Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Hidden Faces

Hidden Faces

3Rose Bar, a luxurious bar,      4

Cao Dequan ordered a couple bottles of top grade wine and called for four ladies to accompany them.     

At this time, two women were beside either side of him trying to act coy and grasp his attention but Cao Dequan only cared about drinking alone and he wasn't interested in these young and beautiful women.     

The only thing that could move Cao Dequan was power and money they were his motivation for living. In order to get them, Cao Dequan would pay any price.     

On the other hand, Shen Wenxiang was enjoying himself, feeling up and conversing with the two girls beside him. Exposing his true nature.     

Seeing Shen Wenxiang's love of beauty, Cao Dequan intended to take the opportunity and said to the ladies: "Please help accompany Secretary Shen today?"     

When they heard this, the ladies who were impassioned and open became even more unscrupulous.     

As Shen Wenxiang lost himself in depravity, Cao Dequan just kept pouring him wine.     

Shen Wenxiang quickly became drunk, losing himself he had basically forgotten the existence of Cao Dequan. He only cared about the hugs and cuddles of the ladies, his hands roamed all over their bodies.     

I have to say that women, money, and wine were the best combination for a man, because these things could make a man forget where he was and lose himself, they could make a man completely expose himself. Shen Wenxiang at this time, was the best example.     

Under the strong temptation of the four ladies, Shen Wenxiang indulged himself.     

It wasn't until the wine was running low did Shen Wenxiang remember the existence of Cao Dequan.     

Reluctantly letting go of the beautiful women in his arms, Shen Wenxiang tried to correct his attitude and sitting up finally focused his mind on Cao Dequan.     

Seeing Cao Dequan sitting alone to drink, Shen Wenxiang picked up the glass, and laughed at Cao Dequan: "Chairman Cao, come, I will fill your cup."     

Cao Dequan took the toast, then took a sip of wine, and then showed a frowning look and sighed from time to time making the atmosphere gradually become gloomy.     

Shen Wenxiang looking at the expression of Cao Dequan, he knew that Cao Dequan had encountered troubles.     

What's more, Shen Wenxiang wasn't a fool. Since Cao Dequan had treated him so much, he certainly didn't just want to chat with him.     

Unconsciously, Shen Wenxiang also became serious, and asked with respect: "Why is Chairman Cao unhappy? If there is anything I can do, then I ask Chairman Cao to speak."     

Cao Dequan's face wasn't moving, but in fact his heart was filled with joy. He was awaiting for those words from Shen Wenxiang.     

Putting down the glass in his hand, Cao Dequan waved his hand to the ladies and signaled them to go out.     

When only Cao Dequan and Shen Wenxiang were left in the room, Cao Dequan cut to the topic and explained his purpose for looking for Shen Wenxiang.     

After Cao Dequan explained his plan and thoughts.     

Shen Wenxiang's whole person was stunned. He felt like he had suddenly had a bucket of cold water poured on him, he was iced from head to toe.     

He was completely awake now. You could see that his face was full of disbelief, looking at Cao Dequan, his eyes revealed alertness.     

Not to mention the crime of making a false will, Cao Dequan wanted Shen Wenxiang to essentially betray Ling Qitian.     

As for what type of person Ling Qitian was, Shen Wenxiang was extremely clear.     

While on the outside he looked like a simple kind old man, that was only the face he showed to the public and friends.     

Ling Qitian could insert a knife while looking calm and indifferent.     

To his enemies Ling Qitian was never soft, he lived by the ethos of destroying anything that harmed or could harm him and pulling out the roots.     

To have reached his position in society he was by no means a kindhearted man without a backbone.     

In any case if he promised to help Cao Dequan, then in the future, Ling Qitian would definitely pursue it. Then Shen Wenxiang couldn't expect to be able to stand in this country ever again let alone this city. Even if he ran to the ends of the earth, he believed that with the power of Ling Qitian, he would try his best to find him and make him pay.     

All in all, even if Shen Wenxiang wanted to betray Ling Qitian, he really didn't have such great courage.     

