Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Run In

Run In

4After a short time, the team drove into St. Mary's Hospital.      0

It was a remote private hospital. The medical expenses were scary. Except for the wealthy and powerful, ordinary people couldn't afford to get treated here. Therefore, not many patients came here for treatment.     

When Adu got out the car, surrounded by Xiong Zhuang and others they went straight to the emergency room.     

At the sight of this entourage, many people who were lounging about were stunned.     

The other party had so many bodyguards, their identity definitely wasn't simple!     

Zhang Xiaohua accompanied Adu to the emergency room for treatment.     

Outside the emergency room, Xiong Zhuang and a dozen security guards lined up to form a human wall, blocking the door of the emergency room, not to mention people, even flies couldn't enter.     

No one dared to easily approach the room, this scene was too scary. If you didn't know, you would have thought it was the president in there.     

Adu was now a well-known star. He was worth a lot of money. Unwilling to take any risks they went all out.     

In the emergency room, after the doctor did a check on Adu, Zhang Xiaohua asked: "How is he? Are his vocal cords okay?"     

For a singer, their vocals were their diploma.     

Especially Adu, his hoarse voice was special. It could be said that his unique voice was his signature. If he hurt his vocal cords and his voice changed, his future would almost be destroyed.     

"The patient's chords are extremely strained, it is estimated that it will be accompanied by symptoms of inflammation but nothing too critical. However, in order to protect the patient's vocal cords from damage, I suggest that the patient should be hospitalized for a few days and he's to rest his voice for at least 1 month for a full recovery."     

After listening to the doctor's words, Zhang Xiaohua nodded in agreement and immediately ordered Xiong Zhuang to stay at the hospital with Adu.     

Adu was arranged a room to stay. Following after the nurses, Zhang Xiaohua and his party accompanied Adu to his ward.     

When the group was passing through the corridors in the special protection area, they happened to run into Cao Dequan and Cao Feifei.     

Since Ling Qitian hadn't awoke, Cao Dequan wasn't at ease, so he always stayed in the hospital, pacing about and continuing to brainwash Ling Feng.     

He was looking for the opportunity to find out about the whereabouts of Ling Qitian's will.     

As for Cao Feifei, she had run over to hide.     

As you know, this time, in order to organize Yang Kun's concert, Cao Feifei had broken into nearly 100 million yuan. Since, Yang Kun's concert had ended in failure, the entire company had wasted resources just to barely break even and the shareholders expressed strong dissatisfaction, asking for Cao Feifei all day to give a statement.     

Normally in situations like this she would have ran over to Ling Qitian for help, with his support she could resolve all her problems, the shareholders weren't willing to get on the wrong side of Ling Qitian just for her.     

However now Ling Qitian was seriously ill and unconscious, Cao Feifei had lost her backing.     

So in order to avoid the shareholder's accountability, Cao Feifei could only use "Caring for her grandfather-in-law and fiancé" as an excuse to stay in the hospital all day. When those shareholders quelled their anger, it wouldn't be too late to go back to the company to solve things.     

At the moment, when they saw Zhang Xiaohua, both father and daughter were stunned.     

What was this kid doing here.     

Zhang Xiaohua was also a bit depressed, of all the people to run into, dammit!     

Coming out his granddads ward, Ling Feng also came out to see Zhang Xiaohua. After freezing for a moment he loudly shouted : " What the f*ck are you doing here, if it wasn't because of you, my Grandpa wouldn't be lying here. You actually dare to come here, see what I'll do to you now."     

"You lot, get him!"     

With Ling Feng's order, several of his personal bodyguards were about to attack Zhang Xiaohua. But Xiong Zhuang was faster, striding forward, and instantly blocking their path with his burly body.     

In a imposing manner, he warned coldly: "Who ever takes another step forward, I will send to the morgue."     

Before the voice of Xiong Zhuang even fell, the other dozen guards immediately surrounded them.     

The circle around Zhang Xiaohua was impenetrable. In contrast, regardless of the number of people or the momentum, the other party was incomparable, causing the few bodyguards under Ling Feng to return to Ling Feng's side.     

Zhang Xiaohua turned his head and looked through the window to see Ling Qitian lying in the ward. He knew that Ling Qitian was seriously ill, but Zhang Xiaohua felt confused what did it have to do with him?     

"You better watch your mouth, don't even mention your grandfather, even if it was your grandmother lying there, I won't give you face." Zhang Xiaohua said coldly.     

In the eyes of Zhang Xiaohua, none of them were good, all of them were his enemies.     


Ling Feng filled with anger, tried to rush Zhang Xiaohua. Cao Dequan seeing the situation was not good. Quickly stepped in front of Ling Feng and stopped his impulsive move.     

"Calm down boy, he's not worth it." Cao Dequan and Ling Feng faced each other, the kindness on his face was as if he was his own son.     

"Uncle Cao, how can you ask me to forgive this?" Ling Feng looked at Cao Dequan pitifully, but let Cao Dequan lead him to the side.     

Hearing Ling Feng calling him "Uncle", Cao Dequan smirked internally, this was the first time Ling Feng had called him "Uncle", and this showed that Ling Feng regarded him as one of his own.     

He raised his hand and patted the shoulder of Ling Feng. He whispered: "Be reassured, Uncle Cao, won't let you suffer a loss."     

After turning around and facing Zhang Xiaohua, his face showed a false smile. "Xiao-Hua, how come your here?"     

Zhang Xiaohua felt nauseous seeing Cao Dequan's hypocritical smile. He directly ignored the existence of Cao Dequan. Turning his head to look at Xiong Zhuang next to him, he said: "Do you hear that dog yelping."     

Xiong Zhuang's nodded, indicating that Zhang Xiaohua was indeed right, that Cao Dequan was a dog.     

"Zhang Xiaohua, you shouldn't be too much. I warn you, if you want to cause trouble, we aren't afraid of you!" Cao Feifei stepped forward and stood side by side with Cao Dequan, and kept Ling Feng behind them.     

"Oh look the other rut is speaking now. I don't understand why they let these rabid dogs in. All they do is bark nonsense and bite at anything they see." Zhang Xiaohua didn't show weakness, and continued to slap on the innuendo.     

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