Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Last Wishes

Last Wishes

4Zhang Shaofang explained: "You have changed now, but remember that you weren't always this responsible. Your father did what he thought was best for us at the time. He had no idea things would turn out like this. New Century was the lifeblood of your father, he was afraid it would be destroyed in your hands, after all you were young and stuck in your rebellious stage. Cao Dequan was a friend at the time, or so it seemed to your father. He had no need to question his character, he had known him since childhood plus neither me or you had experience in business. With Cao Daquan in charge, there was a greater chance of things turning around for the better. Plus, with the 4% shares, even if you decided to never work, you could still lead a stable life without too many worries."     

Zhang Xiaohua nodded.     

They continued to chat for a while till Zhang Shaofeng became tired and drifted off to sleep.     

Seeing his mother asleep, Zhang Xiaohua began frowning.     

Liu Yan still showed no signs of improvement. On the contrary, her condition was getting worse.     

Zhang Xiaohua was in a chaotic mood. He wanted to do something for Liu Yan, but he couldn't think of anything to help, he could only wait and see.     

Just then, a nurse came to the ward and whispered to Zhang Xiaohua: "Ms. Liu Yan has just woken up, you can go see her."     

Zhang Xiaohua jumped up with shock and joy and went to Liu Yan's ward.     

Just arriving at Liu Yan's ward, several doctors happened to come out from it. Zhang Xiaohua immediately went forward and asked: "How is the patient's condition? Is she awake? Are her conditions controlled?"     

Several doctors shook their heads collectively, all of them were helpless: "The patient's wounds have deteriorated too fast, the infection has invaded the patient's internal organs. At present, the cardiopulmonary functions of the patient is declining. We can only use drugs to try slow down the rate of infection. You have to be mentally prepared!"     

Listening to the doctor's words, the fire of hope that had just filled Zhang Xiaohua was instanly put out.     

Liu Yan couldn't even leave this sterile ward. Once she came out, she would probably catch a secondary infection and her life would be exhausted in an instant.     

Now, whether it was a doctor or Zhang Xiaohua, it seemed that the only thing they could do was wait for death to come and take Liu Yan's soul away.     

"The patient has just woken up but the patient's mind is still not so clear. You need to get into a sterile suit to see her but you can't stay too long because the patient is still weak."     

Zhang Xiaohua put on a sterile suit and carefully walked into Liu Yan's ward, under the leadership of the nurse.     

Slowly going to the bedside and looking at Liu Yan's bloodless face, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but clench his fists.     

She had worked tirelessly for half a lifetime and saved someone's life, and this is what she got...     

Why did such a good person have to suffer like this while those evil guys who committed crimes like **** and murder go on to live long lives?     

Gently holding Liu Yan's soft and weak hand, Zhang Xiaohua leaned over and tried to restrain the tears that swirled in his eyelids. He said softly: "Liu Yan, I am here, how are you doing?"     

Liu Yan, opened her eyes but stayed motionless, just looking at the white ceiling with a smile.     

"Liu Yi"     

Turning and looking around the ward, Liu Yan began repeating 'Liu Yi'.     

She looked around, urgently calling for Liu Yi.     

Zhang Xiaohua was lost as to who 'Liu Yi' was, but no matter who this 'Liu Yi' was she must be a very important person to Liu Yan!     

Zhang Xiaohua closed his eyes and concentrated all his spirit on recovering any memories on Liu Yi. He finally had a face flash across his mind...     

It was a memory of a teenage girl with a double bun hairstyle. Her appearance was similar to that of Liu Yan. If Zhang Xiaohua remembered correctly, this girl should be Liu Yan's daughter, the "Liu Yi" that she was calling.     

Zhang Xiaohua understood now why Liu Yan was like this. Her wanting to see her daughter was natural, but her daughter was studying abroad, plus the relationship between the two had deteriorated over the years.     

Zhang Xiaohua, seeing her so frail, decided to meet Liu Yan's wishes and bring her daughter to her side. This was the best thing he could do for her.     

"Liu Yan, you can rest assured that your daughter will be here soon." After that, Zhang Xiaohua gently let go of Liu Yan's cold hand, helped cover her with a quilt, and then left the ward. He took off the sterile suit and went straight to Zhang Shaofang's ward.     

Time was tight, Zhang Xiaohua rushed off to get information about Liu Yan's daughter from his mother.     

Even though Zhang Shaofang was still asleep, Zhang Xiaohua had to wake her up.     

Not waiting for Zhang Shaofang to fully wake up, Zhang Xiaohua asked urgently: "Mum, do you know where Liu Yan's daughter is now? How can I contact her?"     

Zhang Shaofang widened her eyes and asked: "What happened? Is something wrong with Liu Yan?"     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled slightly, concealed the urgency in his heart, and lied calmly: "Nothing, but Liu Yan said that she hasn't seen her daughter for a long time."     

Zhang Shaofang was puzzled and asked. "Why doesn't Liu Yan directly tell you the contact information then? Why are you asking me?"     

Zhang Xiaohua's face changed slightly, but he quickly concealed it.     

"Liu Yan doesn't want to affect her school work and make her worry, but I can see that she misses her daughter very much. You at least have me here, but Liu Yan is alone. I feel like it would be nice to reunite them. What's more, they have been estranged for a while. We can use Liu Yan's hospitalization to get her daughter to come back. Maybe, after they meet, they can fix their relationship. After all, blood is thicker than water."     

Zhang Shaofang nodded her head: "She is now studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is studying business management. I heard she also majored in law. That girl has always been hardworking, she relied on a scholarship to be self-reliant. Actually, she should be graduating this year. The phone number she left is 328-330-5678. I don't know if she has changed it, but you can try it."     

"Okay, thanks, you have a good rest, I will deal with the rest." Zhang Xiaohua said and quickly left the ward, avoiding Zhang Shaofang's gaze. He immediately took out his phone and dialed the number directly.     

There came a beautiful female voice over the phone: "Hello."     

"Hello, I'm Zhang Xiaohua..."     

"Beep beep..."     

As Zhang Xiaohua was about to speak, he heard the sound of the line cutting.     

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the phone screen, puzzled...     

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