Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



1Facing Zhuang Wentian's accusations, Zhao Zilin felt wronged.      1

Although she saved the client more than a million in settlement fees, the money didn't belong to her, she didn't feel she had the right to take a cut of the money.     

If she was too request more money than agreed on, it was equal to changing her position.     

Zhao Zilin spoke out her thoughts to Zhuang Wentian righteously.     

He had seen strong headed people, but he hadn't seen anyone as resolute as Zhao Zilin.     

He couldn't help but admire her righteousness but at the same time his frustration at her actions and her current attitude overruled the goodwill he felt.     

It seemed that she really wasn't suited to be a lawyer. She clearly had the opportunity to make a fortune but she put the money in second place and put some piss poor excuse for ethics first.     

Restraining his emotions in consideration of her backer, he sighed and said: "Okay, head out first. I'll call you when I need you."     

Hearing his frustrated words Zhao Zilin felt like cold water had been poured on her.     

She wanted to move up the ladder. She didn't want to go back to being an assistant.     

About to speak up Zhao Zilin looked up and saw his cold gaze and quickly stopped herself and walked out downtrodden.     

Zhao Zilin walked out looking depressed towards her office next door to Zhuang Wentian's own.     

Seeing, Zhao Zilin walking out with such a poor expression. One of her colleagues couldn't help but click her tongue.     

"I guess she screwed things up"     

"I told you, she would"     

"Hahaha look at her, I bet that she has just been stung by Lawyer Zhuang."     

"What's the point of playing lawyer, when you have no ability!"     

"Looking at her so pitiful, should I go comfort her" said a male colleague with a lewd smile.     

"What kind of comforting does she need? She will probably drill into Lawyer Zhuang's bed tonight and whisper a few sweet nothings in his ear and get back on his good side."     


While her colleagues were embroiled in gossip.     

Zhao Zilin was sitting in her seat filled with frustration. She turned a deaf ear to the rumours but her mood was sinking     

She obviously wasn't feeling good after being reprimanded by Zhuang Wentian.     

"Should I really be a lawyer?" Zhao Zilin asked out loud.     

Just as Zhao Zilin was feeling discouraged, the shrill sound of brakes sounded loudly from outside, followed by Xu Fengnian swaying into the firm's office, wearing a black windbreaker and carrying a briefcase in his hand.     

Seeing him all the employees began to arranged their clothes and began to swarm towards him to greet him. They all wiped out their business cards and shoved them towards the hands of Xu Fengnian. Only one thought flashed through their heads 'commission' for attracting a new client to the firm.     

Xu Fengnian side stepped the charging group and looked up over to a doorway and said with a smile: "Lawyer Zhao, hahaha we meet again!"     

Zhao Zilin smiled and quickly walked up and greeted him. "Manager Xu, how come your here? Is there another case?"     

Xu Fengnian waved his hand and said: "Hahaha New Century is still recovering from Lawyer Zhao's last blow how can they have time to cause trouble."     

When Xu Fengnian said this, the people around him suddenly gasped and looked over to Zhao Zilin with confused gazes.     

No wonder...     

Just who was New Century? Everyone knew they were the leading entertainment company in Huaxia they were a massive consortium.     

However, now they heard that Zhao Zilin actually defeated New Century?     

How could this be?     

Besides, everyone in the industry knew that there were two top of the range domestic lawyers at New Century.     

Not to mention Zhao Zilin even if Zhuang Wentian personally acted they wouldn't believe he could defeat Lawyer Wu and Lawyer Chen.     

However, this man said that Zhao Zilin defeated them.     

This was too hard to believe.     

Under the words of Xu Fengnian's, Zhao Zilin shyly smiled and said modestly: "Manager Xu is too funny. I just did what a lawyer should do. How come you're here."     

After a morning of getting along, Zhao Zilin felt that she was already familiar with Xu Fengnian.     

In the eyes of Zhao Zilin, although Xu Fengnian was a big boss but he didn't have a trace of arrogance.     

"At noon, I want to take out Lawyer Zhao for a meal. I hope Lawyer Zhao can give me face."     

"I'm not sure if I'll be available but if there is time. I'll be there." replied Zhao Zilin.     

Hearing her agree, Xu Fengnian began his purpose for this journey he took out a cheque worth 50,000 yuan and placed it on the desk and seriously said to her:     

"Lawyer Zhao this time you helped save us a million yuan so please take this. It's a check for 50,000 yuan, a sign of our gratitude towards Lawyer Zhao."     

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