Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



3On the sidewalk, the group walked having left empty-handed, everyone felt cheated and unsatisfied.     

"This was such a waste of time" Yuan Datong said with a sigh.     

"Yes what was even the point of inviting us anyway!" Emma grumbled listlessly.     

Xiaohai, Haozi, Jimmy and Jack were also dejected.     

In addition to Zhang Xiaohua, only Ling Ming was still cheerful at this moment. She smiled and said: "Don't be like this. Just cause we didn't win this year, doesn't mean we can't next year. Haven't heard failure is the mother of success. Without the bitterness of failure, how can you know the joy of success? Anyway, I have confidence in myself, have confidence in the boss, and have confidence in you guys!"     

Listening to Ling Ming's words, everyone finally felt a bit happier.     

Speaking of it, in fact, the person who lost out the most tonight was Ling Ming.     

In terms of her achievements, whether it was the best singer award, the best female singer award or the best newcomer award she deserved them all.     

However, she didn't even win a single award tonight.     

"Ming'er, aren't you angry? Tonight, even those third-rate singers won awards." Emma said indignantly.     

Ling Ming smiled and said, "I used to be a street performer. I used to be look down on by people everywhere. Now not only do I have my own songs but also my own fans and I have my own house a place to call home in this city. The most important thing is that I have made great friends along the way whom I can go through thick and thin with. With all this why would I need some stupid award, I have enough decorations on my wall already."     

Hearing this everyone couldn't help but smile this was true contentment and happiness.     

Before they had struggled just to make ends meet, music had always been for fun for them they had never thought about making money from music, and they never thought about making music for any award. In the past, everyone got together, just because they loved music.     

Thanks to Ling Ming , everyone suddenly became cheerful and the mood was immediately uplifted.     

Looking at the satisfied smiles on everyone's face, Zhang Xiaohua felt pleased.     

If only Yang Kun also understood this principle of "contentment and happiness", if he could be as sensible as Ling Ming, then Zhang Xiaohua would be over the moon.     


Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but glance around, trying to find Yang Kun's figure, to enlighten him and save him from embarking on the road of no return.     

"Yang Kun?" Zhang Xiaohua questioned.     

Everyone looked around only to find out that Yang Kun wasn't with the team at all. As for where he went, no one knew.     

"Strange, where did this kid run off to? I thought he was following us."     

"He probably went home but why didn't he tell us. I feel like he is getting more and more out of hand!"     

Everyone spoke up and expressed strong dissatisfaction with Yang Kun.     

"Xiao-Hua, you need to discipline Yang Kun and get him in check now before it gets worse." Yuan Datong said seriously.     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled bitterly and felt helpless in his heart.     

But no matter what, before Yang Kun canceled the contract with the company, he was an artist of HuaXiang Entertainment. As the boss, Zhang Xiaohua still had to manage him.     

Taking out his phone, Zhang Xiaohua personally gave Yang Kun a call, intending to call him over find a place to have a drink and talk things out.     


Yang Kun stood at the doors of Star Hotel. At this time, he was constantly looking around, as if he was looking for someone or waiting for someone.     

When he heard the phone ringing, Yang Kun took a look and saw Zhang Xiaohua calling. He immediately pressed the reject button and continued to look around.     

On the other side, Zhang Xiaohua listening to the ringing was sent to voicemail realizing this he couldn't help but burst into flames.     

"Boss, did he actually just send you to voicemail" Emma said shocked. When Yang Kun first saw Zhang Xiaohua, he didn't have such an attitude. Now, in just a few short months, he dared to not put Zhang Xiaohua in his eyes.     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled helplessly.     

"Boss, do you think Yang Kun will betray us like Wang Jingwen?" Emma asked in amazement.     

Zhang Xiaohua however didn't answer Emma's question. At the moment, he just smiled and said: "Let's go find somewhere to eat."     

Yuan Datong suddenly giggled and said generously: "I will cover this one."     

Zhang Xiaohua couldn't believe it. He looked at Yuan Datong with suspicion and said: "When did you become so generous?"     

Yuan Datong laughed and said: "Don't forget, you just promised Sun Qingdong, that you would donate 5 million to the Music Association. I doubt you can afford to pay."     

Zhang Xiaohua turned to him and said seriously: "I said I would donate 5 million in the name of the company, I didn't say I was gonna use my own money."     

Emma: "..."     


Hoazi: "..."     

Jimmy: "..."     

Jack: "..."     

Ling Ming: "..."     

Zhang Xiaohua: "What why are you all looking at me like that"     

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