Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

The Concert (1)

The Concert (1)

1October 1st, National Day.     4

7:30 in the evening, the Tianhe Stadium was already crowded with people. The queue extended all the way around the block, causing serious traffic congestion along the road to the stadium.     

Inadvertently, the relevant departments had to send people to maintain order, so the police was dispatched to standby at the scene in case of any accidents.     

Tens of thousands of fans were holding tickets, some were also holding light sticks in their hands, and others were holding up posters of Ling Ming, all waiting to enter.     

The issue was in the fans who didn't have tickets but came to squat outside the gymnasium, hoping to see Ling Ming entering.     

Some stood outside trying to buy tickets second-hand, they even offered triple the original price to buy the tickets, but unfortunately no one was willing to sell. This concert was one of the grandest events of the year after all.     

There were also many music companies who held a learning attitude and organized a group to come watch the concert. Some of them were contemporary singers, but many were musicians who wanted to get a chance to hear Ling Ming's music live.     

The security personnel of Hurricane Security was in the scene already. There were security guards placed every two meters around the stage, standing on the sidelines.     

Photographers, lighting engineers, and sound engineers were all ready. Zhang Xiaohua walked around just inspecting the scene and making a final checkup.     

Ling Ming arrived three hours in advance, and now she was getting her makeup done.     

In order to start off the concert on a high note, Ling Ming's first song was "Standing By". Therefore, Ling Ming was dressed very casually: on her upper body she wore a leather black vest with a half-sleeve black T-shirt inside, her legs were covered by black leather pants and her hair was tied up with a shawl. She looked extremely heroic.     

By 8 o'clock in the evening, the Tianhe Stadium was packed.     

At this time, everyone focused on the large stage in the middle of the stadium. This was the first time they had seen such a large stage. The layout was reasonable, no matter which angle you were at, the stage could be seen. Even if the audience in the back row couldn't see clearly, they could watch through the LED display above.     

Looking at the ultra-luxury stage and the massive crowd, many of the musicians who came to the scene were stunned. Those singers wearing hats and masks were even more envious and hateful. They felt an itch to be in such a stage, performing for such a large crowd.     

"Everyone, get in postilion! Ming'er will appear in five minutes, turn off all the lights on the stage." In the monitoring room, Zhang Xiaohua said through the wireless walkie-talkie.     

In an instant, the entire stadium became dark before turning into a fluorescent ocean of countless glow sticks which were swaying in the air. Thousands of fans were screaming and calling the same name:     

"Ling Ming! Ling Ming! Ling Ming! Ling Ming..."     

The fans outside the stadium, hearing the chants, also started to chant.     

"All department report in."     

"The band is ready."     

"The photography team is ready."     

"The lighting team is ready."     

"Audio team is ready."     

"The security team is in place."     

"Dancers team is ready."     

"The special effects team is ready."     

"Ling Ming is already in the lift up to the stage!"     

"Okay, let's get started!"     

With the announcement of Zhang Xiaohua, the concert officially began!     


The instrumental started but the light still stayed off. Hearing the instrumental, the audience quietened down!     

The 20,000 fans held their breath and calmed down, concentrating their attention on the stage. They hoped for the lights to turn on as soon as possible, so that Ling Ming could be seen!     

"Manifestation on the horizon;     

The battle has begun;     

Angels fighting angels..."     

Suddenly, the whole scene lit up like a rising sun as Ling Ming slowly rose up to the center of the stage.     

Under the hands of Xiaohai, the sound of the electronic guitar rang softly, the volume gradually growing. Then, came the thumping of the drums resounding from Jack, soon followed by Yuan Datong and the rest who jumped in with their instruments, interweaving a familiar melody. The crowd jumped up from the seats screaming.     

"The rolling Castle Peak hundred miles long;     

Green mountains piercing through the cloud;     

Rolling Castle Peak hundred miles long;     

She stands at the top waiting for the final battle.     

Green hills high piercing through the clouds;     

There stands a brave woman waiting;     

This was the place he used to stand;     

Standing at the top, she prepared to defeat her past lover."     


Ling Ming sang along with the music, instantly sending the audience into a frenzy. The TSD dancers danced in a traditional Chinese fashion, dressed as warriors. They swayed around Ling Ming, who was lifted up on to a platform, like an army protecting its general, before splitting up and making a path for her. Ling Ming swang her long flowing hair in the wind, twirling towards another dancer. She caught a prop spear and began her choreography while singing. Swaying her waist lightly, she radiated the aura of a warrior, the male audience on the scene was entranced, falling into dreams of getting on the stage. Even if they died at Ling Ming's feet, they would be willingly!     

The fans began chanting and dancing along with the songs, they were desperately waving the light sticks in their hands, shouting in unison.     

They had successfully opened the concert with a bang, overturning the crowd!     

As the song came to an end, Ling Ming raised her voice. She actually picked up a high pitch and danced with the music in a humming manner. The band immediately changed the melody and fully cooperated with Ling Ming in harmony. At this moment, the whole stadium had become an ocean of dancing fans, the sound of screams were endless.     

"The final battle at the foot of Qingqing. Heroes once in love fighting to claim the world, our story was always full of battles ohhh how we used to love each other...hh, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh, oh, oh"     

At the end of the song, the special effects team immediately detonated the fireworks around the stage, causing screams of hysteria from the fans...     

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