Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



3Watching from the door of the VIP box, Yuan Datong and the rest watched the show with great interest.      2

In the private room, Zhang Xiaohua was drinking, his face was red. His eyes were glazed, showing that he was drunk through and through.     

Struggling to stand up, he walked towards the door but suddenly felt dizzy.     

Xu Fengnian turned and rushed up to help him, stabilizing Zhang Xiaohua's figure and helping him slowly walk out of the private room.     

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua already drunk, Yuan Datong and Xiaohai stopped watching the scene and moved. They hurriedly help Zhang Xiaohua up, grabbing both his left and right arms.     

They walked downstairs, heading for the exit. On their way past the bar, Wang Jingwen suddenly blinked as if seeing her savior, she subconsciously shouted: "Boss!"     

Following Wang Jingwen's gaze, Ling Feng turned around and saw Zhang Xiaohua. Instantly, his attention was concentrated on Zhang Xiaohua.     

"Fuck, stop him!"     

Ling Feng reached out and pointed at Zhang Xiaohua. Under one command, his bodyguards immediately rushed over, blocking the road in front of Zhang Xiaohua and his entourage.     

Seeing the situation wasn't good, Emma sneakily took out her phone and quickly dialled Xiong Zhuang...     

"What are you trying to do?" Xu Fengnian glanced at the retinues around him and asked with a deep voice.     

The bodyguards didn't answer, but they were looking fierce and sinister, obviously waiting for Ling Feng's order.     

They were all trained by Ling Feng and were usually responsible for the personal safety of Ling Feng. Being mixed in with Ling Feng, they slowly became idle rouges, they were no different from street thugs.     

But at this moment, in Yuan Datong's heart, the most annoying thing to him wasn't the dogs blocking him nor Ling Feng, but Wang Jingwen.     

He hadn't seen such a shameless woman before. She was the one who quit and left, she even dared to speak out against the company. Now that she was in trouble, she called for Zhang Xiaohua. She just had to drag others down with her.     

"You are going to let us go, or I will call the police." Xu Fengnian looked at the entourage in front of him and warned.     

Although Xu Fengnian did not know what kind of grievances there was between Zhang Xiaohua and Ling Feng, since the other party showed evil intent, Xu Fengnian came forward with a tough attitude.     

After so many years in the scene, he had seen a lot, so he naturally didn't fear the threats from a few gangsters. However, Zhang Xiaohua was absolutly drunk, he couldn't even stand still stably. If the other party really caused trouble, it would be difficult to ensure that Zhang Xiaohua would be safe and sound. To this end, Xu Fengnian could only try to delay time for Xiong Zhuang to arrive.     

"Report to the police if you want. I'm the goddamn the king of this city!" Ling Feng roared. Walking up to Zhang Xiaohua, Ling Feng showed a dismissive smile: "Do you still remember this young master?"     

"Stupid ~" Zhang Xiaohua, intentionally or unintentionally, burped midway through his sentence straight into Ling Feng's face, his face was still full of a drunken smirk.     


Yuan Datong and several people laughed.     

They really didn't know if this kid really was drunk or just faking it.     

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua's smirk and the laughter around him. Ling Feng lost it: "I heard that you used to like Feifei before, but now your woman is nothing more than a toy for me to play with. How do you like the feeling of getting c****d by that s**t? Do you wanna know how I play with your woman every day? She gets down on her knees for me everytime I see her. If I tell her to her stand, she doesn't dare to lie down. When I get behind her, she raises that pretty little ass of hers for me to enjoy. In fact, I could even make a video and send it to you."     

Listening to him, a huge and inexplicable rage built up inside Zhang Xiaohua. He felt as if he was losing control of his body. He couldn't explain it, he couldn't care less about Cao Feifei but it was as if something was tugging away at him. The humiliation of being taunted in front of his friends and employees. The idea of being looked down on and being humiliated still by those richer than him even after being reborn. Then, it happened. As if he had blacked out, he was forced to the deepest confines of his mind and his body moved…     

Getting rid of Yuan Datong and Xiaohai's support. He stepped back two steps and leaned back on the bar. Barely stabilized his crumbling body, he grabbed a bottle from under the counter ledge and lunged forward aiming at Ling Feng's head...     


Ling Feng couldn't react in time. He only heard a loud bang in the moment the bottle shattered on his head and saw the glass pieces shooting into the air. The blood red wine mixed in with his scarlet blood was slowly flowing down his forehead.     

There was absolute silence!     

Everyone held their breaths dumbfounded.     

Ling Feng stood in the same place in shock.     

After a while, Ling Feng slowly raised his hand and wiped his head, and when he put the blood-stained palm in front of his eyes, he suddenly shook.     

" hit me?" Ling Feng's face was incredulous, his eyes were filled with a mix of shock and fear looking up at Zhang Xiaohua in front of him.     

Zhang Xiaohua's face was full of pride. His gaze following the blood as it dripped off Ling Feng.     

"Kill him!" Roared Ling Feng at his guards who stood there dumbfounded.     

Seeing them standing there still. He roared again: "I said kill him god damn it, what are you doing, kill this kid, I will take responsibility!"     

