Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



1Zhao Zilin had taken the upper hand.      0

In desperation, Cao Feifei turned to Lawyer Wu and Chen. Only to see the two shaking their heads filled with defeat.     

Seeing that Lawyer Wu and Chen were no help, Cao Feifei swept her gaze over the people in the room looking for help only to see everyone silently bowing their heads avoiding her gaze.     

Look back at Zhao Zilin and seeing her so smug, Cao Feifei was infuriated.     

Losing her cool Cao Feifei shouted with indignation: "Call the security guard up, get this sly woman out of here."     

Zhao Zilin smiled disapprovingly and calmly said: " It seems General Manager Cao, wants to handle this in court."     

"B*tch know your place don't think you can suppress me with the law." Cao Feifei said overbearingly: "I have enough money to make you a ghost."     


"Oh, it seems General Manager Cao thinks she is the only one with money. If you want to compete our HuaXiang Entertainment is willing to, we have nothing to lose anyway." said Xu Fengnian with a smirk.     

Hearing 'HuaXiang Entertainment' all the people present all showed an ugly expression.     

"If you really want to bring this to court, you can, HuaXiang Entertainment is always ready." Xu Fengnian said seemingly without care.     

"We have of plenty time; it will give us something to do. Plus, if we are going down why not drag some people down with us."     

As he said this, Xu Fengnian looked at Zhao Zilin next to him and said to her: "Lawyer Zhao you can rest assured that our HuaXiang Entertainment will support you. If there is anything you need just say it, if you need more people we can send some over, I have quit a few contacts in media if you need them. They've been looking for a new juicy story anyway."     

A large number of security guards suddenly rushed in and surrounded Xu Fengnian and Zhao Zilin.     

Seeing Cao Feifei seemingly about to throw Zhao Zilin and Xu Fengnian.     

One of the shareholders finally intervened and said: "This matter ends here, Cao Feifei sit down!"     

"What?" Cao Feifei said startled.     

Another shareholder spoke instead this time: "This is a company not a place for you to handle your disputes. We will not lose money over such a trivial matter."     

Turning around to look at the remaining shareholders she saw the rest of them had displeased expressions. Seeing she had lost their support she was filled with frustration, barely holding her temper back she turned back to Zhao Zilin and said:     

"Since you want Du Chengyi, you can have him. Anyway our company doesn't need scum like him, in fact I want to thank you for taking the waste from our company."     

Zhao Zilin snorted and said coldly. "We don't need you to give him to us, the contract has been invalidated anyway. It seems I have to reiterate; I am not here to ask you to cancel the contract I'm here on behalf of my client to get the economic compensation owed to him. Which is 185,000 yuan."     

Seeing Cao Feifei about to lose her temper a shareholder suddenly interrupted and said: "Accountant Liu, immediately go to the Finance Department and request for 185,000 yuan."     

A short while later, Accountant Liu returned with a cheque for 185,000 yuan and handed it to Zhao Zilin.     

Receiving the money Zhao Zilin broke into a stunning smile. She did it, she won her first case.     

Since she was done, Zhao Zilin didn't want to stay any longer. She turned to Xu Fengnian and said, "Mr. Xu let's go."     

Xu Fengnian nodded and was about to leave with Zhao Zilin, when Cao Feifei suddenly said: "Liu Yi, where you rushing of too? It seems Zhang Xiaohua's got you back on his leash again. Tell me did you give him another taste, was it just him this time or did he invite his friends again. Hahaha it seems you did actually enjoy that night."     

Instantly Zhao Zilin's feet suddenly stopped, her whole body was involuntarily shaking.     

"Lawyer Zhao" Xu Fengnian said with concern seeing her so shook up.     

Zhao Zilin barely restraining herself from breaking down turned around and said: "Cao Feifei, you are not a human, you are a beast!" with killing intent it seemed like she wanted to murder Cao Feifei but she abruptly turned around and stormed out.     

Xu Fengnian looked back at Cao Feifei before turning and walking after Zhao Zilin.     

"Haha, little slut your still too weak to fight with me." Looking at Zhao Zilin's disappearing back, Cao Feifei smiled happily the smile was cold and vicious like a vipers.     

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