Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Helping Out

Helping Out

2Hearing footsteps approaching, she couldn't help but look up and see Zhang Xiaohua's face. Her face turned red, her shame was difficult to hide.     3

She had previously told Zhang Xiaohua that her profession was a lawyer, but now here she was.     

"What are you doing? Hurry up and apologize to Boss Zhang!" The lobby manager, thinking that Zhang Xiaohua was here to reprimand Zhao Zilin's because of the incident just now, hurriedly urged Zhao Zilin to apologize.     

Zhao Zilin was aggrieved and kept silent with her head bowed, waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to reprimand her and embarrass her.     

But Instead of speaking to her, Zhang Xiaohua unexpectedly turned to the lobby manager. He called for the hotel owner in a cold voice and said: "Fire him or we will leave."     

The hotel owner was stunned, the lobby manager had been working here for years.     

So she rushed to change the topic and said with a smile: "Boss, if you've been offended because of the girl, then I can replace her."     

Zhang Xiaohua became impatient and said full of anger: "She is my friend, now my friend is being bullied, but you want to fire her? I want this lobby manager gone. Are you going to do it, or not?"     

Seeing that Zhang Xiaohua was getting angry, the hotel owner panicked.     

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, the hotel owner rushed to the point, pointing to the lobby manager, she said: "You're fired."     

The lobby manager wanted to burst into tears.     

Zhao Zilin was shocked.     

Why was he being so kind and helpful?     

He must have a conspiracy!     

After being under the same roof for so many years, Zhao Zilin understood Zhang Xiaohua.     

In her impression, Zhang Xiaohua was a cloaked beast. He was always planning evil against others.     

Therefore, Zhao Zilin was sure that regardless of the reason why Zhang Xiaohua was being so good to her, it was definitely for some impure purpose.     

Placing on a kind expression, Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile: "How are you? Why are you working here? If you need a job, you can tell me. Also, Liu Yan misses you very much. Recently, she often recites your name. And my mother misses you too, I hope you can see her."     

"I like working here, I don't need your help, if I want to find a job I do so by myself. Don't try to play this compassionate crap with me, I know what you're like. Stop trying to use my mother's illness against me or you'll see what I'll do to you!"     

Sighing, Zhang Xiaohua turned and said to the hotel owner: "You heard her, right? Since she wants to work here, she can stay. But I don't want her to be a welcome lady, can you help with this?"     

"Yes." The hotel owner nodded, and then showed a smiling face to Zhao Zilin. She said: "Since this lady is a friend of Boss Zhang, naturally we must treat her well, I'll make her the manager of the reception department. As long as she's willing, she can take office at any time."     

Zhao Zilin was getting confused. Her mind was filled with conflicting emotions and thoughts.     

But remembering the day four years ago, remembering the atrocities that the beast had committed against her that day, Zhao Zilin firmed her heart.     

A beast will always be a beast, even if they wore human skin, he couldn't hide his poisonous heart.     

He must be faking it!     

Thinking about this, Zhao Zilin took a big stride forward, pushed past Zhang Xiaohua in front of her and walked out the door of the hotel. She didn't look back at all.     

Zhang Xiaohua was stunned and felt an urge to chase, but seeing her so emotional, he didn't want to make matters worse.     

"Is her luggage here?" asked Zhang Xiaohua.     

"Yes, it should be in the dormitories." said the hotel owner.     

"Since her luggage is still here, she should be back!" said Zhang Xiaohua thinking up a plan in his heart.     

"Who is that girl? The boss seems to care about her..." Emma asked curiously.     

"If I am not mistaken, she should be Liu Yi, the daughter of Liu Yan who donated the kidney. I heard that she went abroad to study four years ago, I guess she just returned." Yuan Datong had heard about Zhao Zilin before, but he wasn't very familiar with her, he only knew a little.     

"Ah! Really?" The crowd exclaimed, and then they joined the discussion...     

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