Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



2"But we have already made it public that Yang Kun's concert will be held on the first of January. If we revise the date now, it will attract bad press from both the media and the public. Plus remember, it's not just us involved in this concert. Do you think Huaxia Central will allow us to suddenly change the date of the concert?"     0

"Yeah, also if we suddenly move Yang Kun's concert forward, people will think that we are afraid of HuaXiang Entertainment, in short, there is no benefit for us."     

"I agree with the others. This is not a viable plan."     

The shareholders and the heads of various departments spoke up actively and without exception, they all believed that Cao Feifei's method wasn't feasible.     

"What should we do then?" asked Cao Feifei coldly interrupting them. Her eyebrows were knitted, and her cold gaze swept over the crowd.     

"I understand what you're saying. But if we do nothing and let Adu surpasses Yang Kun, what do you think will happen to the concert? When we suffer losses then who will take responsibility?"     

The crowd once again launched into a discussion. The result was that they still refused to advance Yang Kun's concert.     

After a brief discussion, a senior staff member of the planning department proposed: "I think we should just schedule more events for Yang Kun to participate in, for example, a signing event or a guest appearance on a variety show, the type of events that increase his exposure,"     

"I agree!" Another executive officer echoed: "We can't let Yang Kun show weakness. In my opinion, the most important thing now is to let Yang Kun accumulate a little more popularity. As the public sees him more often, they will have a better impression of him. With this, Yang Kun's concert will be a breeze."     

"In addition, we can slightly reduce the ticket prices as part of a limited time offer. This should help boost ticket sales."     

"Yes, I agree."     

"I agree."     

Cao Feifei thought over their suggestions then said,"Fine then, let's just do as you've said. I will arrange some events for Yang Kun. Starting from tomorrow, begin the ticket sales."     


The next morning, HuaXiang Entertainment.     

Zhang Xiaohua was constantly pacing around his office, and from time to time glaring at his phone.     

Everything else was in place, all the equipment needed for the concert had been prepared. Even the tickets for the concert had been printed. They were now only waiting for Sun Qingdong's good news.     

But Sun Qingdong had seemingly turned into a ghost.     

At this moment, Mi Jia suddenly rushed into Zhang Xiaohua's office and said, "I've just received news that New Century has begun to sell Yang Kun's concert tickets and from what I'm hearing: the turnout was pretty good. What should we do? Do you want to begin selling the tickets for Adu's concert?"     

As soon as he heard this, Zhang Xiaohua became even more impatient.     

Of course he wanted to compete with New Century, but there was still no news from Sun Qingdong. Thus, Zhang Xiaohua didn't dare take this risk.     

In the event that the tickets for Adu's concert were sold in advance, and they didn't manage to get the Workers Stadium, the consequences would be unimaginable. They would definitely be investigated for fraud.     

Just as Zhang Xiaohua was beginning to feel helpless, his phone began to ring     

Seeing Sun Qingdong's name, Zhang Xiaohua instantly answered the call: "Hello, Mr. Sun, is there any news?"     

Sun Qingdong's voice came over the phone: "Sigh... Boss Zhang, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Things have become tricky over here. I've talked to the leaders of the Administration of Sports, but they are proving hard to convince. They are demanding more money in order to rent out the stadium.     

"I really want to help out more, but the association needs me back soon. We are losing out on a lot while I'm away. You know how it is. After all, we rely on donations in order to survive. So, I'll have to head back soon unless you could somehow help out the association and provide more money in order to negotiate with the Administration of Sports."     

Zhang Xiaohua was completely infuriated upon hearing this.     

What a bastard... He actually dragged his feet for so long just to come back and ask for more money.     

This was clearly a scheme. Sun Qindong was working with the Administration of Sports to squeeze money out of him. To hell with them being hard to convince! If Sun Qingdong put his mind to it, he could rent the stadium for free. With his connections to the NPC, who would dare stand in his way, let alone demand more money.     

Even though Zhang Xiaohua was fuming inside, he restrained himself. He was helpless.     

They had to get the Workers Stadium; otherwise, everything they had done so far would have been pointless.     

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