Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Making Moves

Making Moves

1All that was left was to wait for Zhou Yi to complete filming the music videos for Adu's songs, then they could make full use of Vimeo Net to promote Adu.     

Vimeo Net had already created a dedicated section for Adu and Ling Ming on the site. A professional team was responsible for the design, and it was no worse than QuoDuo's.     

They had just a little over a month left, Adu's concert was fast-approaching.     

Zhou Yi led the film crew non-stop, day and night, running around earnestly completing the tasks Zhang Xiaohua had handed him.     

Through his diligent efforts during this time, the music videos for the four songs;     




and Persevere to the end.     

Had been completed. Now the technical group was working overtime, actively carrying out post-production edits.     

Zhou Yi led the film crew to continue shooting the music video for the song "He Loves You." It was said to be half completed. It wouldn't be long before they were finished.     


Monday, 10 am.     

HuaXiang Entertainment, Conference Room.     

Zhang Xiaohua intended to rent the Workers' Stadium and begin the set up for the stage.     

However, the Workers' Stadium was a state-owned facility and was a dedicated venue for international events. Renting was nigh impossible. The Workers' Stadium was seen as a symbol of the country; you had to have the right connections and backing before even trying to rent the stadium and even then that could only increase your chances.     

When it came to connections, Xu Fengnian's various contacts naturally came into play, so Zhang Xiaohua wanted to give this task to Xu Fengnian.     

"Manager Xu, I want you to take charge in the project to rent the Workers Stadium. What do you think?" Zhang Xiaohua asked Xu Fengnian.     

Xu Fengnian couldn't help but grimace slightly.     

After all, the Workers' Stadium was a symbol of the country and a landmark of the capital. It was different from the Tianhe Stadium and belonged to the government.     

It was under the direct management of the General Administration of Sports. In order to rent it, in addition to having strong connections, the leaders of the General Administration had to agree as well.     

However, Xu Fengnian didn't really want to deal with the people of the Administration of Sports.     

But now, he couldn't ignore it.     

Since Zhang Xiaohua had set his hopes high, he had to try his best as well.     

"I will try my best but success or failure, will depend on God," said Xu Fengnian.     

"Do whatever you need to, spend however much you need. Don't be stingy. Even if we lose money, we have to take down New Century and Yang Kun down a peg," Zhang Xiaohua said filled with desire for vengeance.     

Without further ado, Xu Fengnian stood up and said, "I'll make some calls and see if I can get in touch with the leaders of the General Administration of Sports."     

"Go, I'll wait for news," Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile.     

After Xu Fengnian left, Mi Jia said with concern, "Boss, if we can't get the Workers' Stadium, won't our efforts this time have been in vain?"     

Qiu Ze also shared the same opinion and added: "Just in case, let's contact other stadiums first. We have to be prepared."     

Zhang Xiaohua laughed and said nothing. In his heart, there was no place more suitable than the Workers' Stadium for Adu's concert.     

If they couldn't get the Workers' Stadium then he would rather not do it.     

"You don't have to worry about this matter. Once we get the Workers' Stadium, we will need to begin construction for the stage. We don't have much time. Look for people to handle this for us."     

"Yes, boss, I will get on it," said Qiu Ze.     

Zhang Xiaohua looked over to Mi Jia and said, "Contact the brokerage company downstairs and ask them to help design the tickets for the concert. The prices range from 3500, 2500, 1500 yuan respectively. Also, arrange channels for ticket sales. This time, we need at least 20 ticket points."     

"Boss, I heard that the fare for Yang Kun concert was 4,000 yuan. Isn't ours a bit too cheap?"     

"They may make more but that depends on whether they manage to sell them or not," Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile     

"When New Century starts selling tickets, we will compete with them. We will see who will have the last laugh in the end."     

Looking at Zhang Xiaohua's confident face, Mi Jia was once again persuaded.     

Although she did not know where Zhang Xiaohua got such confidence from, she knew that Zhang Xiaohua's decisions had proven correct so far. So she decided to follow his orders.     

"I understand, then I'll get busy," Mi Jia said before leaving.     

Zhang Xiaohua glanced at Yuan Datong and smiled: "You have been working hard recently. You should take a good rest for these few days. Raise your spirits and prepare for the concert. You will be performing as a live band."     

"What about you? Don't you want to take a break?" Emma asked with concern.     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and waved his hand, but the smile on his face couldn't conceal his physical exhaustion.     


New Release Schedule is 4:00 pm (UTC) on:     

- Sunday     

- Wednesday     

- Friday     

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