that he had no reaction, Cao Dequan stood up gruffly and began to leave.     

As Cao Dequan was about to exit the office, he heard Ma Gong suddenly call: "Chairman Cao."     

He couldn't help but smirk in his heart, thinking that Ma Gong was scared by his threat, so he chose to obey.     

For a normal person, there were three important things in life. One was family, the other was money and the third was their own life.     

Even if the lawyer wasn't moved by money, he would cherish the life of himself and his family.     

The so-called fear of death, everyone had it.     

It seemed he was no exception.     

Thinking this in his heart, Cao Dequan slowly turned around and re-oriented to focus on Ma Gong.     

However, Ma Gong broke his fantasy in an instant and said: "I ask Chairman Cao to take the money away. In addition, I have to declare that I have never been married before, and have no children to speak of, however, I still want to thank Chairman Cao for reminding me to pay more attention to my safety in the future. After all, modern society is now filled with thugs and crooks, even 'family' can betray you for their own interests. So I'll make sure to guard against scum like that."     

"You...just wait till we meet again. I'll see how long you can act so holy?" After swearing, Cao Dequan directly left and his two followers brought the two briefcases of cash and followed after him.     


St. Mary's Hospital, in front of Ling Qitian's ward.     

At this time, Ling Feng was waiting anxiously.     

Thinking about the fact that he would inherit tens of billions in assets and sit on the seat of the Chairman of the Jinsheng Group. Ling Feng was very excited.     

"Ling Feng, be at ease my father won't let you down. Besides, we are all family, my father will definitely spare no effort to help you sit on the seat as Chairman of the Jinsheng Group." Cao Feifei said softly.     

Her prince was going to be transformed into an emperor. As the wife of the Chairman of the Jinsheng Group she would have a lifetime of prosperity.     

Ling Feng sullenly glanced at Cao Feifei, with slight disgust in his eyes.     

Whenever he saw Cao Feifei, he always thought of Zhang Xiaohua now.     

However, due to Cao Dequan, he had to put up with her.     

Once he got his grandfather's inheritance, he could be rid of them both.     

Cao Feifei was also used to Ling Feng's behavior and bad temper. In her eyes, nothing mattered but securing a marriage with him. She was ready to endure everything for her goal.     

Cao Dequan came into Ling Qitian's ward area, his heart was filled with hate. He was waiting for Ling Qitian to suffocate and die so the lawyers would publicize his will.     

In fact, Cao Dequan wasn't too worried about the content of the will with Lawyer Ma. After all, Ling Feng was the sole heir of Ling Qitian so in any case, Ling Qitian would hand over the property and power to Ling Feng.     

At that time, as long as Cao Dequan worked with Lawyer Niu and found two false witnesses and announced another testament for Ling Qitian, then Ling Feng would have to take Cao Feifei as his wife otherwise 'Ling Qitian would donate all his assets away.'     

Once Cao Feifei became a member of the Ling Family, it meant that Cao Dequan and Jinsheng Group had an inseparable relationship. By then, according to the plan, step by step, the Jinsheng Group would be annexed.     

The only thing that caused Cao Dequan a headache now was that if by a miracle Ling Qitian suddenly woke up one day, then he would be done for.     

With Ling Qitian still alive, Cao Dequan really didn't dare to play with the Jinsheng Group and he couldn't control Ling Feng in his palm of his hand for his own use.     

Seeing that Cao Dequan's face was bitter, looking somewhat aggrieved, Ling Feng whispered: "What is wrong with you, Uncle Cao? Was there a problem with my grandfather's will?"     

Cao Dequan quickly put on a casual expression and smiled. "Nothing. I have already talked to the lawyer responsible for your grandfather's will. The matter went smoothly. Now you don't have to do anything, just wait with peace of mind. I will take full responsibility for everything."     

Ling Feng didn't doubt the ability of Cao Dequan to work. Moreover, being the sole heir of Ling Qitian, inheriting everything was only logical.     

Regardless of the content of Ling Qitian's second will, before it was announced, Cao Feifei and Ling Feng must first be married.     

After the rice was cooked then no matter what the second will said. It would not change the fact that Cao Feifei was the wife of Ling Feng. Even if they were divorced she would be assigned part of the property.     

Cao Dequan now wanted to find two witnesses, and the two must be close to Ling Qitian. Otherwise, it would be impossible to prove the 'authenticity' of the will.     

In fact, Cao Dequan already had a candidate in his heart. That is the secretary of Ling Qitian. This person was younger and his mind wasn't mature, he would be easy to buy and control.     

As for another notary, Cao Dequan had not yet settled on one.     


At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, a young man came into Ling Qitian's ward. Shen Wenxiang, had short hair with wax in it and looked very sharp.     

This person was Ling Qitian's Secretary, Shen Wenxiang.     

After graduating from college, Shen Wenxiang came to work at the Jinsheng Group. Because he knew how to observe and be diligent, Ling Qitian had spotted his talent and brought him to his side as a secretary in order to nurture him.     

Since Ling Qitian fell into a coma, Shen Wenxiang came to the hospital every other day. He came to visit Ling Qitian and express his condolences to Ling Feng on behalf of the company. He used it as a chance to pay attention to Ling Feng. After all, whether Ling Qitian would awaken or not was still unknown, and Ling Feng as the sole heir would be the next person in charge of the Jinsheng Group.     

After Shen Wenxiang and Ling Feng chatted a few words, he left alone.     

"I'm going out for some air." After Cao Feifei and Ling Feng greeted each other, Cao Dequan followed after Shen Wenxiang.     

Not long after, Shen Wenxiang just walked out of the hospital's suddenly a voice sounded behind him: "Secretary Shen, wait up, if you have some time I would like to find a place and talk."     

Shen Wenxiang looked back and saw Cao Dequan. First he was stunned, and then a hint of curiosity filled his eyes. He immediately laughed and said: "Chairman Cao, why are you interested in finding me to chat?"     

Cao Dequan smiled and praised Shen Wenxiang: "Everyone knows that in the entire Jinsheng Group, Secretary Shen is the closest person to Chairman Ling. Now Chairman Ling is ill and the Jinsheng Group is headless. As a part of the top management of the group and the most trusted person of Chairman Ling, shouldn't Secretary Shen share the burden with Chairman Ling?"     

Listening to Cao Dequan's words, Shen Wenxiang felt his vanity being fulfilled . What's more, Cao Dequan was currently the right hand man of Ling Feng. In order to secure his future this relationship was something Shen Wenxiang needed to climb.     

"Since Chairman Cao is seeking me out like this, I can make some time to talk with Chairman Cao." After that, Shen Wenxiang went to his BMW and Cao Dequan got in.     

After he drove straight to a high-end bar in the city centre.     

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