Just as the guards were about to swarm, there came a thunderous shout: "Who ever f**cking dares make a move against our boss, I will immediately abolish them!"     

Everyone looked to the sound and saw a large number of people rushing into the bar wildly, at least 30 people. Each one had a tall and muscular frame.     

They entered the bar and immediately formed an encirclement around Ling Feng's group. Xiong Zhuang walked up to Xiao-Hua and placed his body in front of Zhang Xiaohua like a mountain, his pair of sharp and sturdy tiger eyes glared at Ling Feng.     

At the sight of this group, Ling Feng's bodyguards involuntarily moved closer to each other, eventually shrinking into tight circle.     

They were absolutely outnumbered.     

Zhang Xiaohua was already in a state of drunkenness. At this time, when he saw the reinforcements rushing in, he stood taller and said: "So, do you want to continue your passionate story about Cao Feifei? I can give you a mic and you can get on the stage. Hahahaha!"     

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua's smug look, Ling Feng was filled with pure unadulterated hate and anger. He had never been treated like this before, let alone having someone lay a hand on him like tonight.     

If revenge wasn't enacted, then he wasn't the Prince of Jinsheng Group.     

"You remember me, this isn't over!" Ling Feng screamed, his cold snake-like eyes glared into Zhang Xiaohua.     

"You and that b**tch are so similar, she said the exact same thing, can you change up your pattern please for god sake. But today I am in a good mood, so I will give you three seconds to roll out of here before I break your legs."     

Although his heart was unwilling, the other side had a lot more people. If he continued to make trouble, he would only be asking for it.     

At Ling Feng's departure, Wang Jingwen was relieved. Originally, she thought that she would be robbed tonight and she would definitely be killed by Ling Feng. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaohua appeared to save her.     

"Boss, thank you!" Wang Jingwen said as she approached Zhang Xiaohua.     

Not waiting for Wang Jingwen to continue, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly turned his eyes and looked at Wang Jingwen with a disdainful look. His mouth was covered with a cold smile. At this moment, in the eyes of Wang Jingwen, Zhang Xiaohua looked even more terrifying than Ling Feng.     

"Remember, I'm not your goddamn boss. Next time you call me that again, I will have you destroyed!" Zhang Xiaohua issued a severe warning to Wang Jingwen.     

Wang Jingwen stumbled backwards and nodded.     

"Hurry up and leave." Emma said with a sigh.     

If it weren't for, her so many things could have been avoided. Now Zhang Xiaohua had attacked Ling Feng because of her. The Jinsheng Group was bound to retaliate in his defence.     

Seeing that she had attracted public anger, Wang Jingwen didn't dare to stay longer. She left the bar at the fastest speed, disappearing without a trace.     

"Manager Yuan, send Xiao-Hua back now and I will deal with the rest." Xu Fengnian said to Yuan Datong. The person who was beaten by Zhang Xiaohua today was the grandson of Jinsheng Group, this matter was far from finished. It was time to prepare for all possible scenarios.     

Yuan Datong also knew that the situation was dire. Grabbing Xiao-Hua, he forced him out of the bar.     

Xu Fengnian looked at Xiong Zhuang again and sighed, it would seem he would have to use this card earlier than they had planned: "I need you to go to the nearby police station and…surrender."     

Xiong Zhuang listened attentively, and he soon understood the meaning of Xu Fengnian. He wanted him to help Zhang Xiaohua out and plead guilty in his place.     

Zhang Xiaohua had just gained some achievements, but the company was still in the development stages, so their reputation was vital. If Zhang Xiaohua was brought to court, let alone indicted, they would take a severe hit.     

The most important thing is that the Jinsheng Group had strong political ties with people who had the ability to turn black into white.     

Therefore, as long as Xiong Zhuang went to the police station to surrender and claimed that he was the one who wounded Ling Feng, then Zhang Xiaohua would be safe. In the future, even if Jinsheng Group asked the relevant departments to pursue Zhang Xiaohua, they would have no grounds.     

Xiong Zhuang was indifferent. Anyway, he was not a celebrity. He wasn't afraid of eating a lawsuit nor was he afraid of ruining his reputation.The whole company relied on him.     

"Administrative detention for 15 days is nothing. Even if they push hard, at most its a few months." Said Xiong Zhuang, smiling as he left the bar, heading for a nearby police station.     

"Emma, I'll trouble you to spread rumors online that the security manager of HuaXiang Entertainment and Ling Feng of the Jinsheng Group got into a misunderstanding at the Rose Bar tonight and that Ling Feng was slightly injured. Try to spread the word as much as possible." Xu Fengnian told Emma.     

"Why?" Emma didn't understand. Wasn't this bound to make them look bad?     

"Don't ask so many questions, okay? Just do what I said, I'll explain later." Xu Fengnian said, slightly frustrated.     

"Okay, I will go back and organize the manpower to ensure that this matter will be out tomorrow." Emma said and left.     

Xu Fengnian led the security department's people into the bar manager's office and then forced him to hand over the surveillance videos.     

At this point, Xu Fengnian couldn't help but breathe out a sigh at the thought of what was to come…     

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