Seeing the horror on Shen Wenxiang's face, Cao Dequan knew what he was worried about and said: "Does Secretary Shen really think that Chairman Ling still has hope of awakening? You've seen his condition yourself right?"     

Shen Wenxiang knew about Ling Qitian's condition. He had also heard from doctors that Ling Qitian's hopes of awakening weren't great. Even if he could save his life, he would probably become a vegetative person, unless a miracle occurred.     

So Shen Wenxiang shook his head, Ling Qitian's chances of awakening were truly slim.     

Cao Dequan smiled and said: "In this case, what is Secretary Shen still worried about? Chairman Ling won't wake up again. Are you afraid that he will climb up and bite you? Secretary Shen can rest assured that as long as I am here, this thing will never be leaked. After all if the boat is turned over, it will be bad for everyone, including me. So, I will guarantee that this matter will be foolproof."     

Although Cao Dequan said all this, Shen Wenxiang was still not at ease.     

It must be known that Shen Wenxiang had worked hard for so many years before he had finally got somewhere in the Jinsheng Group. Now Cao Dequan actually wanted him sign a false will. This was a crime. In the event of a future incident, Shen Wenxiang's efforts over the years would be destroyed.     

If he got criminal charges, imprisonment would be inevitable, and the future would be lost.     

When Cao Dequan saw that Shen Wenxiang still wasn't sold he took a check from his pocket and placed it in front of Shen Wenxiang. He said: "This is a check for 20 million, even if something occurs in the future. This money is enough for Secretary Shen to spend for a lifetime."     

As the saying goes, having money can make a ghost move, let alone a person.     

Especially for some unwilling people, 20 million was a huge number.     

For Shen Wenxiang this was a great temptation, which made it difficult to refuse.     

Looking at the cheque for a moment, Shen Wenxiang's eyes were faintly filled with greed, his heart was shaken but if he was to stand with Cao Dequan, money wasn't enough.     

Cao Dequan seeing him shaken pushed even more: "If you agree to help, I can promise you the position of General Manager of the Jinsheng Group in the future. Secretary Shen is still young. You are a veteran of the company and an indispensable talent!"     

"General Manager?!" Hearing these words, Shen Wenxiang gradually cracked and couldn't hold it anymore.     

30 million plus the position of General Manager of the Jinsheng Group, this meant that Shen Wenxiang would not only have money, but power to go alongside it.     

Forcing down his fears, his mind had been swayed, he intended to stand on the side of Cao Dequan and work with him.     

Although Cao Dequan didn't explain in words, Shen Wenxiang wasn't an idiot. He naturally understood the mind of Cao Dequan.     

Cao Dequan wanted to enter the Jinsheng Group through Ling Feng and then take advantage of Ling Feng to take charge of the group.     

He was marrying into the royal family to dethrone the emperor.     

The entire Jinsheng Group basically knew that Ling Feng was nothing but a debauch second generation wastrel. No one expected him to actually run the company, there were experts and directors for that.     

If Cao Dequan got those people under his control he could basically rule the company in the shadows.     

Whilst 'advising' Ling Feng in the light.     

This could be his chance to grasp for power as well, whilst everyone was scheming he would fish in muddy waters as well. Maybe he could even reach higher than General Manager.     

After making a decision in his heart, Shen Wenxiang didn't say anything, but silently put the check in his pocket.     

Seeing this, Cao Dequan couldn't help but smile. He raised his hand and patted Shen Wenxiang on the shoulder.     

"There is still one thing left to do."     

"Chairman Cao doesn't need to be polite, please say what you need," Shen Wenxiang said cheerfully. He now stood on the same line as Cao Dequan, so no matter what requirements Cao Dequan had, he would try his best.     

"Help me find another person." Cao Dequan said bluntly. Since Shen Wenxiang often stayed around Ling Qitian, he should know very well about Ling Qitian. Of course, he would know something about the people around Ling Qitian.     

In addition to Shen Wenxiang, Cao Dequan had to find another fake witness.     

Shen Wenxiang nodded without thinking, and decisively agreed.     

Cao Dequan was in a good mood. After that, he called for a few more bottles of fine wine and called all the ladies in.     

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