Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



4Adu slowly walked toward Ling Ming. She was standing in place with arms wide open, waiting for Adu. The two gave each other a warm hug, whilst they both smiled sweetly at each other. This hug was purely a hug between a brother and sister.     

Such a sentimental and intimate moment sent the crowd into hysterics The scene was boiling again.     

"Let's give a warm applause to the real power singer, and my sister in arms, Ling Ming. Thank you for being my guest, and thank you for bringing such a beautiful song!"     

Adu said full of gratitude.     

In an instant, the audience applauded, wholeheartedly thanking Ling Ming for such a wonderful performance.     

"You don't have to thank me. It's just that when I have a concert, you have to appear as my guest." Ling Ming said with a smile. Her sweet voice, cute accent, playful expression and charming smile sent the countless male fans on scene into a frenzy.     

If only they could take her home, what a good life it would be!     

Adu said with a beaming smile: "Of course I will."     

"Ok great! Now let's give the fans what they've been waiting for. The following song was created by the greatest musicians of the last century and written by the masterclass songwriter Mister Zhang Xiaohua. As me and Adu sing, I hope that the audience will also sing along with us.     

"The song is called 'Girl of Alishan!' "     


When they heard Ling Ming say the name of the song, all the audiences became spirited, erected their ears and stared at the two on stage. The entire stadium was silent.     

Everyone was extremely curious. What style of song would this "Girl of Alishan" be? What kind of story would it tell? What kind of picture would it depict?     

However, from the name of the song, it should be a slow and soothing song.     

At this time, with the shift of the spotlight, a hot and slender shadow entered the audience's sight making many male fans go wild.     

Among the gorgeous light curtains, Emma stood wearing a light white-purplish dress, her dress swayed in the wind while her distinct short blue hair was elegantly styled. She was glowing under the dazzling lights.     

The spotlight followed Emma as she slowly walked up to the front of a cello. After arriving before it, she lifted the bow beside it and smoothly ran it across the strings without any hesitation. Her body swayed with the smooth movements. It was a magical scene where the tender and soothing melody captivated everyone. Her elegant temperament was simply divine.     

Soon two other tunes sounded as Yuan Datong and Xiaohai joined in as well. They weren't to be outdone. As fellow musical madmen, they devoutly played their instruments. The sounds beautifully intertwined together.     

(Ling Ming)     

"Alpine green, blue water.     

The girls in Alishan are as elegant as water.     

The youths of Alishan are as strong as a mountain.     

"The girl and the boy will never be separated,     

The mountains are evergreen and the river is long and blue.     

The girl and the boy will never be separated,     

Ah, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh~~"     



"In time they saw that they were meant to be together     

And time passed, it went fast as they were still be together     

And wherever he went, she was at his side     

It was easy love, like a glove made for a hand     

"The girl and the boy will never be separated,     

The mountains are evergreen and the river is long and blue.     

The girl and the boy will never be separated,     

Ah, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh~"     



Oh Alishan Girl, what are you doing now?     

Oh Alishan Girl, where are you now?     

Oh Alishan Girl, do you still remember me even now?     

Up there in the heavens....     


"All together!"     

Ling Ming took the lead and walked towards the front row of the audience. She stood on the edge of the stage, holding the microphone in up high in one hand, constantly swaying it, so that the opposing audience responded collectively. Whils waving light sticks in hand, the huge stadium once again sang in unison....     


"Alpine green, blue water.     

The girls in Alishan are as elegant as water.     

The youths of Alishan are as strong as a mountain.     



"In time they saw that they were meant to be together     

And time passed, it went fast as they were still be together     

And wherever he went, she was at his side     

It was easy love, like a glove made for a hand     


Oh Alishan Girl, what are you doing now?     

Oh Alishan Girl, where are you now?     

Oh Alishan Girl, do you still remember me even now?     

Up there in the heavens....     


Under the leadership of Adu and Amei, 80,000 spectators at the scene once again formed a chorus.     

It was a spectacular scene.     


Tianhe Stadium,     

The audience had been waiting for more than half an hour in the chill of the wind, but Yang Kun still wasn't on stage yet.     

Behind the scenes, in the dressing room.     

Yang Kun was sitting in front of the dressing table with a lack of spirit. There was no desire to step on stage. Because, this wasn't the same as the concert in his fantasies.     

His coveted concert was full of enthusiastic fans eager to see him. Not despondent fans sulking because they couldn't get tickets elsewhere.     

The stadium could accommodate 30,000 spectators, but in the end, only 24,000 people ended up coming. With many not even being fans but New Century staff and their relatives.     

Under this circumstance, if Yang Kun was on stage, it would undoubtedly be self-deprecating.     

But even then, amidst those frauds were still many true fans.     


"For f**ks sake, it's been half an hour, when is Yang Kun coming out?"     

"Seriously, it's so cold but we are out here, but he is not coming out, this is too disrespectful!"     

"Exact, what the hell are they doing!? Dammit I bet it ain't like this at Adu's concert.     

"F**k! Don't even mention it, I'm still pissed that I couldn't get tickets?"     


As the concert didn't start, the audience's emotions gradually became impatient. As the voices condensed together, in his dressing room. Yang Kun could hear the impatient chants.     

"Why are you still here? Everyone is waiting for you, get up there quickly." A staff member from New Century rushed into the dressing room and said to Yang Kun in an annoyed tone.     

Obviously, nowadays, Yang Kun was no longer the untouchable star of the past. As the higher ups began to express their displeasure, the rest of the staff followed suit.     

To put it bluntly, after failing to sell out the stadium and due to the amount of money and effort that New Century had to put into this concert. The company was barely making any profit. As such, none of the higher ups were willing to touch this mess in fear of having the blame shifted onto them. Therefore, they pushed it onto their subordinates.     

This meant that these staff members also just wanted to get everything over with and go home to sleep in their nice warm beds. Anything was better than freezing in this stadium.     

Yang Kun's spirit was wilted and dejected.     

Since leaving HuaXiang Entertainment and moving into New Century, his fate seemed to be doomed.     

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