Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



1Guangming Law Firm,     

Zhuang Wentian sighed helplessly, then called in Zhao Zilin who had been waiting outside.     

Though his heart was unwilling but since Zhang Xiaohua had called for her, he was helpless.     

Zhao Zilin walked in with documents in her hands and was about to report to Zhuang Wentian when Zhuang Wentian said: "There is no need, someone will come to you in the afternoon you will be his legal counsel, help the other party deal with some legal matters."     

Zhao Zilin hearing this broke out into a broad smile and asked: "May I ask who the client, what is the case?"     

"You will know when the other party comes remember you're representing our entire firm so don't let me down, okay"     

Looking at Zhuang Wentian's serious expression, Zhao Zilin felt a little nervous. She wanted to live up to Zhuang Wentian trust. This was finally a chance to get some experience.     

She said seriously: "Please rest assured Lawyer Zhuang, I will not disappoint. I want to go make some preparations first, can you tell me about the specific circumstances of the case? And who I'm representing so I can prepare properly."     

Coughing awkwardly Zhuang Wentian said: "Like I said there will be someone coming to see you, and the other person will personally explain the situation to you. You only need to remember one thing; you must do your utmost to solve any legal problems for the client. This is our responsibility as lawyers. Do you understand?"     

"I won't let down the trust and guidance you have given me." Said Zhao Zilin as she gently bowed to Zhuang Wentian. She thanked Lawyer Zhuang for giving her this opportunity.     

Zhuang Wentian hearing all this became embarrassed and had no face to face Zhao Zilin.     

In fact, since Zhao Zilin came to work at the office, Zhuang Wentian didn't do anything for her. He hadn't taught her anything useful.     

Facing Zhao Zilin's frank eyes and her gratitude to him, Zhuang Wentian only felt awkwardness in his heart.     

"Well, go out first, remember to work hard." said Zhuang Wentian in a rush to get rid of her.     

With full confidence and excitement, Zhao Zilin slowly left Zhuang Wentian's office.     


Two in the afternoon.     

Du Chengyi came to Guangming Law Firm and found Zhao Zilin.     

In a reception room, after two people introduced themselves to each other.     

Zhao Zilin got straight to it and asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Du, what exactly is it you want me to do for you?"     

Since Zhao Zilin was the lawyer appointed by Zhang Xiaohua, Du Chengyi didn't doubt Zhao Zilin's ability, so he explained the issue to Zhao Zilin.     

"New Century Entertainment?!" hearing all this, Zhao Zilin became silent. if she remembered correctly, this New Century Entertainment should the company that belonged to Zhang Xiaohua's father.     

Speaking of it in Zhao Zilin's heart, although she hated Zhang Xiaohua, she couldn't ignore the kindness his mother and father had shown to her, they had always treated her as their own daughter. They paid her tuition fees, sent her to the best school, she owed a proportion of her academic success to them.     

Zhao Zilin really couldn't bear the thought of bringing a case against New Century if she did what would be the difference between her and ungratefulness?     

Of course, Zhao Zilin didn't know that Zhang Xiaohua's father had passed away. After studying abroad for so many years, she rarely had contact with the Zhang family. Especially in the last two years, she had severed all contact with the Zhang family so she didn't know about the changes in the Zhang family.     

However, what made Zhao Zilin struggle the most was that this was her first client. Before this she had promised Lawyer Zhuang that she would try her best to do the job well, but now she was actually planning to quit the case, how would she explain this to him.     

Seeing Zhao Zilin's distraught, Du Chengyi asked in confusion: " Lawyer Zhao is there a problem?"     

Zhao Zilin shook her head in a perfunctory manner, she made up her mind she couldn't let her personal feelings influence her work: "Excuse me, can you show me your contract with New Century Entertainment?"     

Du Chengyi nodded and handed the contract to Zhao Zilin.     

Quickly reading through it she made up her mind: "I'll take the case. If you don't mind, can you leave it here so I can study it in more detail tonight. I will go to New Century Entertainment Company with you tomorrow. There will be a cancellation fee for being the party to initiate the..."     

"No need to worry!" interrupted Du Chengyi: "Manager Xu will be bringing the cancellation fee for tomorrow."     

"Manager Xu?" Zhao Zilin frowned and said: "Who is Manager Xu?"     

"Oh, he is the Business Manager at HuaXiang Entertainment, he will be following you tomorrow to New Century..."     

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