Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



3At two o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Fengnian arrived at the headquarters of QuoDuo and asked to see Zhu Xiangyang but even after waiting for more than an hour in the reception room, he didn't see a shadow of Zhu Xiangyang.     0

He watched others enter in and out of Zhu Xiangyang's office.     

It wasn't until 4:30 pm when everyone was almost gone. When finally, a female came into the reception room and said to Xu Fengnian: " Chief Editor Zhu is ready to see you in his office."     

Xu Fengnian sighed and left the reception room and entered Zhu Xiangyang's office.     

Seeing Xu Fengnian, Zhu Xiangyang showed a false smile while still sitting in his chair, he showed no inclination of getting up: "Manager Xu, I'm really embarrassed. You see there were too many customers here today, I've been so busy. I'm sorry to have neglected Manager Xu. Sit down, please."     

Though the words sounded good, Xu Fengnian could sense the mocking tone behind them.     

In fact, Xu Fengnian understood Zhu Xiangyang's thoughts.     

New Century Entertainment was indeed a strong backer. They had solid foundations, strong financial resources and a wide range of commercial fields in which they operated in, so it made sense QuoDuo switched sides.     

Sensing his attitude Xu Fengnian didn't want to talk nonsense. He took out the agreement from the briefcase and put it on Zhu Xiangyang's desk. He said in a simple and concise manner: "Please look over the agreement if you feel like there is anything wrong with the content of the agreement, you can ask me, let us discuss it slowly."     

In fact, Zhu Xiangyang had already guessed the purpose of Xu Fengnian's trip, so he wasn't surprised.     

In Zhu Xiangyang's view, HuaXiang Entertainment had reached the point where it had exhausted all its luck. In all honesty he blamed Zhang Xiaohua, the kid had talent but he was too arrogant and domineering. He had seen tons of people like him before, it never ended well, these people pushed every advantage they had. Which was fine when they were succeeding but as soon as they failed they would crumble. It was good to succeed but it was necessary to leave other people some benefits and leeway or else why would they decide to help you when you failed.     

It wasn't always about getting the best deal possible but making the other side feel valued, not used.     

Or else just wait for the day when they decide to get one back on you.     

HuaXiang Entertainment had already reached the end of the road.     

New Century Entertainment had connected them with a lot of influential people.     

Ling Ming's sales had begun to decline, her downloads and clicks on QuoDuo were getting smaller.     

However, although Ling Ming's popularity currently wasn't as good as Yang Kun's there were plenty of customers who were willing to advertise on her music zone or music videos. Profit was still being made and this should be the only source of income for HuaXiang Entertainment.     

However, at this time, HuaXiang Entertainment actually dared to cancel the contract with QuoDuo.     

A bunch of thoughts ran through Zhu Xiangyang's mind: Did they cultivate a new singer, produce a new work or found a new partner?     

He smiled and tentatively asked: "Manager Xu, I don't understand. We've been very happy with each other; how come you suddenly want to cancel the contract with us? Is it because we accepted Yang Kun's new song has this made your boss's dissatisfied?"     

Zhu Xiangyang frowned and continued: "Does your company have a new partner? I'm curious because domestically we are still the number one video site. No site would dare claim first place if we said we were second."     

Xu Fengnian could not help but reveal a helpless smile. In fact, he didn't understand what Zhang Xiaohua was doing. This time he only came because he was ordered to but if he could, he would choose to continue cooperating with QuoDuo.     

In Xu Fengnian's view, Zhang Xiaohua was still too young and vigorous, he couldn't accept taking a loss. However, since Zhang Xiaohua was set on this, Xu Fengnian was helpless and could only do as instructed.     

"Editor Zhu shouldn't misunderstand our company needs to make some adjustments, so I am afraid that we will have to temporarily cancel the contract with QuoDuo. If there is a chance in the future, we hope to cooperate again." Xu Fengnian said in a low voice.     

Seeing Xu Fengnian's sincere attitude, Zhu Xiangyang said: "Well, since Manager Xu came in person, I can't help but give face but for the sake of the company a clear account has to be made."     

"I understand Editor Zhu challenge." Xu Fengnian smiled and said: "Since this our cancellation, we will certainly take responsibility. As for the compensation, let's say..."     

"15 million." interjected Zhu Xiangyang     


Xu Fengnian suddenly dumbstruck. He wanted to say 5 million.     

According to the agreement signed by the two parties at the beginning, if the contract was not fulfilled whoever was the first party to propose the cancellation to the other party would have to compensate the other party for damages to their interests the initial price was 15 million yuan.     

Since cooperation began between QuoDuo and HuaXiang Entertainment, it was undeniable that Yang Kun and Ling Ming had made a lot of money for QuoDuo. They had also attracted many advertisers for QuoDuo.     

Xu Fengnian was hoping to use this to help negotiate to cut the compensation fee in half.     

Zhu Xiangyang disdainfully smiled.     

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